Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 509: Pet fit

System word: Unicorn field property, speed! Please use the virtual projection skills as soon as possible.

"Speed? Right! I still have virtual projection skills. I have forgotten the main purpose of coming to the farm this time."

"Use virtual projection skills!"

Ye Chen thought of a busy drink here, the other party was originally a speed monster, plus the increase in the speed of the field, it is also a fart, to know that gravity acceleration is the attack power!

The faster the wolf is, the faster the attack will be.

System word: Please choose a suitable pet for the host, choose one: rhubarb choice two: two yellow choice three: small white choice four: silver month choice five: young body killing willow (temporarily can not choose

"What? What do you mean?"

Ye Chen was directly forced by the system's sentence, not the farm virtual projection, how to choose a pet?

Also fit?

System word: According to the situation of the opponent, it is recommended to choose the same month as the agile attribute of the pet rhubarb or the sensitive property of the silver moon, but the more attributes the pet consumes the host mental strength, according to the host has not broken through the first-order intellectual property, It is recommended to choose rhubarb.

"Hey~ then choose rhubarb!"

Ye Chen looked at the black giant wolf that rushed across, and there was still a mind to study this one. What is the system saying?


Just when Ye Chen’s voice just fell, suddenly a virtual shadow of a high-tech farm emerged from Ye Chen’s back. This virtual shadow was centered on Ye Chen, and it actually extended 50 meters to the outside!

In the shadow of a group of chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, cows, pigs and pigs, is actually the epitome of the entire farm, there are also the presence of rhubarb, two yellow and other pets, and with the choice of Ye Chen, the phantom of rhubarb instantly rushed to the Ye Chen.

The black wolf in the distance also had an incredible look. The eyes leaked out of incomprehensible and horrified, and what was the opposite?

The sound of this group of chicken, duck, goose and dog screaming scared it!

Yes, with the opening of the virtual projection of Ye Chen Farm, not only the shadow, but also the voices of the animals have passed, as if cheering Ye Chen!

"Wang!?" (This is his mother?)

Ye Chen was staring at the cold-blade blade of the 20-centimeter that suddenly popped up on the boxing bones. Did he actually call a dog?

And is this shape not the big hero Wolf on the screen?

System word: The host can adjust his mind and speak people.

"Wang ~ I grass! What is the situation, what are you talking about?"

Ye Chen was completely stunned by this sudden change, but the constant sense of power from the whole body, especially the strong feeling on the legs, is so **** good!

The system is now word: the host activates the rhubarb skills, the spikes are crazy, and the talent is activated~ the dog shadow is gone.

System word: Farm virtual projection mode one, can project one or more farm pet virtual shadows, the same strength as the body, after death does not affect the body life, the duration is related to the host mental strength, the battle range farm virtual shadow coverage Within the scope.

System word: Mode 2, with pets single or multiple fit, get pet attributes and talent bonus, duration depends on the host's mental strength, fit strength according to the host and pet properties.

"I rely, so cool?"

Ye Chen was shocked by this sudden change. This farm virtual projection skill really solved the big problem of Ye Chen.

One is that Ye Chen is afraid that pets will die in battle, and the other is that the other side has an increase in the field. He has a pet-integrated increase, and it is a selective increase.

That is to say, the combination with rhubarb is an agile increase, and the combination of two yellow is a defensive increase, and the combination of small white is an intellectual increase!

Other second-order biological domain attributes are fixed!


Just as Ye Chen was still extremely excited and unself-sufficient, the black giant wolf in the opposite side flashed a hint of caution, screaming at Ye Chen’s demonstrative.

This kind of roar is to call the companion, the second is to warn the enemy not to act rashly, and the third is to see if they can scare away the other party.

This shows that Ye Chen has brought a huge threat to the black giant wolf at this time!

"Hey, this time I have to turn to Xiaoye to be cool, Wang! I am second time~ This is what the dog can’t help but..."

Ye Chen raised the claws in his hand while spitting the trough, and sneered at the giant wolf opposite.

And this move is incredible, only the feeling of the scene in front of the sky drifting forward, and the distance of a few hundred meters from the giant wolf actually blinked!

Visible speed!


Ye Chen's sharp blade in his hand greeted the black giant wolf, and the speed of the giant wolf was not covered. Actually, a flashed body escaped!


With the passage of Ye Chen and the giant wolf, the giant trees on both sides of the wolf can be downcast, and the thick giant tree is actually cut by the blade of Ye Chen.


Actually, there is still a long stretch of gas on each blade, just like a knife, a sword, and an indescribable sharpness.


After avoiding Ye Chen’s several attacks, the black giant wolf flashed a trace of anger, and it’s endless, right?

Give your face, right?

The dignity of being a king makes the black wolf mad.

The huge wolf head turned around and actually bite into Ye Chen.


The two sides fought together in the most primitive way. The naked wrestling, the giant wolf is wide and large, taking advantage of weight and size.

Ye Chen wears the mercy of the defensive 10, and in the case of the increase in the field, the attribute plays a role, and the defense dominates.




With two similar mourning sounds, one person and one wolf suddenly split up, and both sides were full of claw marks and wounds.

Ye Chen’s limbs were bitten by blood, and the wolf’s chest and back were full of claw marks.

"My second time, when can I get rid of this unconscious dog?"

Ye Chen silently thought about the sobbing of the dog who couldn't help himself, and the tears of the two waterfalls flowed down. ,

If there is an audience, will he think that he is abnormal?

On the other side, the black giant wolf also showed a hint of panic. Is this really a small human being, a small thing that he used as food?

From the attack method and the whimper, how the black giant wolf feels like a similar battle.



Just when Ye Chen wants to use the body to end the battle~

The seal on the hand actually rubbed against each other and could not be received!

It is really that the claws of this twenty centimeters are too long, and collisions with each other will not end the knot.

"It seems that the next time it fits with a pet, it is a good idea to study it."

Ye Chen gave up his use of the body-fixing technique without a word. The two sides played so much time, and Ye Chen felt that there was some succession.

His intellectual attributes have not yet broken through the first order, and it is estimated that the projection skills will not last so long.

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