Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: swirl

"We are coming, you are coming to the dashboard!"

Lilith pointed to the dashboard on the console in the control room. Ye Chen and Kong Yangzi and others rushed to the control room, and the pointer on the dashboard began to frantically rotate.

"Less master, it should be coming soon. I feel a familiar feeling with the brothers of Dongyangzi. It feels like a summoning. This feeling is also when we first came out."

The shadows of Dong Yunzi and Dong Yangzi flashed a little, and the closer they were to the seabed pyramid, the stronger the feeling.

On the one side, Lilith doubted listening to the conversations of several people.

The system is now: a giant whirlpool is found ten kilometers ahead. Please pay attention! Please pay attention to avoiding!

"Lilith, there is a giant vortex in the front ten kilometers, we have to go around."

Ye Chen's face suddenly changed, the system's detection never went wrong, although the various indicators and radar of the instrument panel can no longer be used, but the system seems to be very powerful.

"Swirl? Are you kidding? Still ten kilometers? You haven't opened the boat and don't say anything."

Lilith heard a little words on her face after hearing Ye Chen’s words. If Ye Chen was her **** and idol, she had already ridiculed it.

"Believe it or not, then let's play all the spirit."

Ye Chen is indeed the first time to sail, but he has systematic help, but the magnetic field in this place is confusing, and I don't know if the system is accurate or inaccurate.

It is also worth mentioning that on the way after entering the Bermuda Triangle, the sky above the sea gradually darkened, and Lilith’s small face was always worried.

The weather that is most afraid of meeting in the sea is a storm. If you have met a storm or a dangerous environment everywhere in Bermuda, it is definitely a life of nine deaths.


After continuing to sail for seven or eight kilometers, Lilith suddenly leaked a trace of dignity, and a feeling of not being very good suddenly came to my heart, as if I felt like a sudden disaster.

“Is it true that Ye Chen said?”

Lilith's intuition is quite terrible, and it is with this unusual intuition that she has escaped many dangers and disasters while sailing on the sea.

"Look! A whirlpool! An oversized giant vortex!"

Dongyangzi suddenly shouted at a huge whirlpool in front of the sea. This distance could not be seen by other people, but Dongyangzi saw it. His supernatural power is a god, just like super vision.


Lilith's face changed, her hands quickly adjusted the direction of the yacht's direction, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes. If this super-sea vortex was stuck, it would be over.

When the luxury yacht was bypassing the maelstrom, several people were relieved.

“How do you know that there is a super whirlpool ten kilometers away? This vortex is very attractive, and when the naked eye is generally seen, the entire ship is already in the suction range.”

Lilith’s eyes showed a surprise look at Ye Chen. Now I want to come to this Ye Chen’s warning not only accurate, but also too early?

No wonder people say that he can also walk out of the Bermuda Triangle. He thought he was bragging. He didn't expect people to have real skills.

"Men's intuition!"

Ye Chen smiled and did not answer Lilith's question positively. This Bermuda Triangle is really quite horrible. The whirlpool white has just been investigated from the sky. The diameter is actually two kilometers, just like a toilet that never stops. All the sea water is constantly falling down.

For Ye Chen's few pets, Lilith, likes it at the glance, but the silver moon has no strength at all, but they are all natural and have a natural feeling.

"This vortex is very dangerous, but another very dangerous place is its focus."

Lilith’s words made everyone else stunned. Is there any focus on the whirlpool that passed?

“A scientist who came to investigate once did an experiment. A mesoscale vortex is equal to a concave mirror. The sun shines on the vortex (concave mirror), and the concentrated focus can produce a very high temperature. He did it once. In the experiment, a strong light is incident on the simulated vortex at an incident angle of 60 to 75, and as a result, the concentrated focus of the vortex (concave mirror) can ignite a thin piece of paper."

"Based on the results of this experiment, he concluded that there are many huge vortices in the Bermuda Triangle, which are many huge "concave mirrors". The incident angle of sunlight is between 60 and 75, and it is irradiated at a diameter of one thousand. In the whirlpool of rice, the focus of the spotlight is about one meter and the temperature can reach tens of thousands of degrees. Such a high temperature can make the plane and the ship melt or explode in an instant. The larger the diameter of the vortex, the more concentrated the focus. The higher the temperature."

"This is why the planes in the sky and the ships will suddenly lose or disappear."

Lilith’s words made Xiao Bai, who had just been investigated in the past, hit a spirit. Just if he accidentally reached this focus, did it not become a roast chicken in an instant?

Oh~ No, it’s a roast bird.

Lilith’s words made Ye Chen leak a trace of sorrow, but the difference between Dong Yunzi and Dong Yangzi was in the clouds, and the difference between going to college and not going to college immediately appeared.

Ye Chen, a doctrine from Bermuda, also read it at the university. I remember that a message that the professor said at the time made him remember.

In 1992, an investigation team consisting of scientists from Meghili, Shah Russia and Farr used reconnaissance satellites operating in space.

According to laser-scanned photos, there is a powerful turbulent vortex in this triangle.

This giant vortex appeared in just 3 seconds, but its power is endless.

Its appeal is stronger than any hurricane, major earthquake or volcanic eruption on Earth, and it is not inferior to the moon's gravitational influence on the Earth's tides. It can even affect the weather on the moon.

When this huge vortex appeared, it was erratic and difficult to measure. It was to be found in the Atlantic, like a needle in a haystack.

When the sudden vortex emerges, the ships that are invincible, the ships on the sea, and the planes that are in the air will be caught in the bottom of the sea, causing the planes and ships to disappear.

"This whirlpool science can't explain, is it related to the seabed pyramid and the other space that Dongyangzi said?"

Ye Chen combined with the report at the time to summarize the information of the two people in Dongyangzi. I always feel that there is a certain inevitable connection between the two.

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