Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1172: Arrange the line of defense


With the landing of the spaceship, Ye Chen actually parked the spacecraft in the center of the coastal area!

"With this spaceship as the first line of defense to reduce the impact, the third-order everyone with me back 100 meters to form a second line of defense, and finally the second-order warrior third!"

Due to the tight time, Ye Chen didn't have much time to deploy the station. The warriors and strongmen who are old and sophisticated will definitely find their own places according to their actual situation.

Less than one hundred third-order powerhouses stood tens of meters apart, while the second-order behind them was separated by ten meters.

Although these people can not fully occupy the vast coastline, the system analyzes the momentum of the tsunami. The point of the spaceship is the strongest, the largest amount of water, and the highest point of the wave!

Centering on this point, Ye Chen will do their best to attack the waves, thus reducing the powerful force brought by the waves to push the house!

"The four brothers, led all the Red Tigers to help the public build a flood defense line in the last row, and all the things that can be used are brought to me!"

Taking the time to give all the people of the Red Tigers an order, Ye Chen has been able to see the high waves from the position of the coastline.

A tsunami is a destructive wave caused by a submarine earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a submarine landslide, or a meteorological change.

The tsunami's wave speed is as high as 700-800 kilometers per hour, and it can cross the ocean in a few hours; the wavelength can reach hundreds of kilometers, and it can spread thousands of kilometers with little energy loss.

In the vast ocean, the wave height is less than one meter, but when it reaches the shallow waters of the coast, the wavelength is shortened and the wave height is sharply increased, reaching tens of meters, forming a "water wall" containing huge energy!

The destruction of the island nation is due to the huge tsunami brought by the earthquake under the sea!

Now this wave of tsunami has gone straight to the coastal cities of China, and it is definitely a major disaster from nature!

"System, help me calculate the threat and nature of the tsunami."

Ye Chen saw that the sea surface on the sea was not too high. The face was a bit heavy. The tsunami did not threaten before the shallow sea, but the shallower the sea, the height of the wave will become bigger and bigger and higher!

The tsunami is mainly controlled by the seabed topography, the coastline geometry and the wave characteristics. The whistling wave ice wall repeats every few minutes or tens of minutes, destroying the embankment, inundating the land, taking away life and property, and greatly destructive.

The system is now: The tsunami was caused by the earthquake in the island country and belongs to the earthquake and tsunami. As for the disaster, the scene belongs to the distant tsunami. As for energy loss... After close-range detection... The tsunami energy is still huge!

A tsunami is a tsunami that travels across the ocean or from a distance, also known as a transoceanic tsunami.

The tsunami wave belongs to the ocean long wave. Once it is generated in the source area, it can spread thousands of kilometers and has little energy attenuation in the absence of island groups or large shoals and shallow water shelf blocks. Therefore, it may cause thousands of kilometers away. Suffered from the tsunami disaster.

"What? That is to say, after the tsunami drowned the island nation, can it still destroy the city of China?"

After seeing the current word of the system, Ye Chen’s face changed wildly. Originally thought that the energy of the island after the flood of the island was blocked by the island’s terrain would reduce a lot of energy. I did not expect that the remaining energy is still very large!

This is the weight of tens of millions of tons of seawater!

The system now: If there is no blockage and the impact of the opposite energy, the power of the tsunami can indeed destroy all buildings, but the host can be strong first.


Seeing the information of the system, Ye Chen eyebrows pick one, it seems that the system has found a solution?

At this time, Da Zhuang and Mu Shilan have been taken to the highland position. The people who brought them are Ye Chenying and Liu Yueqi of Ye Chen. Looking at the two women’s skillful and incredible skills and physique, Mu Shilan’s eyes showed a trace of sadness. .


Has Liu Yueqi already become a woman in Ye Chen?

The system is now: I don’t know why. Most of the energy flow of this tsunami is concentrated in the coastal cities of Yancheng. Under normal circumstances, this situation will not be formed. If there is no impact or counter-attack, this tsunami is still It is catastrophic.

The system is now: But don't forget the host. The Alcazar star spacecraft can be more than just flying, and there are powerful high-tech weapons such as space guns. Although the energy of the entire spacecraft is not much, there are several guns to destroy several stocks. The waves are still ok.

System word: With the power of the universe gun, each gun can reduce the impact of the tsunami by about 10%!

"Right! How can I forget this? Then I will transfer the other nine ships."

Hearing the system to talk in terms of data, Ye Chen found the backbone of the heart. He just opened a spaceship when he came. Others did not use it to save energy.

But now it seems that as long as a round of volley, this tsunami can actually kill in the cradle?

System word: No, first of all, this time is too late. Second, when the space gun reduced the tsunami energy by 50%, the host and the Earth Warrior could already resist it.

"Call~ That's fine."

"As long as you enter the range, the system will arrange for the shot."

Ye Chen directly gave the system permission. Although the super farm system has its own emotions and judgments, the final decision is still in the hands of Ye Chenlai.

boom! ! !

Just when Ye Chen’s voice just fell, the spaceship like Optimus Prime actually fired in an instant!

I saw a white energy column suddenly appearing on the muzzle of the spacecraft, and it was a shot at the sea level!


With the lasing of this energy column, there was a violent explosion in the endless sea!

With Ye Chen’s gaze, countless fish and shrimps were actually blown up in the sky, and they actually vaporized when they had not fallen! ! !

"I rely on, system you are doing hair, can you give me a mental preparation? And what is your use for this sea launch?"

Ye Chen was a bit eager to look at the behemoths that were taller than dozens of floors.

The gun came too suddenly, and suddenly he didn't even have any psychological preparations.

System word: Isn't the host you said that the shooting is arranged by the system? This system is in the center of the submarine undercurrent, no problem!


Not a problem!

Did the system learn these network vocabulary?

And it’s still so smooth...

"How did the spaceship fire itself? And is this a laser cannon? It’s too strong..."

"Exterior technology! People's homes have already left the gunpowder weapons, I don't know if they can be mastered by the earth."


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