Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1145: betray?

Both sides of the meeting used the farm system video, and all the pictures were transmitted back to Earth in real time.

It can be said that this is a remarkable, cross-ageal meeting!


"Is this the moon? So the beautiful moon surface is so ugly."

"No, I used to see the environment on the moon from the photos. It was like this on the live broadcast."

With the landing of the spacecraft, the farm system has opened a 360-degree video with no dead ends.

People and national leaders who are concerned about all of this on the earth look at all the pictures as they are immersive. The farm system's camera technology is much more professional than the journalists on the planet.

Directly from a third angle, directly from the camera, just like the picture in the movie.

"It is estimated that it is going to be negotiated. You see a few generals, everyone is wearing a space suit. Even if they really fight, there is no way to fight in this weightless situation."

"I hope that the negotiations of General Ye will be successful. The alien technology that can carry out the voyage of the universe is definitely more advanced than the science and technology on our planet. It is really hard to fight. The days of our people are not good."

"Who said, don't forget that our technology can't sail in the universe, but don't forget our powerful warriors, this superhuman existence, I really don't know who is strong and who is weak."

The people gathered in the bomb shelter are all staring at the pictures on the big screen. Not only the air-raid shelters, but even the tunnels, the subway is full of people, and the armed police and police of all countries are on the scene to maintain order.

The basement of the home has also become a temporary gathering place, but there are also many families who are resigned to life without moving at home.

They believe in the armed forces on the planet and believe in General Ye!

"Come on, come! Look at the distant starry sky, my Scorpio, so big! A big spaceship."

"Oh my God, can General Ye really convince these people? I have only seen this spaceship in the movie. Is there really such a big spacecraft in reality?"

With the camera of the farm system, everyone looked at the picture on the LCD screen and saw the endless starry sky. Ten small highlights became more and more bright as time passed.

An extremely large aircraft carrier is getting closer and closer in the picture, and it is getting bigger and bigger!

Especially for the search for the aircraft carrier, the entire ship is twice as large as other spacecraft.



With the landing of the spaceship, the entire surface of the moon actually blows a lot of dust, and a huge behemoth is like a prehistoric behemoth in front of Ye Chen.

The space shuttle launched on the earth in front of these ships is simply a small witch, just like a baby standing in front of a giant.

"These ships must be hand-made. Only then can the technology on the earth enter a period of rapid development."

Ye Chen’s eyes flashed a fine mans, and a strong possessive desire emerged from the bottom of his heart. However, he knew that the aircraft carrier headed by him was equipped with a large number of high-tech equipment and gene banks.

Hey~ With the sound of the opening of the door of the spaceship, a team of humanoid creatures wearing semi-transparent hoods on the metal armor head walked off the spacecraft.

"Is this an alien? Is it tall, is it two or three meters high? And you look at their equipment, is this too abnormal?"

There was a hint of fear in the eyes of a man in the bomb shelter. He was worried that he was infinitely worried after seeing each other’s spacecraft and high technology.

"It's too abnormal. You see the generals Ye are still in a state of weightlessness, but they are walking down the ground, and the armor is not bloated at all, which is too bad for playing."

Many tech enthusiasts have made a scream, not to mention the strength, fighting in space, people on the planet are too disadvantaged.

These aliens are also strangely shaped, with four arms, thin and tall, and green and fangs. Just look at the appearance of these creatures, and all the humans in front of the TV set a chill.

And Ye Chen's next movements and dialogues shocked the people all over the world, and a deep despair and fear and unbelievable from everyone's mouth.

"Hobs, welcome you, this is the joint surrender of all the countries on the planet, please look over."

A paper contract was taken from Ye Chen, and with his passage, all the people watching in front of the TV set up in shock and stunned.


A deep feeling of being betrayed and an unbelievable mood emerge from everyone's heart.

"The traitor! Ye Chen is actually a traitor! Surrender book? When will the country surrender to these aliens! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"I didn't expect Ye Chen to be the biggest traitor on earth. It is a traitor to our human beings. I believe that he admires him. I didn't expect him to surrender to these aliens like dogs..."

"Human traitors! I did not expect that under the glamorous appearance, Ye Chen's heart is actually so embarrassed. It seems that only in front of a powerful enemy can you really see a person."

a bolt from the blue!

Ye Chen’s performance and respectful look are like a blue sky. Everyone’s heart is on the mind. Think about the majestic and tall back of Ye Chen, and then look at Ye Chen’s mean knees.

Everyone screamed.

"No, how could Ye Big Brother be such a person? I don't believe, father, this is not true, there must be a reason."

Liu Zhenzhen clung tightly to the hand of his father Liu Quande. This big brother who grew up together, how could the hero who has been worshipped by her, surrender, how could he betray them?

"Morning brother..."

Lu Yingying and Liu Yueqi hold each other's hands tightly together. They know that Ye Chen is not such a person, but seeing the misunderstanding and questioning of everyone, the heart of the two people hurts.

Ye Chen has carried too much, although most people have misunderstood him, but some people are steadfast in their belief in Ye Chen.

"General Ye is wronged. When he comes back, we must thank him very much and hold a press conference around the world."

The heads of Huaxia’s heads were squatting in the flesh, listening to the question of the surrounding soldiers and bodyguards.

He knows that the real hero is alone.

The real heroes are all lonely heroes, and the temporary grievances and misunderstandings are only for greater victories.

There are still many people who believe that Ye Chen has always believed in him!

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