Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: Disaster is coming

No one can accept this fact!

Even if this is from Ye Chen, even the island country is the most hated country in China!

In such a short period of time, a country is actually drowned?

What kind of joke?

At this time, not only the staff present at the scene panicked, but even all the viewers who were watching TV news were panicked!

There are also some islanders who live or work in other countries, or those who have travel and friends in the island countries have picked up their mobile phones and madly broadcast the other's number.



No one heard!

"This is impossible, a vast ocean! Actually it is a vast ocean! How is this possible?"

When the director of the TV station linked the satellite signal to the TV screen, everyone was stupid!

I saw that the island country that was originally in the lower right corner of China has turned into a vast ocean!

At this time, people all over the world looked at the pictures on the TV with a look of horror. Many people even stopped their mouths and cried.

These crying people have many relatives or friends traveling or working in the island country, and more island people rushing to the road, they want to return to the island country in the first time.

But everything is in vain!

"Really... Actually, I have already started, and the Earth consciousness has not joked with us. She actually started it so quickly!"

Ye Chen let go of the staff member's arm and was shocked to see the information on the screen.

“Xiaochen, immediately let the farm system scan the weather, geography and sea conditions around the world to prevent the next natural disaster from coming again!”

Xuanyuan Huangdi's tone is very heavy. In the ancient times, there was no heavy rainstorm. The heavy rain lasted many days and many days. Although there was a big flood, it was good to have a buffering process, and most of them had already moved to the high mountain position.

But this time, a special tsunami actually drowned the entire island nation, and so far has not leaked out!

This is simply an incredible thing!

The system is now: What happened in the island country is the tsunami and the mega-earthquake. The earthquake should have destroyed the overall height of the island's ground and formed a landslide. With the cover of Shanghai Xiao, the island country no longer exists!


"Awesome means, a good first shot! Earth consciousness is giving us a horse."

Ye Chen muttered to himself, his hands clenched into fists. Although he did not like the country and the people of the island country, there are countless innocent children and ordinary people.

This submerged, more than 100 million people actually no more! ! !

Although the country of the island country is not big, the number of its population is indeed quite a lot!

It has exceeded 130 million!

That is to say, this special tsunami actually killed one-tenth of China's population!

"General Ye said what is true! The National Meteorological Administration and the Geological Bureau have no warning at all. This disaster is too sudden and does not conform to common sense."

"Yes, the earth consciousness really exists, and her spearhead is already aimed at us, from the consciousness and hostility of a planet. What can I do? What should I do..." "Calm! Calm down! Isn't there another General Ye? Let's see what General Ye said."

The people all over the world are all panicked and all are in chaos.

The victory of Alcicle has not made them happy for a long time, but another more powerful enemy has appeared again!

Hostility from their living planet!

"General Ye, you are going to talk about what to do?"

The director of the TV station was sweating at this time. Looking at the surrounding high-rise buildings and luxurious decoration, he felt that it would be shaken in the next second.

Maybe a big earthquake, these high-rise buildings will all collapse.

What is one of the top ten buildings in the capital, what the Chinese capital and so on are not counted, and the coming will always come.


Just when the scene had been messed up into a pot of porridge, Ye Chen suddenly screamed with a low-pitched scent. This low-sounding drink is not big, but it sounds like everyone's ears, shocking people!

The most amazing thing is that with Ye Chen’s embarrassment, every panicked person actually calmed down.

Ye Chen is now more powerful, everyone seems to have found the main heart.

The system is now: the energy wave has disappeared, but the tsunami of the tsunami is advancing toward the coastal cities of China. Although the power is not big, it is only the strength of the high tide, but it is recommended that all people go to the upper level away from the ground.

"What? China will also be affected?"

After hearing that the energy wave had disappeared, Ye Hao exhaled a breath, but his face changed after seeing the current word behind the system.

“All the coastal cities in China, everyone immediately away from the ground depression, everyone immediately seeks shelter from nearby high-rise buildings, and the aftermath of the tsunami that flooded the island is coming to you!”

“All the coastal cities in China, everyone immediately away from the ground depression, everyone immediately seeks shelter from nearby high-rise buildings, and the aftermath of the tsunami that flooded the island is coming to you!”


Ye Chen grabbed a reporter's mic, and looked serious but still calmly said a message that made everyone shudder.

Especially in the area that Ye Chen said, many people were panicked, and people in underground supermarkets and underground parking garages went crazy upstairs.


"Xiao Chen, what is this all about?"

The voice of the headmaster came from the phone and he was shocked to hear Ye Chen’s disaster-predicting general words.

How does Ye Chen, who is far away from Beijing, know that the tsunami is coming to China?

"The head of the army ordered the soldiers of the country to be ready to go to the coastal cities to fight floods. The matter is real. As for how I know, we will talk about it."

Ye Chen didn't have much time to talk nonsense. After saying this, he hangs up and hangs up.

This time, the director of the TV station around him can be shocked. The people who dare to hang up the head of the phone in the world will be alone.

"Hey ~ two brothers, immediately integrated all the activities of the Red Flame Army and all the Red Tigers help the public, ready to help the city near Yancheng flood-resistant drainage."

"Also, let the red blood release an emergency call order, all the hidden warriors of China will go down to Yancheng, and the third-order warriors will bring them back."

Regardless of the on-site journalists and the people of the world, Ye Chen ordered the farm system to link the live channel of the TV again, and he himself quickly rushed toward the gathering place of the Earth Warriors.

Time is tight, Ye Chen can only take everyone back to the farm space again, and he will return to the coastal city of Yancheng as quickly as possible.

There is his hometown, his home, and the system just predicted, Yancheng area is the most affected city!

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