Super Farm System

Chapter 159: one cent!


This sentence of the Xu team directly detonated everyone's cognition and entered the dragon group directly?

This is the first person since the establishment of the Dragon Group, the first to enter the Dragon Group directly from the recruits!

Skip the tiger group training and selection!

Everyone present was looking at Ye Chen with an envious look. It was really against the sky!

The old king and the old hanging heart finally fell, it seems that the Xu team was not blinded by the words of Li Yingchang.

The words of the Xu team are a complete recognition of Ye Chen’s strength and made an invitation!

This is the most powerful fight back!

How about the first? Don't worry about it!


Just when everyone was still immersed in the shock, Ye Chen’s two words completely detonated the atmosphere.

"I rely on, I actually witnessed this historic scene, the Dragon Group! The new members of the Dragon Group are actually comrades with me!"

"Ye Chen Lao Da Niu Fork, I will go back to the buddies and boast of raw materials. Laozi’s comrades are members of the Dragon Group!"

"I am second to the Austrian, I will say that Ye Chen is going to go against the sky, and it is really powerful. I have to make a good trip to him."

"Yeah? When Li Yingchang said that he had canceled Ye Chen’s results, I remember that you were happy at the side, how would this be~"

"Hey~ Don't scream, this time and for a while, now the rise of Ye Chen is already unstoppable, and it is Junjie who wants to know the current affairs."


Whether the recruits are envious, embarrassed, or secretly unfair, they are all celebrating for Ye Chen.

This is strength!

The strength is as great as the sky!

All the intrigues, all envy, in the face of absolute strength, must bow down to the ministers~

Ye Chen’s hands were gripped, and a bright light appeared in his eyes. He bit his teeth.

"Dragon group! I finally came in, General Ye, we estimate that we will meet soon~"

None of the people in the room knew what Ye Chen was thinking about, but he looked calm and looked awkward. There was no Ye Chen excited to enter the dragon group. Everyone had to stretch out a big thumb!

This is pretending to be really indifferent. . .

"Big brother! Congratulations, finally got what you want!"

Since the moment Xu Yang was thrown out by Ye Chen, Wang Jun has been standing behind Ye Chen, especially listening to Ye Chen’s sentence, dare to move my brother! Beat you into a dog!

I have always been warm in my heart, with tears in my eyes watching Ye Chen, following such a big brother, dead without regret!

Until the Xu team invited in person, Ye Chen also promised to join, Wang Jun quickly picked up his mood and came to congratulate.

"I will announce the list of tigers in the following!"

The Wang team looked at the high spirits of the crowd, and quickly hit the iron, went to the podium and picked up the manuscript to announce.

"First place! Xu Yang~"

"Second place! Zhang Tao~"

"Third place! Su Shi~"

"fourth place!."

"The hundredth! Wang Jun!"


With the reading of the Wang team, all the people who were hailed by the name instantly smashed, and the tears shouted and vented the excitement inside.

Only Wang Jun stood alone and stupidly licked his ears. . .

"Big~ Big Brother~ I didn't get it wrong? Just the Wang team missed me?" Wang Jun thought it was his own auditory hallucination, and some did not believe it.

"Haha, my good second brother, congratulations, you ranked in the top 100 with a total score of one point, successfully entered the tiger group! Hahaha~"

When Ye Chen knew that Wang Jun entered the tiger group with a total score of one point, it was exciting and funny. This score is interesting. . .

Actually it is a point!

When it was the first big ratio, Wang Jun completed the project with the total score of the hundredth, and the others who did not scored.

The second largest ratio and the third largest ratio are only the top ten, and have been occupied by several of the strongest dragon group members.

So everyone except Wang Jun is zero!

The third big ratio did not appear as a stranger of the sharpshooter of the Dragon Group, which directly laid the conditions for Wang Jun to successfully enter the tiger group.

Ye Chen was directly drawn into the Dragon Group by the Xu team with the best results. The results and places are not on the Tiger Group.

However, his 100-man score and six 10-ring offensive results were directly written into the Military Region’s military newspaper, and were also directly archived by the Dragon Group. For a time, it was transmitted by major military regions and sealed as a new generation of idols.

Of course, there are a few happy couples. Those who have been selected into the tiger group will have people who have been squeezed out. Those who have not been able to get into the tiger group have turned down their heads and looked down. The training was all in vain~

"You lost your confidence?"

I don't know when Ye Chen came to the front of these 20 people and whispered.

"Ye Chen?"

"You are a beautiful scenery. It is not directly used by the tiger group that we dream of. Is this to ridicule us?"

"That is, since we lost, we have nothing to say, but you are too disgusting to show off. Salt on the wound~"

Twenty-two people stared at Ye Chen with ugly eyes. Is this a win to show off?

"Do you think it is necessary for me to come and show off at the end of your group of cranes?"

Ye Chen knows what they think inside, but when people are in this mountain, sometimes their minds are chaotic, it is easy to see the facts.

Asked by Ye Chen, they all want to understand, yeah, people directly into the dragon group!

The first person in history!

Why are you looking for these people to show off?


Ye Chen stretched his hand and pointed to shouting for the crowd, followed by crazy Bifang!

"His name is Bi Fang. It is the instructor of our recruits. At the age of thirty-three, it is about to reach the highest age requirement for the Tiger Group."

"He has been a member of the military for 12 years now, and he has not given up his workout every day. Every day he is crushing his potential."

"In the past 12 years, he has participated in the selection of the Tiger Group every three years, never passed ~ but never gave up!"

"You are stronger than him. The talent is better than him. The age is much smaller than him. Is it because of a failure?"

"When did I give up the iron man in China? When I killed the enemy, I would have to bite the other piece of meat if I died."

"If you give up now, then I can only say that Ye Chen, you are not worthy to play with me Ye Chen ~ look down on you!"


Ye Chen’s words, like the 12th-level typhoon, directly swept the brains of the 22 dragon group recruits.

Looking at the age is already very big, the arms are scarred, at first glance is the training cruel and excessive old Bi, Bi Fang.

In the eyes of everyone, the hope and the war were rekindled!

Yes, how old are we? We still have a chance!

This time, I will not go to the next time, until the age is exceeded, otherwise I will never give up!

My Chinese man, perseverance is the first!

This is the soul of the Chinese army!

This is the cornerstone of my Chinese summer!

"Ye Chen! Thank you!"

"Yes, thank you, I apologize for what I said!"

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