Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 647: Promise under absolute advantage

"Xiao Chen, I am not used, but my students can be responsible for the various departments, as long as a phone call, can come to help."

"Yeah, I am old, not used, but I really want someone to bully it to the hoe. I can get a bayonet to fight for it."

For a time, Ye Chen did not say anything here, which shocked Ouyang Ya and Ouyang’s people. This group of old people couldn’t sit still first, and they insisted on Ye Chen! ! !

"Ya, you don't hurry to sit down and stand still."

After seeing her daughter’s swearing words, she actually provoked such a protest, and Ouyang Xiong quickly gave her niece a step.

"Ye Chen, you have to call me a grandfather, and Yale is still your stepmother in name. Are you really so ruthless?"

Since the threat is not enough, Ouyang Xiong quickly played the emotional card, but Ye Chen simply did not eat this set.

"Ouyang's owner, I have already understood things. Everyone understands people. If there is nothing, you can leave."

Ye Chen simply did not give Ouyang Xiong the opportunity to continue. Since the fathers were so strong, he also pretended to be in front of the Ouyang family, and he was sent out.

If he stays there, he still has to spend money to ask them to eat.

"You are so sad? I am also an old person, can't you give a living?"


Looking at Ouyang Xiong so pleading for Ye Chen, Ouyang Ya’s heart is very uncomfortable at this time. All this is caused by her. If she does not provoke Ye Family, she will not get into the strong enemy of Ye Chen. .

Looking at Ouyang Xiong's gray hair, licking his cheeks, Ye Chen's heart is a little loose. He is a soft person who doesn't eat hard. Actually, he and Ouyang's hatred are almost the same. Ouyang Nan let them leaves. The family has died, and the industry of Ouyang’s family has shrunk to the ordinary commercial family.

Now the home of China's four major worlds, there is no place for Ouyang's family. Instead, Li Jun's Li family, because of cooperation with Ye Chen, has squeezed into the ranks of the four major families.

"Let's go back. For the business, I am only developing the first store and the first beauty. Other industries are not interested in it for the time being. As for the final step of your Ouyang family, you can see your skills."

In the end, Ye Chen still had some soft feelings. His mother could not die and resurrected, and Ouyang’s family was not the direct murderer of the mother. Of course, his mother died without seeing his father. Ouyang’s family also had an absolute relationship, but Ouyang South is dead, and one life is worth a life.

What's more, the tasks enacted by the system have also been completed. If Ouyangjia loses the catering and beauty industry, it will definitely not be a big climate.

"Thank you!"

Ouyang Xiong was originally a gloomy face, and was preparing to leave the place with her daughter and younger brother. As a result, she did not expect that Ye Chen would actually let go!

"The boss of Ye is still too kind. If you change to me, you can completely mess up the other party and feel at ease."

"Yeah, it is too kind, the mall is like a battlefield, maybe this Ouyang family will have a chance to turn over."

"But this can't blame Ye Chen, and this is the boss of the leaf we know, generous! There is energy! I like it."

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, the surrounding fathers looked at each other with surprise. At this time, the Ouyang family was absolutely bluffing, and was also exposed by everyone and Ye Chen in public, but Ye Chen did not hurt the dog and promised the other party. conditions of.

This made everyone look at Ye Chen with surprise. Ye Chen’s approach was beyond everyone’s expectations.

"Slow down, don't send!"

Ouyangjia is not the previous Ouyang family, the gas is exhausted, Ouyang Xiong is old, even if Ouyangya is a genius in the business world, but today's society relies on opportunities, not the same as that, as long as you are willing to do it, it will grow bigger. The age of wealth.

Today's young entrepreneurs are smart and have ideas, and the business world is not lacking in genius.

Even if the Ouyang family really made another comeback, he was not afraid of Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, it is my Ouyang family is wrong, so heroes can not be with them, this life is regrettable, this life is regrettable."

Ouyang Xiong stood up and looked at Ye Chen with a pair of eyes. The amazement and admiration in his eyes spilled over with words, and the heart could not help but say this paragraph. This is the personality charm!

Whether it is hostility or a friend, anyone who has contacted Ye Chen will be surrendered by his generosity, his temperament and means.

"Grandpa Li, don't go to the other industries of Ouyang's family in the future, you have to spare people and spare people, things have passed."

After Ouyang’s house went out of the house, Ye Chen said to Li Zhen’s grandfather Li Zhenhai, don’t look at Ye Chen’s grasp of the world’s first store and the majority of the first US stock, but he is definitely a shopkeeper, nothing to do, always It is Li Jun and his grandfather Li Zhenhai who are holding such a big industry.

There is another aspect to the use of people without doubt. In fact, Ye Chen does not care much about these worldly money. He stands tall and far away. Ye Chen’s vision is not limited to the secular world.

"Okay, you are the big boss, you said it."

Li Zhenhai smiled and picked up a glass of wine on the table and touched it with Ye Chen. For Ye Chen’s approach, Li Zhenhai’s heart was warm. Generally, he was fighting in the mall, and there was very little for this. There is a chance to leave a little room.

Ye Chen’s practice of being tolerant to the enemy makes his heart safer and more optimistic about him.

"There is a kind of person who can't make it, that is, people who are not good at their parents can't pay, because he is not good to the parents who gave birth to him, and will he expect to be good to you?"

"There are people who can safely make friends. That is the compassionate person who studies Buddhism. The belief of such people, whether you believe it or not, is not bad, but because of their fear, they are afraid of the blame of the Buddha."

"So, Ye Chen, your kid is good, and you can be more generous with the enemy. It will definitely be more tolerant to friends."

The person who said this sentence is an old man. The old man likes to study the Buddhist scriptures. Of course, he just likes to delve into it. It is not the kind of worship that worships every day. As a result, he finds that some of the things told in the Buddhist scriptures are quite reasonable.

"Yes, Di Lao said it is good. The young people are too impetuous now. There is no faith in their hearts. There is no fear without faith. Therefore, murder and arson, the criminals of various crimes are getting smaller and smaller, and I don’t know why I came to this world. Why is it alive?"

"Isn't it, Ye Chen, this child, I look at the character is really good, and no one is going to teach, actually know how to spare people and forgive people, this is doing good deeds, letting people live a path, this is great! !!"

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