Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Dial


The words of the president’s adult made Ye Chen’s front full of pistols, and Ye Chen shrugged without a word and was used to it.

"Who's special! Put all the guns together, no one is allowed to pull the gun without my order, don't scare our guests!"

Prand finally knows what the reason Anthony has just shown.

good to eat!

too delicious!

Smelling the pig's liver with great incense, it is incomprehensible in the mouth, it is so delicious.

With the performance of Anthony and Prand, Hilton and another person also curiously inserted a piece of pig liver into his mouth.


"Yes! Leave him!"

Hilton and another politician, after eating fried pork liver, also pointed to Ye Chen.

Ella and the bodyguards are almost collapsing. What is the matter? All the politicians are shouting and crying, but when they really want to leave the gun, the politicians let them Put the gun away.

Is this world swollen?


"It's delicious! It's so delicious! Is the pig liver so delicious? How much food was wasted by our beautiful people!!"

Hilton is not old enough to eat such delicious food.

Ye Chen originally had the cooking, and the delicious +2 talent, plus the god-grade ingredients of the black-backed five-legged pig, it was really good without swallowing the tongue.

"You also taste it, but there is only one piece for one person, you can't take it!"

Prandt said to Famol and the people behind him that this person had only one bite to be particularly heavy, which shows his emphasis on Ye Chen’s fried pork liver.

If you can let a country boss say such a small family, then there is no one.

When Famol forked a piece of pig liver into his mouth. . .


He was blinded by the whole person. What others eat is a kind of happiness, a kind of enjoyment, but he is a kind of bitterness.

His French foie gras is delicate and smooth, which makes people enjoy. Seeing everyone's expression, he knows that his French foie gras is not bad, but delicious.


At the moment of the entrance of the fried pork liver, Famol actually had the feeling of doubting life.

A unique scent of pig liver instantly bursts in the taste buds, without the suffocation and nausea of ​​the animal liver.

Coupled with the taste of green peppers and other side dishes, this fried pork liver directly let Famol in the same place.

"Ha ha ha, I think the result has come out, Famol, do you have anything to say?"

Anthony and a few people rushed to the fried pork liver in the dish, while smiling to Famol.

At this time, Anthony did not mention how much the spirit, this Chinese food is recommended by him, this Chen Hao's game is his support, even with Prandt grabbing the pig liver, he actually straighten the waist.

"Mr. Chen Hao is a high-caliber, admire, admire~"

Famol did not leave as much as Alba, and the gentlemanly demeanor gave Ye Chen a gentleman's ceremony. At this time, he was completely convinced of Chen Hao.

This taste is far more than his French foie gras, not to mention the feeling of being unclear in it.

Think about the scene where Alba is in full swing and Chen Hao is quietly playing mobile phones.

Now look at a lot of his craft, Chen Hao that casually look like. "Mr. Chen Hao, I am sorry for my words and deeds and thoughts. I lost this game and lost my heart."

The people of Farr are a little better, that is, the gentleman and the knight's demeanor. If you are wrong, you are wrong. If you lose, you will lose. You will never make any small moves behind your back.

"Can I taste it?"

Ye Chen pointed to the foie gras that had no one to care about at this time, and asked Famol.

"Of course, my honor."

Famol did not expect that this Chinese person did not take the opportunity to satirize him, but went to his French foie gras.

Ye Chen came here to eat a knife and cut a piece of foie gras into his mouth. Slowly closed his eyes and tasted it.

“The entrance is soft, it is saliva, mellow, delicate~ good!”

Although Ye Chen doesn't know much about Western food, the truth of this Tongbaitong is this. In fact, the food in the world has something in common. He saw that Famo is a good guy and wants to advise him.

"That is still better than Mr. Chen Wei's food."

When Famol heard Ye Chen’s praise, his eyes brightened, but he immediately recalled Ye Chen’s food. The gap was too great!

"Then you know why is it better than that?"

When he heard Ye Chen’s problem, Famol quickly shook his head.

"Because love!"


Looking at the eyes of Famor's doubts, Ye Chen smiled slightly, and he planned to order this Famol.

In these chefs, Alba is too straightforward and his character is too violent to fit.

Matsushima Chuan, the old man of the island country, did not have this plan.

Only this Famol, advancing and retreating, knowing how to be polite, and young, can be ordered on demand.

"Yes, love, you and Helena's Western food are very delicate, exquisite and amazing, people think it is a piece of art, is a craft."

Said here, Ye Chen is indeed some admire these Western chefs, you said that the small dish, not enough to eat, they are able to give you a plate for dozens of minutes.

Just to be able to look a little better~

"But ~ what is this food? It is a kind of happiness after eating, there is a kind of satisfaction, it is kind of enthusiasm and yearning for life. Your meal is too cold, just like the machine made, no one tastes. Do you understand?"


Ye Chen’s words made Famol directly lie there. If you didn’t eat the fried pork liver, you said this to him. He certainly disagreed.

Because he has no contrast!

But at the moment, Ye Chen’s words and the taste of the fried pork liver just now, he understood!


Only the delicious food is the most beautiful food in the world. What kind of food can be better than the mother, than the one who loves you?

"Thank you~ Thank you for your guidance. If there is a breakthrough in Famol, the great grace of the gentleman is unforgettable."

Famol suddenly bent over Ye Chen again. This time he did not go to the gentleman's ceremony, but a deep jealousy.

Sometimes ~ maybe only need a high point, you may change your life.

"Look at you, this Faul Moore is actually giving the Chinese people a sigh. This understanding is heavy enough in the country of Far, what happened?"

A group of bodyguards are thinking about finding something that can divert their attention on the pig's liver, just to see that Famol actually gave Ye Chenxi.

This is a shocked all the little baby~

Are they not enemies?

How do you feel more like a friend?

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