Super Farm System

Chapter 193: Change things!

Ye Chen feels very upset now and feels very bad~

This animal is treated better than a man.

Who have you seen, the chicks that have gone through the whole process are drenched in rain~Dry~ UV-irradiated sun bath?

Who have you seen, the goat is actually a Thai massage after walking down the wire?

Who have you seen, after the pig is upside down, is it a delicious stick noodle reward?

"My **** life is not as good as being alive..."

System word: at least you will not be slaughtered ^_^

"Oh ~ well, there is a lot of balance in the moment."

Or the system will comfort people, so that Ye Chenshu walked comfortably.

The system is now word: the host 煞 pen, there are tools do not sit?

"Hey, I was scared by the playground, forget this flight skateboard, let me try~"


When Ye Chen stepped on the suspension skateboard, the body slightly moved forward, and the whole skateboard slammed forward and flew forward. The rapid wind pressure blows on the face, and the cool Ye Chen laughed~

The little animals who are playing games are curious and strange looking at Ye Chen, who is flying around.



The final landing is not very good, Ye Chen directly fell to the ground with a dog, but his upgraded body, it is not very painful to fall!

System word: What kind of ingredients do the host need to exchange?

I saw it in my eyes and saw that it was the dilapidated farmer’s market in front of Ye Chen!

"how to use?"

The system is now word: the host will find a scale handle and put it on, the dialog box will emerge.

Ye Chen obediently pressed his left hand on one of the scales, and instantly appeared various options.

Existing black-backed pork belly ~ egg ~ deep sea fish ~ beef, etc.

What are the options for redemption? ? ? ? ?

"What do you mean?"

System word: voice recognition function, what you want to change what you say directly.

"So advanced? There is something wrong with this broken place."

"Eggs in exchange for tofu~"


System word: 20 eggs in exchange for a pound of tofu, OK?

"I fuck, why don't you grab it?"

System word: This is the rule of the farmer's market, and it must be paid more than the receipt of the goods~

"Rely, when Laozi is stupid?"

The system now words: love can not change!

"Eraser~ Change! I change!"

Ye Chen will use tofu to make that one tofu, how can it not be changed?

He did the feast for his dad, and he said that he couldn’t afford it, but he felt that it was worthless, but now Ye Chen, who is rich in money, doesn’t care about losing it~

Then Ye Chen spent a huge price, in exchange for everything he needed, it was really painful.

"System, can't you exchange real money?"

The system is now word: money is money in peacetime! But in the war years, it was rubbing the **** paper, and the system only reserved strategic resources.

"I rely on, my sister's rigid. What wars are there in this era?"

The system is now: Isn’t the Korean stick now provoked the ancient Chinese country? Maybe tomorrow, China will launch a war to kill the bullets of Han Guozi in minutes?

"Oh, okay, you are talking about everything!"

Ye Chen has given up the idea of ​​arguing with the system. People can accept information from various parts of the world in seconds and seconds, and talk about political news with it. It is not looking for ugly.

"Exit the farm!"

Ye Chen, who was busy, left the farm directly and opened his eyes and returned to his bedroom.

System word: Please host to find the next pet as soon as possible, the next hunting mode will be upgraded~

"Rely on, where do you find new pets in the military area?"

Ye Chen said indignantly, Shi Shiran opened the door and went to the kitchen.

Today, he is very busy!

This reminder of the system is very timely, 2 pet quotas, what should I choose?

And who are the three thousand guards?

Struggle for yourself, war, even those who sacrifice, this is simply the private soldier of the farmer!

The system is now: What surprises this? Is the great Alckey Star Farmer so simple? When you reach the peak, this farm is your fortress. You have to eat, drink, drink, and the farm can be projected into reality to help the host fight.

"What? Projecting reality? I rely on, is there such a calf?"

Ye Chen has been stunned by the system to get rid of the chin, the higher the level, Ye Chen only discovered how the Alecsky technology is abnormal!

Will you meet other high-tech aliens in the future?

It is impossible to say that the Earth is the only human group in the universe.

There are many, many planets that know the infinite universe and the earth that are suitable for life. The chemical reaction produced by volcanic eruptions and lightning will definitely produce single-cell life and evolve into life.

Not to mention anything else, Alcicle is an example!

This is far from the distance, Ye Chen first does not consider, it is the most important to complete the system task well.

All of this is inseparable from the help of the system, including his cooking and strength.

"Dragon Brother, what have you been doing, how long, I and Xiaoqin still want to follow you to learn a few dishes~"

I did not expect Ye Chen to go so long, the two girls are still at the door of the kitchen, silently went straight into the kitchen, Ye Chen used a refrigerator to cover out a piece of tofu ~ inner fat tofu ~ this tofu snow white, slippery Tender, no bitter taste ~ is the best in tofu.

Brush brush~

A few simple knives cut the tofu into a rectangular block of one centimeter thick and placed it on a plate for later use.

All the ingredients such as onion and garlic are minced, and the abalone sauce and soy sauce are mixed with soy sauce and sesame oil.

Evenly pour the soup on the tofu and steam for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle some chopped green onion in the pot~

A good-looking, perfect, delicate piece of tofu is officially finished, looking at the one-of-a-kind tofu in front of this product.

Ye Chen himself couldn't help but want to eat, it was so beautiful.

Snow, white, white, and swaying, the tender tofu~

Thick and brownish abalone juice is the bottom ~

Tofu on a layer of green ingredients ~

Just like a snowy mountain with vegetation falling into the cola sea

Let the index finger move!

"Wow~ Xiaoqin, you look, beautiful!"

"Well, um, I saw it, it’s really beautiful~ I’m reluctant to let people eat it...”

Xiaoqin and poetry hold each other's hands, and their eyes are staring at this very good one.

Luzhong people love tofu, this taste, absolutely authentic Confucian cuisine!

Call ~

Ye Chen opened the locker and put a piece of tofu into the farm in a place that Ye Shishi and Mu Xiaoqin could not see.

The lockers provided by the farm are 100 times stronger than here. All the things put into the storage are kept in the original taste and temperature, and will not deteriorate!

This is the black technology that cannot be understood!

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