Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: Third-order peak of the worm

"Lilith, go forward at full speed, wait for you when you are almost there, I have investigated the situation."

Ye Chen’s face leaked a trace of dignity. The vibration just now is not the same as that of the general worm. If this is the vibration of the worm, this worm is definitely stronger than the super worm that he killed.

Moreover, he also saw the worry and concern from the eyes of Dong Yunzi. In fact, Ye Chen was also anxious and angry when he knew that there might be fighting between humans and humans.

When human beings face alien races, they should be united and united!

Roar! ! !

Another scream of anger came from the front, and Li Lisi was almost shocked by the sound of this scream. Thanks to Ye Chen’s hand on Li Lisi’s arm, she passed a trace of infuriating.

System word: sound attack! This intensity has reached the highest peak of the data recorded by the system.

Seeing the change of the system's current word, the highest peak recorded by the system is the strength of the strongest farmer of Alcazar, which means that the worm that issued this sonic attack may be the strongest farmer with Alc... Some are more than one.


Suddenly a big drink was also faintly heard, but this sound rang in the morning, their face was a joy, this voice is absolutely Huaxia!

In other words, the battle ahead is really the battle between the people they are looking for and the beasts.

"Go! Go and help them."

Ye Chen went straight down the car and rushed forward. Although the Land Rover was not slow, but in the short distance, no car could compare with the third-order agile Ye Chen.

You are walking!

The steps of each step contain the truth between heaven and earth and Huaxia martial arts, reducing the wind's resistance and physical waste. When Ye Chen started this pace, Lily's Land Rover was immediately behind.

"Brother, let's hurry up, it should be them."

The two men of Dongyangzi looked at each other and actually got off and rushed forward.

In the face of alien creatures, people on Earth will unite and destroy them first.

"Ha ha ha ~ I ... Ada ... invincible, who are you from this group of bugs?"

"And... is this portal that your bugs trigger?"

At the scene, a huge humanoid monster is as high as four meters, with double wings, and an eagle-headed head with a mouth and a smirk.

It was the general of the worm city sent to investigate the Ada that was opened in the previous period!

This year, the most promising advance to the fourth-order worm, a fourth-order worm that has four attributes at its peak, Ada!

This Ada was originally a kind of insect flying in the sky, and there are many means.

The sound wave attack just now is exactly its housekeeping skills.

As for the opposite of this Ada, 36 of the Chinese warriors are all rigorously waiting to stare at each other carefully.

"The mouth spit out! This guy actually spit out words! My God, this monster is getting fine?"

"We can understand it, it is terrible, what is the realm of this monster?"

"It’s too horrible. This worm is even stronger than the Red Blood Monster. The slash of the Red Blood Monster has obviously suffered a big loss."

These warriors are all white and white, but there is no such thing as a fairy.

The hair was messy, the clothes were dirty, and the original white clean robes had been worn into an unknown gray, and all the holes were scratched and scratched.


At this time, when the super-powerful self-proclaimed Ada was still showing off his strength and did not launch an attack, everyone was horrified to talk.


"This monster has reached the peak of the demon kingdom. If we don't work together, we will only have a dead end!"

The head of the old man wore a black robe and could see that the black robe was originally embroidered with red patterns, but at this time it was dirty and could not see anything.

The blow was just a hard fight between him and the other party. In fact, he didn’t want to fight with the other side, but the other party didn’t know what was wrong. He locked his target on him.

Is it because he is the strongest third-order in this group, a fourth-order master of four attributes?

"Good! We support the red blood. This time, everyone should not cherish their instinct or the grass in their hands. This is not enough to defeat the other side."

"Yes, everyone should not cherish the infuriating spirit this time. Let me say after defeating the other party."

"Red blood takes the lead, we all help you, we must defeat each other."

After hearing a word from the Red Blood Monarch, everyone changed color.

And is it the third-order peak of the four attributes?

Just the one-handed all-round indistinguishable sonic attack is a group attack skill. Many people feel the visceral pain in a faint sense, and they have already suffered certain internal injuries!

This is the strongest worm that they have met in the past few years, and they will still talk about the worms that speak and speak.

In the face of this level of worms, absolutely no one of these people is their opponent.

Although the mouth said this, but in the real life and death, more than 30 people began to play their own careful thinking.

If Ye Chen came here to see these people will laugh, the old men who have been here for more than 20 years are similar to the time when he first met Xuanyuan Huangdi.

Some people's long hair and hair have reached the first appearance of the Xuanyuan Huangdi, messy old man who does not trim the margins!

"Six brothers and brothers, wait for a while to fight. Let's go and see if the situation is wrong."

One of Jinsongmen’s voices informed the teachers and brothers of his martial art. This horrible beast with his wings was really scared and scared.

And their infuriating one point will be one point less, in this place the reduction of infuriating is chronic suicide!

What is just what the Golden Gates can't think of is that the other three groups of the four major sects say the same.

Among them, they also include the Red Blood Gate, the younger brothers of the Red Blood Monarch.

The big troubles are flying around, and at this moment, the four sects of the original and the heart are not wanting to let others come to the back of the temple, so that they can escape from birth.

"Since I haven't challenged my Ada, I will take the initiative."

The four-meter-high worm has become more and more vocal. At this time, its attributes have reached the strength of 399 points. One foot has stepped into the fourth-order threshold, and its true strength even Stronger.


Ada suddenly screamed at the group of people and rushed to the Red Blood Monster again. It was the fourth-order life of the four attributes. Even if there were some gaps in the attribute points, the Red Blood Monster could resist for a while.

As for the others, Ada doesn't have much interest at all...

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