Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Death shadow!

System detection: It is extremely dangerous to find a mid-level attack. Please be careful.

"The attack in the middle of the emperor? Bastard! Rhubarb, kill, stop them."

Hearing the system's prompts, Ye Chen was shocked. He now relies on various skills and equipment to be promoted to the level of the emperor, and the people he met were also in the early stage of the emperor.

Wolf King Williams, Wolf King Roberts, Cat King Serena and King Knife Gate Lord Raytheon, these people are just the first stage of the royal class.

The middle of the middle class is not strong, Ye Chen does not know, but the system is extremely dangerous four words are not randomly messed up.

And this golden bell has been used, this best life-saving means can no longer be used again.



With Ye Chen’s anxious attack, Rhubarb also knew that the situation was serious, and he used the power of the whole body to speed up the attack.


In just three seconds, Ye Chen and Rhubarb have killed 4 senior biologists, but not enough.

The feeling of getting more and more dangerous has been stabbed on the body like a needle tip. Ye Chen’s strong sixth sense tells him to leave here!

"Bastard, wait for it, silver moon fit!"

These monsters are simply not afraid of death. Even if they are interrupted, they will still use their teeth to bite and use their heads. It is very difficult anyway.

At this moment, Ye Chen had already refused to leave any backhands, and immediately used his biggest card.

The silver moon fit in the farm virtual projection skills!

The moonlight in the sky is the same as above, once again covered in Ye Chen's body, and the monsters that stick to Ye Chen like dog skin plaster are also blocked by this sudden moonlight, and they can't get in!

"There was the moonlight that was the wolf of the wolf, was it the last time it changed?"

"How did this person make this card so early this time? I remember the last time this transformation only lasted for a short period of time? Is such a strong transformation definitely losing a lot of energy?"

"My god! My **** is coming again, my goodness, look forward to it, look forward to it!"

When I saw this moonlight appear again, everyone was excited to clench their fists. It was the impression that Ye Chen left for them last time too deep and deep.

Roar! ! !

Sure enough, with the dissipating of the moonlight, the scene suddenly sounded a shocking, shocking soul of the tiger!

The sound actually formed a small energy cyclone, blowing all the surrounding soil.

Silver-white shawl long hair, 2 meters black tiger tail, black mysterious tiger pattern on the face, the body armor automatically shrinks into a half-length squat, the indescribable noble temperament man once again debut!

"This ~ this is Ye Chen? Ye boss?"

The two sisters, Chenxi and Chenling, who were shocked to fly out, saw Ye Chen’s silver moon fit for the first time. The red hearts in these eyes just jumped out of the eye. If the previous Ye Chen was very handsome and sunny, then the leaves at this time. The morning is simply the person who came out of myth!



The 2 meter long descending wand swept out, and the two senior biochemical people in front of him did not even directly burst into a **** fog.


At this time, Ye Chen is simply a killing machine, cold, ruthless, noble killing machine.

3 seconds!

It was three seconds, but this time the scene has been cleaned up by Ye Chen! All the senior biochemical people in the lab made a **** fog!

"Killing God! This is definitely a cold to the extreme killing!"

"To confess all of the people below, no matter what the future, no matter who is right or wrong, you must not provoke this killing!"

"Shuai! So handsome! William brother, this is my Prince Charming, I really want to be on the scene now, more real look at him."

For a time, all the followers were chilling and watching the video screen. To say that this biochemical person brought tension and fear, Ye Chen brought the horror!

Every time I saw a wand, there were a few scenes of **** fog on the scene. Many people spit up disgustingly.

"Go to death! Yin and Yang forbidden, to win!"

Just when Ye Chen had just cleaned up the obstruction and was preparing to rush to Yuqing and Gong Yu, the heart suddenly burst into a cold, and an extremely dangerous feeling that could not be described by words was born from the heart.

The opposite of Yuqing and Gong Yu suddenly hands and prints, and suddenly pointed to Ye Chen!

At the same time, the mouth sipped the name of the ban!

Although the obstacles on the scene have been completely cleaned up by Ye Chen, the ban on Yu Qing and Gong Yu has been completely completed due to the delay of these few seconds. The two men carried a brutal sneer to launch the attack.


With the launch of this ban, the white hair of Yu Qing and Gong Yu suddenly produced a huge black gas, and slowly came out of this monster in this black gas!

A huge fantasy monster over five meters tall!

I saw this monster covered in a black smoke-like gauze, eyes like a brass bell, a sharp-nosed fang, a face, a sharp knife in the hand, and two long ears on the head.

grim Reaper!

I don't know why, all the people who saw the scene at the first time remembered the word from the heart!

And this illusory monster has been semi-materialized, everyone can see it!

Although no one has introduced what this monster is, everyone knows.

"This is the ban on the Yin and Yang division. I heard that it will consume a lot of vitality of the Yin and Yang divisions, and the number of people who are mobilized must be more than two willing sacrifices. If the number of people is increased again, the figure of death should be even taller. This person has not saved... 哎~”

In the church of the Vatican, a man with white hair, white hair, a golden crown, and a gold jewelry staff suddenly stared at the picture and said something.

After seeing this scene, he looked at Ye Chen's pity and sighed, as if Ye Chen's ending was doomed.

The priests of the full house are all mingling with each other.


When Ye Chen saw the figure of the **** of death, the eyelids slammed straight, and a gray death in his heart quickly began to spread.



This is the first time that Ye Chen has a clear sense of consciousness and is in the strongest state. He feels the coming of death!

And by the gaze of this monster like Death, Ye Chen actually feels that the limbs are beginning to become stiff, and you can't do it if you want to escape from the scene! ! !


After seeing this scene, Rhubarb is more arrogant and arrogant against this monster, with a hint of discernment and firmness in his eyes!

A flash is actually in front of Ye Chen.



The shadow of death is just a wave, and the rhubarb is actually hit by a blow!

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