Super Farm System

Chapter 129: Army brother!

As everyone lined up in an orderly manner, everyone was beaten with a fish-flavored pork and pot of meat, and of course a large rice!

"Everyone should not eat first, wait for everyone to sit down and start together, then vote to decide the outcome~"

The Wang team wants to leave a suspense for everyone. If these first-time people eat Ye Chen's dishes, this is a scream, and the result comes out.

"This time, I am really surprised by Lao Bi and Lao Su. The province said that my pharaoh is not kind~~~"

Besides, as a referee, he must have the last seat. If so, let everyone wait.

You are satisfied, I am not satisfied~嘿嘿

"Army brother~ give me a little more~"

A new recruit who had eaten Ye Chen's craft at noon certainly knew Ye Chen's craftsmanship. He looked at the people in front of him and accepted the ordinary servings of food. He went forward and screamed, and you will regret it.

I regret that when I am cooking, there are not many points. . .


Wang Jun was yelled at by this guy. At home, all the brothers were led by him and Ah Jun. Who came here and who knows who you are?

Everything looks at the strength of the talk ~ this is still the first to call his army brother!


With this army brother who made him fluttering, Wang Jun actually gave some help to the gods. . .

"Next ~"

Looking at the little guy who had a little more food, he walked forward happily. When passing through Master Yang’s dishes, he was very impatient and extended the plate.

"Jun brother! Give me a little more~"

"This ~"

"But that one just~"

"Okay, just a little more."

After Wang Jun came back to God, he quickly turned his face and wanted everyone to ignore his injustices~ but~ people saw it!

"Next ~"

"Jun brother~ You see just~"

"Line ~"

These are the recruits who have eaten Ye Chen cuisine. The good thing is to make a little more fishy pork.

"Come a copy~"

In the past, these people were the new recruits who had not eaten Ye Chen’s craftsmanship. They calmly extended the plate and did not put the following son Wang Jun.

Looking at the few recruits who put down their dignity in the front, licking their mouths, isn’t it a dish, as for?

However, in the soon after the meal, there was a poor child who was eating, and he slammed his own big mouth and shouted in his mouth~

"My second time, my **** is a pig! Why didn't you call the army brother~~~"

"Next ~"

"Jun brother ~ you."

With the 3,000 people standing in succession, the fish-flavored pork that Ye Chen made is about to bottom out. This is what Ye Chen deliberately did. It didn't make Wang Jun expand.

"Big Brother, have you heard it? More than three hundred military brothers! Haha, cool!"

What Wang Jun wants is this feeling, floating in the air, walking up to the chest in front of Ye Chen, his face is also a brow and dance.

But looking at Ye Chen’s expressionless face, Wang Jun converges slightly.

"Second brother, have you thought about it... What do we eat?"

Ye Chen was defeated by Wang Jun. Is there only a limelight in the mind? It seems that you still need to exercise.


Wang Jun, who was just happy again, suddenly thundered the five thunders by the thunder. He suddenly stiffened, turned his stiff neck, and turned to look at the fish-flavored pork that had bottomed out.

"My second time, I have forgotten my mother's two."

Wang Jun instantly understood, why the big brother met with no expression. . .

"That ~ that big brother, would you like to do another one?"

Wang Jun instantly lowered his head and lowered his waist. He bent his hands and rubbed his hands. He smiled at Ye Chen.

"Do not do ~"

Ye Chen can not be accustomed to the second brother, it is time to let him long memory, if this problem does not change, will suffer big losses in the future."呃~"

Looking at Ye Chen holding the plate and heading straight to Master Yang's pot of meat, Wang Jun also went down like a defeated cock.

As long as the big brother gave the answer, Wang Jun will never go to the head again, not to mention the disaster caused by his excessive expansion.


Ye Chen heard the sound behind him curiously turning his head and saw a smile in his eyes.

I saw that Wang Jun had dumped the bottom soup of the fish-flavored pork in the plate, and looked at the full fish-flavored pork on the plate of others.

"I will never use someone else to call my brother again~ I will fish my shredded pork ah ah ah~"

Wang Jun really wants to put down his body to call the family, so that they can divide the fish and pork into their own.

Sure enough, the current report is coming fast, and it is necessary to pay for it. . . .

"Master Yang, give me 2 pots of meat, there is no food there."

Ye Chen came to Yang in front of the master and looked at some of the remaining pots and meat.

"Oh, good~"

Later, Master Yang gave Ye Chen and Wang Jun two pots of meat.

Finally, everyone's dinner plate is full of food.

"Since everyone is ready, let's get started!"

The Wang team looked at the bowl full of fish-flavored pork, which was a lot more than Lao Su and Lao Bi.

Satisfied with a smile, Wang Jun, this young man is good, actually knows that Xiao filial piety respects his old man.

The scorpion can teach too~

If this was heard by Wang Jun, it would be forced to hit the head in minutes. His grandmother’s clothes were overpowered and he did not fish. . .

"Began to eat!"


With the command of the Wang team, all the recruits picked up the chopsticks on the table and went to the dishes in their own.

There is a first-hand fish and shredded pork, but also the first pot of meat.

But at noon, the three hundred new recruits and the Wang team who had eaten Ye Chen’s food did not have a single person to move the fish-flavored pork!

Because they know, if you eat the fish-flavored pork first, this pot of meat is absolutely unable to swallow. . .

Sure enough~

After a while, all kinds of voices came from the mess around.

"This pot of meat is delicious, sweet and sour, good with rice~"

This is someone who hasn't eaten fish and shredded pork~

"This ~ this ~ this ~"

This is a person who eats fish-flavored pork and cannot express it in words~


"I fuck, this is pig food~"

This is the person who eats the fish-flavored pork and goes to eat the pot of meat.


This is the person who ate the pot of meat and went to eat the fish-flavored pork. There is no sound at all~

Wang Jun looked at the fish-flavored pork in the bowl of others, and his mouth was chewing on the pot of meat without taste.

Yes, there is no taste, compared with the big fish's fish-flavored pork, this is the wax!

Taste the same wax!


This collective sigh and shaking his head was issued by the three hundred recruits and the Wang team at noon~

Sure enough~

No way to compare~

Although Master Yang’s dish is good, if you eat it normally, it will definitely make everyone happy.

But once again, I eat Ye Chen’s fish-flavored pork, and sure enough, it’s really impossible.

"Ah~ ah~ I am a fool, why didn't I call the army brother!!!!"

This is the person who just lined up and pouted at the front of the few people who put down their dignity and Wang Jun wants more fish and shredded pork ~

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