Super Farm System

Chapter 140: Stocks~

Then everyone had a breakfast in the cafeteria, and the breakfast was done by the old cow and Lao Yang.

After the three days of Ye Chen's teaching, several people have been able to enter the master chef level steadily, and the current recruits who are eating are lingering.

Although there is no Yechen doing delicious food, but people are not professional cooks, responsible for cooking, can eat this kind of food, is already very satisfied.

Even the dragon team members who came to the cafeteria for the first time were surprised.

"When is this meal in the Luzhong Military Region so good? How is it better than the cooks of the Xiaolong group!"

The Xu team was also surprised to see the steamed buns and potatoes in the plate. This food is going to be against the sky.

Star hotels are just like that?

"How about the team? Can my food be combined?"

The Wang team turned to look at the surprise in the eyes of the Xu team, very hard to ask.

As everyone knows, last year he went to the Renjialong group to visit, and almost bite his tongue when he was eating. This time, it was finally the turn of the Xu team.

"Hey? I rely on, Pharaoh, when is this cook you so arrogant? Not worse than the five-star hotel I went to..."

Although it is a simple dish and a small dumpling, but you can see the whole body, if it is a big meal, what?

The troops of the Luzhong Military Region enjoy star-rated food every day?

I have a dog!

I turned my eyes to a few cooks who were cooking, and did you go back and apply for these people to get into the dragon group?


"Xu team, you can be merciful, don't dig the wall."

He is also a member of the Wang team. When you look at the eyes of the Xu team, you know that it is going to be bad. You can't wait to smoke a few mouths and let you swear.

Did this change the food for a few days?

If the team is going to leave, can he still eat the ordinary food in the future?

With a frolic, breakfast soon ended.

Everyone who stood up put his gaze on the other side, and a new round of trials will officially begin!

"Uh huh~ First of all, welcome the arrival of Captain Xu and the Dragon Group. The warm-up in the morning is over. Then we have to do the most formal game!"

"Then let me announce the rules and projects."

"The game time is 2 days! The competition is divided into three parts! The first is a single competition, such as weight-bearing off-road ~ hook ladder sit-ups - crossing the barbed wire ~ anti-exposure body, etc., implement the points system! The first place of the total project 100 Points! The second place is 99 points~ and so on, only the top 100."

"The second largest project, combat individual combat! The first place is 1000 points! The second place is 900 points! Only take the top ten!"

"The third item ~ shooting! Includes pistol! Machine gun! Thunder throwing! First place 1000 points! Only take the top ten!"

"Finally! Good news for the recruits in the Luzhong Military Region, and bad news for the newcomers to the Dragon Group."

"Anyone before the game, all entered the tiger group! The people behind are eliminated!"


With the introduction of this rule of the Wang team, there is also a description of the last sentence of the elimination system. No matter whether there is a riot in the Luzhong or the Dragon Group, the arguments are whispered.

The recruits in the Luzhong Military Region are happy, why? In the morning test, it seems that the dragon group is not very abnormal? Then will they have a chance?

There are people in the Dragon Group who are happy. It’s finally over, but there are 120 people in the Dragon Group! One in six people will be brushed down!

In fact, this kind of rule is the rules and competition system that the Dragon Group recruits have been practicing for many years!

In the first major project, the Dragon Group has definitely opened up recruits in all other military regions. It can be said that this list has already been fixed!

Why are there second and third projects, because the newcomers also have to discharge a three-six-ninth and so on! top ten!

By the way, it is also an opportunity for new military recruits. If there is a person with a single special item, you can stand out from the crowd!

There was this one person 2 years ago, and now it is a special trick for the Dragon Group!


All projects have no rankings!

But the last shot ~ first place!

Directly entered the Tiger Group with a total score of 1000 points. Later, it was added to the Dragon Group.

But this kind of person is too little, and the sword is slanting~ it also needs talent.

It is said that the person's eyesight is super good, and the car cards hundreds of meters away can be seen clearly!

"Well, this game is going to be in the file, please take it seriously!"

The Wang team finished the last sentence, glanced at the location of Ye Chen, gently nodded, indicating Ye Chen refueling!

Later, led by the Wang team, Lao Su, Lao Bi and Xu team, everyone came to the playground.

The game will start right away!

The first big project: the hook ladder sit-ups 500 times ~ ~ 300 times through the barbed wire ~ anti-exposure body 3 hours ~ and the final weight off-road 10 km!

Each project has ten referees in the timing ~ complete all projects, the shortest to win!

Just like the hook ladder sit-ups 500 times ~ finished the referee to record the time, immediately began to cross the barbed wire ~ behind is also! Finally, all the projects are completed in a short time! Among them, the anti-exposure body is stipulated for three hours, that is, the gun is attached, and it is exposed to the sun without moving, and a turning head is attached to the front of the gun! Whoever moves, fails! Direct zero~

"Prepare! First echelon! Start!"

More than 3,000 people are divided into three echelons! Because the playground can only be used for more than 1,000 people to compete at the same time, when the first echelon completes the first project, the second echelon will be on again!

As for the newcomers in the Dragon Group, and Ye Chen and others, all of them were divided into the first echelon.

Because the people behind are sometimes the slowest one in front of the echelon, blocking the route ~ delay time.

