Super Farm System

Chapter 153: Squirrel

This time, the mouse did not have the same ability to put the black hair on the back directly from the distance as before.

But as directed by the direct rushing toward Ye Chen and Dahuang!

"Well, the black-backed lord can actually lead the strange group, and it seems to be somewhat intelligent?"

The swords in their hands are screaming and killing the rats, but every time they kill, they will be shot by the rats around them.

Yes, Ye Chen’s sword is like the firing order of a black back rat, as long as he kills one~

The mouse that was killed by this mouse will launch skills!

"Pain! Really **** pain!"

Ye Chen, who has been protected by the second yellow, didn’t know that it would hurt so much if it was shot.

Now behind the body is all black hair, full of Ye Chen's body, just like a hair boy!

Wang Wang~

Ye Chen, who heard the sound, turned around and looked almost laughed at the shape of the rhubarb~

I saw that the current rhubarb hair is no longer a gold enamel, the body shape is like a magnified circle, the body can be a little color besides the belly, the other is a yard of black ~

If it wasn't for the rhubarb, it was called two times~ Ye Chen almost made it a quirk. . .


Suddenly there was a worry in the eyes of the rhubarb, but it was besieged by the rats around him and could not be drawn.

"not good!"

Listening to the scream of rhubarb, there was a rush and anxiousness, and then I felt the chill behind it~

Ye Chen turned his head and the black back mouse led! !


The black-backed mouse has a flaw in his eyes. If he can speak, he will laugh and laugh.

Looking at the black-backed mouse with the screaming sound, the back of the finger is thick, half a meter long black hair suddenly frowned, Ye Chen knows that it is broken!

The squirrels are scattered!

"Overlord's Wrath!"

"Total Annihilation!"


Life and death are in an instant, Ye Chen never feels that he is so close to death, although the skills are very timely, but he does not have a hint of dodge!


It is too fast!

Ye Chen only felt the shadow in front of his eyes flashing, and the whole body had been directly filled with whole and thick black hair.

The long sword that was thrown in the hand carried the sweeping skills of the thousands of troops and swept the surrounding rats and black-backed mice!

If Ye Chen still has a mood to look at, now he will be led by the black-backed mouse to smile.

I saw the black-backed squirrel who had fired the squirrels and now the bare shackles were there, and a cold wind blew through it, and it still shuddered.


In the eyes, the smug and savage black-backed mouse leader has not been proud of how long, a flash of light in his eyes, the entire huge head was directly cut off!


With the sound of a metal collision, a small, refracting thing fell into the grass.



Rhubarb and Erhuang quickly broke free from the number of rats that Ye Chen swept across a large group of mice to Ye Chen, eyes worried about Ye Chen's thick and large black hair!

"I'm fine, speed kill!"

Ye Chen is now in a state of hegemony, no pain! Reduce 80% of damage!

So he wants to hurry up and clean up the rest of the monsters at this time~

In the event that this state disappears, the remaining 20% ​​of his injuries will not hurt. . .

Booming With the doubling of the property, Ye Chen’s figure is as fast as a ghost, the power is as big as a cow, and the defense actually keeps up with the big yellow cow!


With the death of the last black back rat, the hunt is finally over!

System word: Overlord's wrath has 3 seconds to end ~3~2~1~


With the end of the system's prompts, Ye Chen only felt an unbearable pain, and the pain that the mind had to be blasted swept the whole body. The whole person suddenly climbed to the ground and hurt! Really **** pain!

The gums are biting like bleeding!

The whole person was kneeling on the ground, the old head of the head was raised, the blue veins on the neck were violent, and the face was purple and red~

Spoken words in the mouth intermittently gnashing teeth

"System ~ system ~ fast ~ cure ~ treatment!"

System word: request rejection!

"For ~ what ~!"

The system now: the system needs to pick the most powerful farmer, and the farm is constantly growing through tempering and fighting. The little pain can't stand it. What about the top farmer?

"I ~ I rely on ~ you ~ 姥姥 ~ farmer! Ah!!!"

Although knowing that the system is doing this is definitely to exercise his perseverance and endurance, Ye Chen can't help it anymore, it hurts. . .

Really **** pain~



Rhubarb and two yellow came to Ye Chen, watching the painful look of his master~

In the eyes, there are actually a bunch of tears of the size of soybeans~

Sticking out the tongue, one left and one right, licking the face of Ye Chen~

Finally, with the delay of time, Ye Chen slowly adapted to this pain, and it seems that the pain is relieved step by step.

Call ~

Lifted the red cheeks, touched the head of rhubarb and two yellow, and slowly stood up with both hands on the ground.

"System, I hate you~you~you~"

The first thing that Ye Chen stood up was to extend the right **** to the sky.

Although Ye Chen's body was covered with black-backed rat hair, with the end of the hunting mode, the whole person recovered from the past.

"System, I want to ask, what if I was really killed before?"

This is the question that Ye Chen always wanted to ask and dare not ask, but this time it was too close to death~ He finally couldn't help but asked.

System word: If the pet is dead, the pet will be permanently lost. If the host dies, it will experience a real death experience, including mental and physical feelings of death.

"I rely, true and false? Then I am not dead?"

Ye Chen suddenly looked at the boss, his eyes were full of fear and fear.

Is there any difference between the feeling just now and death?

System word: The host will not really die. When you die, the hunting mode will be calculated according to the failure and the farm level will be reversed. And the pet will continue to fight after you die until it dies.

"What? When I die, will the pet continue to fight? Until death? That is not to say, it doesn't matter if I die, is the death of the pet really dead? No, I can't die, I am dead~ The pet will die, it is equal to them. Real demise?"

Ye Chen’s eyes were full of fear and fear, and his strong fear made him a little restless~


I must become stronger, this kind of thing I won't let it happen!

Yes, the purpose of the system is also here!

What do you care about?

Then take what you care most about as your motivation!

If Ye Chen knows the idea of ​​the system, he will never cry!

Being eaten dead~

Suddenly, I was stabbed by a reflection of the corner of my eye. Ye Chen suddenly remembered it~

When the black-backed mouse leads the death, what seems to have fallen?

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