Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1167: Shocked news

The shock of the 1 167 chapter

"This is all the soldiers we sacrificed to protect the earth this time to protect humanity! Now I invite everyone to stand up and collectively mourn for three minutes!"

The deceased is big. For those who have given life to the earth and human beings, the audience all over the world has followed suit with Ye Chen’s standing. For a time, the whole world has fallen into a silence.

Silence of more than seven billion people, silence of more than seven billion people, sadness of more than seven billion people!

"The silence of the fart, the big night called us to mourn for these Chinese people? It's interesting."

"Small Wulang, this summer is a big show, who let our country's strongmen not go to the moon."

"No, if our strong people will not die so many people at all, they will become heroes of the world!"

Who knows that when billions of people responded to Ye Chen’s call, the island people in the land of the projecting people did not care.

And everyone is still ridiculed, boasting and talking loudly.

Slave race!

Despicable race!

In fact, the people of the island are so self-proclaimed, in their eyes, all the people who are out of the limelight are deliberately selling them better than them.

Everything is self-neglecting than anything they develop, suggesting that others are poorer and more backward.

Nowadays, they saw their natural enemies, Huaxia, out of the limelight. Everyone smiled and said that the island is strong. When the island powers go, there is no such thing as Ye Chen.

I don’t know if the strong people in their mouths have been wiped out by Ye Chen!

"Thank you for your cooperation. These fighters will remain in our hearts forever, and their families, governments and people of all major powers will take good care of them. I hope everyone will supervise them!"

Having said that, Ye Chen bowed to the camera screen and took care of it. Ye Chen’s heart was practical.

"The next thing I hope everyone can listen carefully and listen carefully, including all the heads of state and high-level leaders who are watching TV news at this time, because the next thing will affect whether the human beings on earth can survive! ”


Ye Chen, who had just straightened up, actually threw a blockbuster at the camera!

Seeing the seriousness and dignity of Ye Chen’s face, everyone’s heart was suppressed and erected.

Even the sly and desperate islanders have closed their mouths.

"I think in the video of the Moon War, everyone saw the scene where the Alec Star Warrior was blocked by a light film and could not return to the spacecraft. It also saw the scene where the last prisoners were collectively killed."

With Ye Chen, the farm system automatically connected to the TV station to play back the picture at the time.

"Isn't this done by General Ye? When I saw these aliens returning to the spaceship, I jumped up happily. Isn't this arranged by General Ye?"

"Look at the last scene, General Ye seems to be blocking something. Unfortunately, the captives of the local area are dying on the spot. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Isn't it, as if there is an invisible monster, General Ye is blocking but not successful, and those who are Alcracis are finally dead."

With the playback of the lens, all the viewers in front of the TV have talked about it.

"You think that's right. There was indeed a presence that you couldn't see, just like the gods in mythology are omnipresent and unable to figure out."


The words of Ye Chen have caused a great uproar. With so many years of scientific propaganda and research, most people on the planet have abandoned superstition and believe in science.


But at this time, Ye Chen said that the existence of God is real!

This made everyone all surprised to talk about it, and looking at Ye Chen's eyes is full of doubts.

"This existence can be called God for the time being! There is a bad news here to tell everyone."

"This god-like existence is not only to obliterate the invaders, to resist the invasion of alien races, but also a little..."

Said here, Ye Chen's gaze directly at the lens is full of seriousness and dignity.

He wants to tell everyone through his expression and eyes that he is not kidding!

"There is another point? What does General Ye want to say? Tell me quickly..."

"I am anxious to die, how do I feel that there is a feeling that is not very good in my heart..."

"General Ye, you are going to say it! What is it?"

No matter the scene or the people in front of the TV, they are anxiously waiting for Ye Chen’s answer. Many reporters at the scene also asked anxiously.

"There is one more thing, the god-like existence is going to destroy not only alien species, but also humans!"


When I heard Ye Chen’s answer, everyone’s reactions were different.

Believe in Ye Chen, convinced that Ye Chen, people who worship Ye Chen have stunned their mouths.

"Ha ha ha, laughing at me, this Chinese demon confuses the public, still exists like a god, but also destroys human beings, laughs at me..."

"Yes, Xiao Wulang, this Chinese person is really laughing at me. Is this going to bring the era of science and technology into the theological era? Is he going to say that he is the spokesperson of God?"

A group of people living in the sea on the beach slap the thighs in the wooden house on the beach, and the tears on their faces are laughing.

"General Ye, is this godly existence to destroy mankind? Why?"

A reporter present at the scene asked with a puzzled look.

And his words also asked everyone's voice for everyone.

"Because of greed! Because of pollution! Because of destruction!"

"Greedless exploitation of non-renewable resources, asking everything from nature, as long as you can make money, who is not doing?"

“Which countries on the earth pollute that they have reached the highest environmental requirements? Even many countries have closed their eyes for the benefit.”

"There is also the destruction of the ecological balance, the endangered species and vegetation, the slashing and chaos, and the constant war. This is the same God's existence to punish humanity!"

The problem that Ye Chen said makes everyone fall into silence. Is this a joke or a fact?

General Ye Ye, is this to solve the problem of environmental protection that has always existed on the earth?

Many people have speculated that Ye Chen is not doing these things?

"I know that it's hard to accept this and many people don't believe it."

"But ~ If I said that the existence of this **** is a consciousness, is it a consciousness from a planet?"

"And this planet is the planet that we humans call mothers!"


Step by step Ye Chen said what he wanted to say, and the established facts were finally made public.

Earth consciousness!


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