Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: Shocked Lilith

"Get a good boat, and I will call you down later."

The mask on Ye Chen’s face was not taken off, but the eyes and long hair that were revealed at this time had already stunned Lilith, and it was impossible to imagine what a handsome face was under the mask.

Ignore the person outside, Ye Chen directly into the kitchen of the luxury yacht, everything!

It is truly the most exclusive yacht, all stoves and countertops are the most advanced and luxurious.


With a kitchen knife pulling out the sound of the tool box, Ye Chen started his own cooking. After a few days of eating, I was a little greasy, and I made a few small dishes to taste.


Listening to the intensive and sensational voice, Lily has shrunk her neck, Huaxia chef!

This kind of sound is only the knife that the great chef of China can have. Generally, the chefs of other countries cook with a kitchen knife and simply draw a few strokes. How can this kind of superb knife work?

"Okay, don't do it too hard."

Shouting at Ye Chen, Lilith returned to the cockpit and concentrated on opening her yacht, and then went to the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, even if the instructions on the peripheral dashboard began to fluctuate slightly. .

Listening to Lilith's shouting, a little laugh on the face of Dong Yunzi and Dong Yangzi, don't be too unpalatable?

Don't be too delicious?

In the past two days, they followed the young masters, but they had a lot of light. The slim figure of the original fairy bones also grew a few pounds of meat.

"Silver Moon, Rhubarb, Xiaobai, Erhuang are all out to play, have you not taken a boat yet?"

Ye Chen smiled and released his pets. Although he took the pets to the island and saw the sea, it was the first time they took the boat.

"Ye Chen, get me back, I am seasick..."

Who knows that the silver moon that just came out suddenly snarled with a few swaying of the hull.

"Hey? You are a master of the game, and you are seasick, saying that it’s a shame to go out, the best treatment for seasickness and motion sickness, and it’s better to spit out..."

Ye Chen’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise, but immediately this silky surprise was replaced by a bad laugh.

"Don't... I want to go back to the farm..."

With a few miserable meows in the silver moon, rhubarb leaked a smirk on their faces...



"What is this? Good fragrance."

After a while, Ye Chen called everyone. Because the yacht was relatively large, Ye Chen's pets rushed to the lower level to play, and Lilith had just come in and did not see them.

Looking at the delicate dishes on the table, she asked with amazement.

She has not eaten these dishes. Chinese food is not very popular here. Lilith has never been to it.

“Laver egg soup, cabbage stewed noodles, egg fried rice and watermelon juice.”

One dish, one rice, one soup, and a glass of juice. It’s really too greasy recently. Ye Chen’s make it clear, it’s just the oil in the belly.

"Can this thing eat?"

Looking at the small bowl of clear soup, there are only a few seaweed soups with seaweed and egg-flower floating. Lilith asked wonderingly, their beautiful people like to drink soup, sweet and salty, which is simply It’s water...

However, this water fell in the white bowl of blue and white porcelain bowls, it is really beautiful, crystal clear and very good grade. There is also a piece of gold-colored stuff, which is awkward?

Does rice have this color?

There are also silky and translucent vermicelli cut, which is the first time she has seen it.

As for the last watermelon juice, she often drinks, but she is somewhat disappointed with these things.

Although it smells good, but there is no flesh, she is a carnivorist, the kind of meatless.

I thought that the morning of this morning and the food made by this gas field would be different. It was just this level.

"I knew that I would go into the kitchen and get a hamburger and eat it..."

Lilith muttered and prepared to drill into the kitchen, but suddenly she swayed, and Dong Yunzi and Dongyangzi were sitting at the table like a wind, and watching the food on a table actually missed the infinite desire.

“Is it delicious?”

Lilith was shocked by the speed of Dongyangzi and Dongyunzi, master!

However, after the reaction, I looked at the two masters. From their desire, they can see their desire and yearning for these foods.

Are these two old men hungry for a long time without seeing food?

Lilith looked at the other person from the inside and her eyes, and the masters usually stayed in the deep forest, perhaps for a long time, they had not eaten a decent meal.

"Love not to eat, not to eat just for us."

Dong Yangzi looked at Lilith with a contemptuous look. The food that the Lord did was hesitant. Is this stupid stupid?

"Hey, eat and eat!"

The scorn of Li Dongsi, who was scorned by the cave, stopped the walk to the kitchen. The nature of the cat family was curious. Although she did not have much hope for these foods, it was always possible to taste it.

Ye Chen smiled and watched the noise of several people. By the way, he went into the kitchen and went to get a few cups. After drinking watermelon juice, Dongyangzi must drink. He knows the two old people who are so drunk. It is.


Before the meal, everyone generally had the habit of drinking water first. Lilith took the glass of watermelon juice and took a sip. The mouth of Lilith was suddenly stunned.

"This... how is this possible..."

Suspiciously looked down at the watermelon juice in the cup. Just that one bite down, a sweet, mellow watermelon suddenly spread from Lily's mouth to the belly.

Cool but very refreshing!

I felt that five million pores in the whole body were instantly hit, and it was so delicious! ! !

“Is this watermelon juice that I have been drinking all the time?”

Let's go~

Just as Lilith was still in shock, the sizzling sound from her ear awakened her, and stared at the two old men like a starving ghost, Lilith was dumbfounded.

Have these two people not eaten for several years?

Looking at the cabbage stewed at the speed of the naked eye, Lilith curiously dug a spoon.

At this time, Ye Chen had already sat back and took the mask on her face, but Lilith's attention was completely attracted by the food, and she did not notice him.

"Wow! What is this? How is it so delicious!"

The reason why Ye Chen cut the cabbage into silk is that Lilith does not use chopsticks, and it is convenient to use a spoon or a fork with cabbage.

As the cabbage stewed into the mouth, Lilith screamed to pierce other people's ears.

"Too delicious, what is this?"

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