Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Combat

"Master, if the development of the earth does not enter the end of the era, I believe that the development of these thousands of years will definitely not be worse than them."

Seeing the silence on the face of Xuanyuan Huangdi, Ye Chen suddenly said what he thought, and he could not blame them.

It can only be said that the earth has been silent for too long, others have been developing and have been making progress, but they have been standing for thousands of years.

If the earth's martial arts and technology are developing at the same time, what kind of scene will it be for thousands of years?

"The situation now reminds me of a game that was a long time ago."


The Yellow Emperor is more interested in everything about modern times. Of course, this game has also played a bit when it is boring.

"StarCraft! Terran, Zerg, Protoss!"

"The Zerg wins in the number and individual strength, the human race wins in unity and high technology, and the Protoss wins the incredible ability and alien technology."

Although Ye Chen’s content is not very close to the status quo, it is somewhat similar. It is just that human development has stagnated, and the Zerg has developed into the late stage. As for the Al Klein star, it has been defeated by the Zerg.

"If we want to turn defeat into victory, we must have a sufficient period of development. Only after we have grown up, can we compete with each other. Although it is a risk in front of us, it is actually an opportunity!"

"how do I say this?"

Ye Chen’s explanation made Xuanyuan Huangdi interested. After seeing the number of Zerg’s hidden sky, his heart was very heavy.

After all, the Zerg is how strong the Qiang people are. He has personally experienced it.

"If Alcamp's technology can develop at the same time as martial arts on the planet, will there be opportunities to surpass the Zerg as long as there is enough time?"

"Under the circumstances of the insect star, we have learned that there are not many Zerg who have true wisdom, and that human beings can stand at the top of the Earth's biological chain, and wisdom is the most important."

After Ye Chen finished this sentence, his mind was faintly formed a plan, a plan to develop self-power and fight against the powerful Zerg.

If there are three races in the game, in the case of a single big one, if you combine two other races, you may have a chance to make a comeback.

Since Alcicle has opened the Star Wars to the solar system, if this gift is not received, it is too sorry for himself.

"How can we defeat each other without destroying the Earth's ecology and the spacecraft? Have you thought about this question?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi slightly indulged, although Ye Chen’s wish is very good, but how to achieve it?

Originally, I only thought that there would be no war on the earth. Ye Chen sneaked into the other spacecraft and then released all the warriors to destroy each other in one fell swoop, but in this case, can the spaceship be able to withstand the battle of so many powerful people?

"There is only one way left, opening up a new battlefield!"



Ye Chen’s words surprised the Yellow Emperor, but then he had to praise Ye Chen’s thoughts. If he could really bring the battlefield to the moon, it would be a good choice.

"How about the problem of gravity and air?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi is not the former Yellow Emperor. What kind of environment on the moon he has learned through the system is simply not suitable for human survival.

"Farm projection!"

For this point, Ye Chen had already thought about it. Since he dared to make this assumption, Ye Chen had already had a solution.

After upgrading to the main system, Ye Chen’s farm is not just a virtual projection, but a physical projection.

If the huge urban-like farm environment is projected into reality, it is not a problem to wrap their people and the people of Alcicle.

Because in the farm space, all gravity and air problems have long been resolved.

Until now, Ye Chen did not think that this last battlefield was actually set in the farm space.


"Ye Chen, is this the condition for your government to surrender?"

On the last day, Hobbs looked at the surrender book in his hand through the connected picture. The surrender book was electronic.

It is written with the signatures of the political figures of various countries. As long as Hobbes promises their conditions, all the armed forces on the earth will surrender unconditionally.

Of course, this surrender book was drafted by Ye Chen, and the above contents were also made up.

"Yes, these few people who challenge are the most powerful fighters on the planet. If the adults can send their men to defeat them, all the armed forces on the planet will not resist, because they know that resistance is useless."

The conditions on the surrender book are simple.

First, we must guarantee the security and status of the political figures of all countries. Even if the earth is occupied, they must be sealed and occupied.

Second, the strongest fighters were sent on the earth. If Alcicle can defeat them, the earth will surrender and so on.

Third, the location of this battle was chosen on the moon closest to the Earth, and the whole world was broadcast live to witness this great moment.

"Oh, don't you have a few third-order little people, is this difficult?"

Hobbes flashed a scorn on his face, licking the power of the ants.

"Since the government and people on earth have seen the power of their Alcazar, they are satisfied with you!"

I want to come here at Hobbes. These people are not willing or willing to believe in the power of Alcicle. No one can disintegrate the will of the enemy in one sentence.

Only powerful realities and strengths are effective means!

To put it bluntly, the leaders on the planet still don't believe in the power of the Al-Aqley Star, so that people on Earth can see it.

“Can your technology leave your planet?”

Hobbes had a hint of sarcasm in his tone, and he wondered why these people chose the location of the battle in space.

But it doesn't matter~

The idea of ​​a group of ants, what is worth thinking about and research, and really want to open the spacecraft directly to the earth, Hobbes is also a bit uneasy.

After all, these ten spaceships are already his oldest, and he has the idea of ​​being careful.

The content of the surrender book that Ye Chen brought is exactly what he wants.

"Yes, but in the universe we need to wear space suits..."


"Sure enough, it is a backward planet, hahaha~"

Ye Chen’s words have not been finished yet, and the people around Hobbs laughed happily. Is this level going to fight in the universe?

Is this funny? ? ?

Even the most basic gravity system and respiratory system are not. I really don't understand what this group of ants think.

However, since the other party has requested this, it is the same to show the powerful strength of Alcazar.


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