Super Farm System

Chapter 119: Is this pig food?

"How is this going? Is he the new recruit who just arrived?"

In the past, listening to the words of the Wang team, the correspondent widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

"Let's observe and observe, let's take care of this project first!"

Wang Jun smiled happily, and his heart was a lot lighter.

In the past few days, members of the Huaxialong Group visited the Luzhong Military Region, and they generally had to try it. Of course, it was a test between the recruits.

But every time the Kings are they will be abused into dogs!

I’ve been watching this for a few days, and I’ve been thinking about how to lose even if it’s too ugly.

The result suddenly saw the appearance of Ye Chen, and the eyes lit up.

"Xiao Wang, speed up, let's go to the end first."

Looked at the time, 11:28, if you always do, most people go to the place must be around 12 o'clock, but today seems to be able to advance 20 minutes?

When Ye Chen and Wang Jun approached a wild camp, they knew the place.

"Big Brother, give me the weight, you are all on the road~"

"I~ I want to swear!"

Ye Chen is speechless and screams at the smirk Wang Jun, this stinky boy, why don't you go too early?


With a horn, the team's jeep drove past Ye Chen.

In the end, the newly recruited Ye Chen and Wang Jun, who were just reported today, were the first recruits to reach the end!


When the two arrived at the place, Ye Chen was fine, just gasping.

Wang Jun threw the weight and laid it directly on the ground.

I rub ~

I shouldn’t have forced it, but in the end, these hundreds of meters also made him a dog.

After another 10 minutes, the big troops rumbling open, and every new recruit who went to the place threw the weight and lay on the ground and gasped like a dog.

"It seems that the two of us are not bad, much earlier than this group of recruits who have been training for a month."

Ye Chen pulled up Wang Jun, who had been lying for ten minutes, and helped him to go to the cafeteria.

In the end, most of the people finally arrived before 12 o'clock. Everyone was so tired that they didn't want to move their fingers, but the rice still had to be eaten. They all helped each other, and some even rushed to the cafeteria.

12 o'clock!

Time to ~



At the end of the day, five people did not arrive at the place on time, and everyone else caught up with the meal.

"Okay, everyone is ready to eat, lunch time 1 hour, rest half an hour, gather at 1:30, stand military posture!"

The Wang team shouted at a group of tired, but still insisting on the chest up.


哗啦~ With this disbandment, all the new recruits sat on the ground as if they were falling apart.

Those who did not report on time have Zhang Bin three people. It seems that they have no need to eat this meal at noon~

"Go, let's go eat, eat more and rest for a while."

Ye Chen and Wang Jun have now rested, especially Ye Chen, who is already the same as nothing, walking like the wind.

In fact, one hour of lunch time, most people eat cold dishes, many people have to rest on the ground for more than ten minutes to move ~ Waiting to eat, the dishes are cool.

"Hey~ How do you feel that it is not that difficult?"

Wang Jun looked at Ye Chen with a look of sorrow, and took a small step, and wished to rush to the cafeteria.

Leave a place of envy and hateful eyes~

In the wild canteen, the decoration is very simple. Several military uniforms, white aprons and small white hats are making big pots. The big pots are filled with three dishes.

Potato stewed tofu ~ celery scrambled eggs ~ and the only sweet and sour pork tenderloin ~

On the side of the dinner table, the Wang team and others have already prepared meals and ready to eat.

The master of the canteen looked at Ye Chen and Wang Jun who came in first, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Usually these recruits can come in. After ten minutes, how are these two people the same as nothing?

Pick up the lunch box and the chefs put the fixed amount in the plate.

Ye Chen and the two found a table next to the Wang team sat down.

"You two are good, especially you, Ye Chen! Then~"

The voice of the Wang team came from one side and threw two cigarettes by the way~

The army generally does not allow smoking, but this is the wilderness~say the rules are dead~

The two men looked at each other and smiled. They lit up cigarettes and swallowed up against the chairs. For a while, the whole cafeteria was exceptionally quiet.

It took a long time, and finally I got it again~

Finally, after more than 10 minutes, the recruits in the land continued to enter the canteen, and more and more people, this loud noise has also grown.

Looking at the Wang team, they had already opened the meal. Ye Chen gestured to Wang Jun. The two also picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat.

Wang Jun directly ran into the bowl of sweet and sour pork in the bowl, the grandmother, to eat some meat to make up ~


"I am second, this **** is pig food?"

The inner lobe of Wang Jun’s mouth was instantly spit out by him. This taste is too unpalatable, and it is salty!

Sweet and sour pork tenderloin is sour and sweet, salty is called fried meat is not good ~

And it's too bad to eat?

In fact, this is Wang Jun’s own problem. He used to eat in Ye Chen, and the taste has been raised. Suddenly eating the food from the public roadside is hard to swallow.

"Hey, the rabbit scorpion over there, what did you say? Pig food? You can try it again~"

A big belly man who is giving a new soldier a dish throws a spoon and points to Wang Jun.

He has been in the army for eight years. He has been a logistics chef in the cafeteria. All the food is from his hands. He has always been praised. This is the first time he has been so humiliated.

I can't bear it, I can't stand it~!

This scream directly gathered the eyes of the entire canteen, and even the Wang team looked at Wang Jun with some surprise.

Isn't it what they eat and what they eat?

"What about repeating it? It's just as bad as a pig's food!"

Wang Jun was also a hot temper. He patted the table and stood up and shouted. He was a rich second generation of the world's top 500, and no one ever pointed at him and pointed at him.

"The temper of this second brother is bursting in minutes."

A black line of Ye Chen looked at things developmentlessly, and it was too late to stop it.

"Rabbit scorpion, you dare to insult me, and hurry to get out of it. If you have something, don't come to the cafeteria to eat."

The Wang team has a heart to stop it, and it’s too late to say that he can’t say anything.

It was originally Wang Jun’s fault. How did this good meal become a pig food? If the food you made was said by others, it would have to be exploded in minutes.

"If you don't eat, you don't eat, you can't starve."

After Wang Jun calmed down, he also regretted it. After all, he was not his own family, nor was he the skill of his eldest brother. The taste was definitely different. . .

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