Therefore, the first echelon is all the instructors to put all the best quality players! This will not lead to the situation where someone has delayed the speed~

Let them play to the fullest!

Rumble ~ I saw more than a thousand new recruits rushing to the front of the ladder, everyone who went to their position quickly hangs the hook like a gold hook, began to sit up! Everyone has a dedicated counter, and the action is not counted!

When the number of times is completed, the machine will alarm and the next item can be executed.

"System, help me pay attention to my gap with the first place."

System word: OK!

Ye Chen hung himself up on the ladder, took a deep breath, and began to sit up at a constant speed~

30 times a minute!

This is the speed that Ye Chen gives to himself~

System word: The host is currently ranked 896, there is a certain gap from the first minute 50 times! Recommended host speed ~

"I rely on it, fifty times a minute~"

Ye Chen turned a little speechless and looked at the first one marked by the system, Xu Yang!

This speed is just as ordinary people stand up and stand up, easy ~ fast!

It seems that you can't underestimate others, 40 times a minute!

Ye Chen raised the speed by a level, and his thoughts were too naive.

It’s too simple to see others~

System word: 3 minutes, the host ranked 223th, if you want to catch up with the first, still need to speed up ~

"Forget it, just like this, don't show too much at first, just wait for the speed to catch up."

In fact, this is also Ye Chen's care, his speed is now uniform! There is no sense of uniformity!

But other people are sprinting, and as time goes by, the speed is slowing down, and even Xu Yang has become 48 times a minute!

Lao Bi looked at the beginning and said that he was not fast, and said that Ye Chen, who was slow and slow, frowned.

How is this leaf morning so slow?

The system is now: 8 minutes, the host ranked 11th, a difference of 62 from the first place~

"Nothing, just like this, and soon I will be seen."

Ye Chen is still hiding his way and walking on his own path~

As everyone knows, the Xu team and the Wang team have long seen that Ye Chen is hiding his strength. Everyone is getting slower and slower as time goes by, and he is getting more and more strenuous. Does he actually slow down?

It was another two or two minutes. Xu Yang’s speed has dropped to 35 times a minute. At this time, his counter has reached 486!

And our Ye Chen, the counter is 465! Ranked third!

30 seconds!

After 30 seconds, Xu Yang took the lead to adjust the hook ladder and ran to the iron net.

"I rely on, then metamorphosis? I have done more than 200, and people are finished!"

"I fuck, is this group of dragons a pervert? How can it be so fast?"

"Why do I suddenly have the feeling of wanting to give up... this gap..."

A recruit who is trying to do the upside down gold hooks has spit.

Even the second echelon, the third echelon is also in vain, so fast!

More than ten minutes, 500 sit-ups? ? ?

Still upside down with a gold hook-up sit-up?

Just after Xu Yanggang came down, everyone was not surprised to return to God, and there were two alarms~

I saw Ye Chen and a dragon group recruit also jumped from the hook~

"My day, this metamorphosis is really much! I served ~"

“I feel that my life is suddenly dark, are we the same creature as them?”

"They are so fast! I have to cheer."

A group of new recruits and Wang Jun looked at the dragon group recruits who jumped one after another, and they were dumbfounded~

Is this the strength of the Dragon Group?

Yes, this is the normal strength of the Dragon Group. The team has been instructed by the Xu team and everyone has been awake.

Ignore Ye Chen! Take your best state out!

This time, if you want to overdraw the speed with Ye Chen, you will lose your life in this life.

second section! Quickly cross the barbed wire!

Just when Ye Chen and other dragons ran to the barbed wire, the counter in front of Xu Yang had reached 3!

Three rounds faster than others!

20 meters of barbed wire, 匍匐 advance!

"I seem to have not practiced wire mesh before coming to military training?"

Ye Chen had some eagerness to look at the way other people marched forward, and the kind of learning also went down.

If you let the people around you hear it, you must shock the big teeth~ This child has not climbed the barbed wire. . .

System word: The host does not have the skills and skills to move forward. Please observe the power points of others.

When Ye Chen climbed back and forth, Xu Yang was already 5!

Yes, climb~

The Wang team silently looked at his forehead and suddenly wanted to fan himself with a big mouth. It seemed to have forgotten to practice and explain the training of barbed wire. . .

Looking at Ye Chen’s big ass, the arms are constantly moving back and forth as always.

Stocks ~ stocks ~ sooner or later will become a beautiful fleece moth ~

"Hey, I rub, my ass~"

A morning and a half back and forth, Ye Chen was finally hung up by the barb on the wire, and finally calmed down to observe the movement of Xu Yang.


With Xu Yang's toes on the toes, the side of the calf sticks to the ground, and the individual personally alternates with his arms, like a fish in the water, moving fast!

Is the force on the toes? Calf?

Slowly follow Xu Yang's appearance, Ye Chen's speed is actually getting more and more, slowly slowly caught up with other dragon group members!

"Pharaoh ~ this Ye Chen~"

"Cough, cough, and Xu team, yes, you guessed it, Ye Chen has not participated in the training of barbed wire..."

Pharaoh heard the question from the Xu team and watched the Xu team staring at Ye Chen’s strange eyes and knew what he was going to ask.

"I will go to the old king, you are a cow, so he will let him go to the game."

Xu team silently looked at Ye Chen's body like a silkworm cocoon, a black line.

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