Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1059: Worm!

"If this is really a planet of Chiyou race, if the grass here really contains a lot of aura, it is a great opportunity for you."

"Please ask the master."

Ye Chen was a little worried by the Yellow Emperor. How was the danger of others coming to him but a big opportunity?

"The race of Chiyou I think you have seen it on the stone steps. Their incomparably powerful flesh has shocked the world, but have you discovered that until they finally turned back into the zerg form, they did not release the slightest instinct."

"The meaning of the master is that they are only physically strong and have no route to take the breath?"

Ye Chen’s eyes lit up and turned to look at both Dongyangzi and Dongyunzi. He seemed to know what the Yellow Emperor was saying.

"The group of people who have come forward in these decades are all Huaxia martial artists, and they are mainly martial artists who are mainly practicing qi, but there is no aura here, which leads to their situation being very dangerous and embarrassing."

"But you are different. You are a warrior who is both temperament and body repair. If you use the power of the flesh to defeat the worms, and absorb the essence of the grass without wasting a trace of infuriating, then your infuriating will What kind of improvement is it?"

The more the words of the Yellow Emperor, the more they have a hint of joy, as if to be here is one of the most correct choices.

The worm does not destroy the grass, nor can it eat the grass, and Ye Chen will not have any competitors.

The third-order demons who came in earlier did not dare to fight easily against the worms, so the reserve of this grass should be very rich and rich!

"There is another thing you need to pay special attention to, that is, the awareness of the planet. Earth consciousness is very powerful in ancient times, but after the time of the invasion of Chiyou, the earth consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and now I think it might be possible to link two planets through the black hole at that time. After a brief confrontation, the earth consciousness may be a deep sleep that has been damaged by certain damage."

After hearing the words of the Yellow Emperor, Ye Chen was shocked, but then it was true that the planet was thousands of times larger than the Earth.

This sentence can not only be applied to people, but even between celestial bodies.

"Which direction can we go to find them?"

Ye Chen looked at the desolate environment around him, even if the time spent there was more than twenty years, but how far can these third-order demons go out in these twenty years?

"There are no gullies on the ground. The gullies are all narrow and wide. We used to move in the narrow direction in order to distinguish the direction."

When Ye Chen heard the words of Dongyangzi, he suddenly discovered that it was so. There were a lot of gullies in the big Gobi, such as those cut by a kitchen knife. The sharp gullies of this kitchen knife were narrow and narrow. The place where the knife is cut out is very large.

All the gullies are like this!

There is nothing in the north and south, only one direction!

"Lilith, come out."

Ye Chen put Lilith on the farm out, and with a ringing voice, the hypnotized Lilith instantly woke up.

"Wow! This... Is this the mysterious space you said? Is this too spectacular?"

The first reaction that Lilith returned to God was actually amazed and constantly looking at that, this nerve can be seen.

"Lilith, I told you earlier that we came to find someone. Do you think we can find them in that direction?"

Ye Chen wants to reconfirm Lilys's perverted instinct. It doesn't work here. If you don't provide her other conditions, see how Lilith will answer.

“Looking for someone? I think maybe I can find them in this direction.”

Lilith’s hand could stun the two old men of Dongyangzi. The direction Lilith pointed to was the narrow position of the upper and lower widths.

"Well, let's listen to Lilith's us."

Ye Chenxi’s hands were dark and excited. It seems that bringing Lilith to this place is really the most informed decision.

I turned to look at the field behind me. Just after they were sucked in by the black hole, they came out from here. It seems that the black hole is not just a celestial phenomenon that only **** and does not spit.

"It’s better to drive than to drive, get on the bus."

Ye Chen waved his hand from the farm and pulled out a overbearing Land Rover SUV. With a few people getting on the bus, Dong Yunzi silently sighed.

It’s not the same as the treatment of the master.

I thought that when they arrived here, they would not be able to move forward because they had to save the infuriating. They could only walk step by step with their legs.

At that time, I watched the scene where the scene continued to fly backwards. This day, I could take them for a few months.

After all, they were unfamiliar at the time and they were looking for a battle between the grass and the beasts. Don’t look at it for more than 20 years, but they are not far from the distance!

In some years, they changed their direction and actually returned to their place, wasting a lot of time.

Roar! ! !

In this way, after a long period of advancement, Ye Chen and Lilith finally saw what kind of creatures the worms and the beasts of Dongyangzi said.

"Zerg! This is definitely the Zerg after their zerg pattern!"

The voice of the Yellow Emperor was faintly accompanied by a hint of excitement and embarrassment. I did not expect this place to be really the base of the Zerg, and I really did not think that his Yellow Emperor actually boarded the territory of his own death!

"Less Lord, let's go around it. This worm is not very strong. I don't think it is worth the money."

This is the first reaction of these people after seeing the worms. They first observe each other's appearance to judge the strength of the other party, and then calculate the aura content of the grass after the victory of the worm.

"You wait for me."


Ignoring the obstruction of the two men of Dongyang, Ye Chenrao rushed toward the grotesque worm.

The worm's six legs, such as a huge African wild elephant, covered with a thick layer of scales, when seeing Ye Chen rushing to it, the sharp teeth are smashing against Ye Chen. .

System word: After testing, the other party is a second-order single-attribute organism, and the desire for attack and the territorial consciousness are extremely strong.

"Second order?"

Ye Chen’s face leaked a smile, and unconsciously he did not put the second-order organism in his eyes, showing how terrible his recent strength improvement.


Just as Ye Chen approached the huge six-legged beast, a small grass that was not very eye-catching with a jade glow came into view.

Look at the appearance of the grass similar to the earth, but what is different is that the grass will shine.

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