Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Muffled

"There are only ten cups of this wine, one cup for one person, and those who have drunk can't come again."

Although Ye Chen said this, but he has already put out four cups and placed them in a cup of Fujiwara and his own position, plus the number of cups of Anthony and other three, actually only three cups left?

"Cough, it's my turn according to age and order. I pay for this cup of wine."

It’s Philis, he just didn’t have much interest in this wine, but when he saw the performance of Lida and Anthony, there was only 3 cups left on the table. He couldn’t help himself. I got a cup of fifty dollars.

"Shuang! Good wine! This is the best wine I have ever tasted! No one!"

Just as Phyllis had just picked up the glass, suddenly he was so scared that he almost sprinkled the wine, glaring at it and looking back, it was actually the Grande Prande, at this time Prandt’s face was flushed. The eyes looked at the contents of the cup with surprise.

"Is it really so delicious? I want a cup, I am out of $80!"

"Rely, if you have money, it is a trick, this cup is mine, I am out 100 dollars!"

"Who is working poorly here? I am out of one hundred and five!"


Ye Chen was directly shocked by the madness of the crowd, which was completely beyond his expectations. He did not expect this wine to be so expensive!

Finally, Ye Chen sold the last two glasses of wine at two hundred and three hundred dollars respectively.

"Really? This cup of two or two boring cockroaches actually sold a price of 300 US dollars? Is that it?"

Ye Chen looked at this group of money, and did not have the slightest business mind, and the scientific researchers who led the huge salary and usually could not spend money, the brain quickly turned.

"Oh, unfortunately, how can this wine of Mr. Chen Hao let us all drink it? I knew that I just got out of 500 US dollars and I am out."

"It’s a shame, it’s a pity, so it’s 2 cups. Look at the surprises and enjoyment of those people. I want to drink."

"If God gives me another chance, I will definitely take it down. Unfortunately, I can't take it with them~"

A group of people looked at the big names, and the four glasses of wine on Ye Chen’s table, they didn’t dare to move.

The former is highly weighted by their leaders and superiors, the latter is the chef Chen Hao, and they all can't afford to offend.


"There is still a bottle, do you want it?"

Just when these people were disappointed, Ye Chen suddenly took out a bottle of boring from the bottom of the cabinet, exactly the same packaging.

"This is the wine I am going to give myself tomorrow, oh~ If I gave it to you, then I wouldn't have to drink it tomorrow, but look at what you are so eager for, or ten cups, quote yourself."

Ye Chen just turned his brain seeds, and the three hundred dollars boring, steadily earned no compensation, and it is provided by the system, how much is needed, and does not need him to work hard, then sell it~

"Actually, there is really, Mr. Chen Yu is really great. This kind of wine is also willing to come out, must support, I am out of four hundred dollars!"

"I rely on it, anyway, this thing is one person, the next time I don't know when it will be there, I will also have four hundred!"


"I am out of four hundred and five!"

"five hundred!"

When the last cup of boring shots, Ye Chen actually received a cup of 600 US dollars!

This is simply stealing money!

“Is this the huge profit brought by the environment and the timing?”

Ye Chen’s heart is moving, and this is the case many times. As long as you find the right people, there is a good environment. Finally, if your things are good and they are needed by others, the reward will be unimaginable.

In fact, these scientists have a generous salary every month. After each project research, there are huge bonuses. However, because of the confidential work, they can’t go out shopping and spend money. The real need is a report, the government will Prepare everything for him.

For them, money is not much different from Zhang rubbing paper.

These money Prand and Anthony are not enough. They are all the pockets of the white scorpion, but no matter who pays, they finally enter the pocket of Ye Chen.

Just when these people think that there is no more~


Ye Chen had a waist and actually put three bottles of wine on the table!

"Since everyone likes China's wines so much, this is my day after tomorrow, and there are still a lot of stocks in the day after tomorrow. If you drink, there will be no more, who wants?"

Ye Chen just counted the number of people, and these people can't run away!

And Anthony and Prandt looked at the boring eyes in front of them and leaked green light. Unfortunately, they touched the wallet that had dried up. If it was opened, it was estimated that the thief would leave a few tears.

"This wine is so good that I only drink half of it, and my head is dizzy."

Plante immersed himself in the wine while sipping wine.

"Prandt, I recommend it right? I don't have any exaggeration of this Chinese food and wine, just like the chef that night!"

Anthony also fainted on the sofa, if his face was too dark, it is estimated that his face was flushed, and because of the relationship between the wine, he actually called the name of Prand.

"Well, I believe this time. If I knew that the food in China was so delicious, I should have hired a Chinese chef."

Prandt actually had no objection to Anthony’s direct call, sure enough~

This wine is one of the things that best promotes the relationship between men.

"Must leave this person!"

"Yes, no matter what conditions he proposes, he must be kept."

The two seemed to have reached a consensus. The wine glass collided and drank the last bite.

And Ye Chen is busy in the heat, everyone wants to get this cup of boring as soon as possible, because the price is more expensive, and many people who are not in front of it are afraid, but Afraid that the price is still rising, I have to add a price, just to get it in advance.

So this price has been constantly rising.

"Hey, this kind of money is soft, and it’s cool to receive money when you get cramps!"

Ye Chen accepted the praise and gratitude of everyone, while he put all the money into his pocket.

After finally selling these wines, Ye Chen finally got to the side of his teammates waiting for him for a long time.

And the last cup of boring is sold for a thousand dollars!

"Hey? Yeh team, you are not right, why is this last cup exactly corresponding to their last person? Since the number of people and the number of cups are the same, and one person can only have one cup, why should you raise the price?"

Teng Chun looked at Ye Chen, who was incomprehensible and looked over.

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