Super Farm System

Chapter 133: Big beat before playing!

"Well, tell everyone a message, tomorrow morning, the members of the Dragon Group will lead the recruits to come to our troops. All of you must come up with your best state! Whoever gives me the Pharaoh, I will wait for you. Hey."

The Wang team standing in front of the 10 square teams shook their faces and shouted loudly.

Even the old Su and the old Bi are all licking their ears. Although they say this every year, they lose very badly every year~

"There is no other training tonight. Go back and take a rest and take the best out. Hear no!"



As the Kings disbanded, all the recruits were like loose pants and sat on the ground.

"What is the dragon group? It sounds very good,"

"Yeah, the recruits of the Dragon Group, is it a cow?"

"You don't talk nonsense, this dragon group recruits ~ I heard my cousin said that the people inside are all abnormal, just come up with a single person. Can hit us more than ten is not a problem."

"Rely, really fake? You will blow it~ I will hit us more than ten~"


Several recruits sat together and whispered, and it seems that most of the recruits have not heard of the Lianlong group.

But with the introduction of the people who know, all the people who disapprove of it are ashamed to be astonished - from being surprised to being afraid.

Ye Chen, who was sitting on the ground with Wang Jun, was a little excited, but not afraid.

Because he knows how powerful he is!

"System, property version!"

System word: Ye Chen: Huaxia nationality (three-level farmer)

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Strength: 62

Constitution: 61

Agility: 46

Intelligence: 40

Personal talent: the wrath of Overlord

Hegemony status: Exemption of 80% damage, can not be repelled!

Skills: The basic omission of "Basic Fist" and "Szechuan Cuisine"

Sweeping thousands of troops: group attack skills, fan-shaped attack surface, group attack attack power is the host's current attack power peak!

Master of Primary Weapons: Initially mastered all weapons, you can use any props to actual combat

Overall rating: three stars!

Looking at this powerful property version in front of him, Ye Chen is nothing terrible.

"Let's go, second brother, tomorrow is when I am out of the morning!"

Ye Chen took a shot of Wang Jun around him and they went to the dormitory.

Recently, Wang Jun’s performance also made the Wang team and Ye Chen shine. With the increase of training and the increase of time, Wang Jun’s physical quality has surpassed other recruits. Don’t forget that his original physical quality is better than others. high!

Year-round exercise has allowed him to reach his peak of physical fitness. With the increase of military training, he has broken through his own limits.

Now he is facing five new recruits, and he is in an invincible position!

Since Ye Chen’s exhibition revealed his strength and cooking skills, Zhang Bin and others did not know whether they used the power of Li Yingchang to move their dormitory from here to elsewhere.

Ye Chen arrived at this very calm state of mind, there is no slight fluctuation.

Nothing to say overnight, Ye Chen did not enter the farm again tonight, he needs to adjust his own state to deal with what might happen tomorrow.


At 5.00 in the morning of the next day, the Wang team had a rushing police whistle in the military camp. One recruit quickly jumped out of bed and quickly dressed up, and turned back and folded the quilt~

The army is a must for every soldier and military training!

The square tofu block, like a knife, is a skill that every soldier must master.

I remember a foreign journalist who had attacked many military camps in China. What impressed her the most was the quilt quilt that was neatly cut like a knife, and the still-moving military posture!

Then the reporter sent the news he had learned to his country, and the whole country was shocked!

This is the Chinese children!

The pride of the Chinese people!



The instructor looked at the group of spirits in front of him, and the neat recruits nodded with satisfaction. This is the best quality recruit in the past few years!

"Report captain, all recruits are assembled! Please instruct!"

As the instructor gave the team a report, the team went to the front of the team and looked at the three thousand new recruits in front of them, with a desire to fight in the eyes!

"Today! It will be a day when you see our real military power in China, and it is also a day for you to prove yourself."

"I just received the notice, there are fifteen minutes, Huaxia Long Group ~ Tiger Group ~ and the Dragon Group recruits will enter our military camp!"

"Not to give you pressure! You are a group of new recruits in front of them!"

"Maybe you have heard the teammates around you say the metamorphosis of the dragon group recruits, but I also want to tell you that within these two weeks, they have even picked six major military regions, no one defeat! We Luzhong Military Region It’s their last stop!”

"What I want to tell you is that the difference in strength can be compensated by time, but the momentum! Guts! There is still the spirit of bravery! It can't be made up for a lifetime."

"I hope that no matter who is facing them today, don't back down! Even if you lose! Let's play our momentum! I don't understand!"

The training of the Wang team is very simple and straightforward. It is straightforward to say that you are not an opponent of the Dragon Group! But you must lose me beautifully!

This is the only requirement of the Wang team!

Because only those who have been training in the military for many years know the dragon group, how many metamorphosis they have in the tiger group!

"Yes! Captain!"

Listening to the training of the Wang team, all the recruits clenched their fists tightly. Before they saw the true strength, no man was willing to admit defeat, even if it was the training of the Wang team~

Among them, Wang Jun is clenching his fists. Isn't he a new recruit? It is also amazing!

I am willing to take the embarrassment and dare to pull the emperor down!

On the side of Lao Bi and Lao Su, they looked at the group of new recruits in front of them, and they shook their heads sadly.


How to say it, the quality of this group of recruits has been the best quality in recent years. If it is put into ordinary people, it is definitely an elite.

But they have to face the dragon group! Tiger group!

These two organizations are the strongest military forces in China!

Even a new recruit must use the seven military regions of China to cooperate!

This is the gap in strength!

Looked like every year, everyone is indignant, and they are fighting for new recruits~

The three teams of the Wang team sighed secretly~

Every year is like this ~ when the game arrives ~ this gap is revealed.

The other party is definitely a group of metamorphosis - even if it is a recruit!

It is said that standing in the crowd is the most calm non-Yechen.

Dragon group recruits? Ha ha. . .

His goal is not the new recruits.

He wants to enter the tiger group!

Then see if there are any opportunities or challenges to directly promote the Dragon Group!

Seek praise, ask for tickets ~

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