Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Coloff

"Small dance, don't you thank people for your mercy?"

Long Aotian is beckoning the dragon dance on the ring, and it is also a step for the dragon dance.

"This is impossible, how can I lose in her hands?"

The dragon dance face flashed a trace of unwillingness, the other party's move routine is simply not a man of the military, the martial arts person, but the other party is a word, fast!

The world's martial arts are not broken, the reaction speed of the other side and the body speed are definitely higher than their own.

"Thank you!"

The dragon dance is also a person who can afford to let go. Although the other party has teased her, but after all, people have not hurt themselves, so she still has to thank each other.

"Okay, let's die now."

Teng Chun said to the female players of many dragon groups in the audience. After all, the strongest sister of this dragon group was defeated, and everyone else would die.

"Leaf team, where did you find your girlfriend? Can there be people like sisters?"

Many people in the Dragon Group have come round up, watching Lu Yingying, who is carrying the Ye Chen’s arm like a bird, and they are envious of them.

"Okay, if you have the appearance and strength of the Ye team, let's ask again, even if there are sisters and the like, you can't hold them, they are all scattered."

Long Aotian’s wave to the crowd is to rescue Ye Chen’s husband and wife from the crowd. The Dragon Group does have a lot of good guys, but it can be matched with Lu Yingying’s estimate, because Long Aotian actually felt from Lu Yingying. A threat.

A threat that meets rivals and has similar strength!

"Go, have a drink, and today we all will be busy, and this kitchen king competition will not be a scorpion."

"And Ye Laodi, don't you go to the preliminaries?"

The dragon team sitting in the deck drinking wine looked at Ye Chen with a look of confusion. Isn't the other party going to the competition?

Today and tomorrow, there is a preliminaries of culinary hegemony. Only those who have won can enter the finals.

"Preliminaries? What preliminaries?"

Chen Chen and Chen Ling did not say that they told Ye Chen that he was the person recommended by Mr. Lin Tao personally and had the qualification to go directly to the finals, so it is not clear.

Ye Chen also told himself how the game was invited by Lin Tao to everyone.

"Sure enough, I still have the ability to have a face. I don't have to go to the tedious preliminaries to go straight to the finals. It's too embarrassing."

"No, but the Ye team has to pay special attention to this person this time. This person I have seen in the preliminaries has always given people a feeling of being invisible."

The previous sentence was played by the Xu team, but the latter sentence of Teng Chun caused the attention of Ye Chen. He shared the work with the dragon dance and Fujiwara. The firmness and truth of Tengchun’s work will never be chaotic. Say, that is this person is really special!


Not only was Ye Chen's attention attracted, but even Long Aotian looked over.

"A foreign old man, I have been interested in food since I performed a task with the Ye team. I also recently learned to do some food and entertainment. I went to the competition site this morning with my work. See you at the end of the game. It’s this strange person."

Speaking of the fact that Fujiwara seems to have fallen into a memory, his face has revealed an incredible and incredible expression.

"This man is Kolver, an Italian. The old man I am talking about is his age, full of gray curly hair, but under the chef's costume, I can feel the explosive muscles, and..."

"Let's hurry up."

The Xu team turned anxiously and turned Fujiwara. How was this key time stuck?

"And this Clover's cooking has given me the feeling of seeing the leaves team cooking, and everything is just a pleasure."


"What? This Kloof's cooking will have a strong team? You don't want to be kidding."

"Yes, Fujiwara, you won't be hungry and you will get a good job."

"I don't believe anyone can make a delicious food than the Yeh team. I think you must be blind. Did the Kloof win?"

The people in the deck have clearly stated that they do not believe in Tengchun. Even Tseng Chun’s own words are somewhat unbelievable. How can this Kloof give him this feeling?

"Is Italy's Kloof? Old man? Explosive muscle strength? Cooking in the clouds?"

When Ye Chen heard the words of Tengchun, he flashed a fine light in his eyes. The name he wrote down, and what kind of person Fujiwara has changed since he changed it, of course he knows, and with the strength of the first stage of Tengchun, he can give The person who feels like this is absolutely not ordinary.

“The top three foods in the world are now Italy, China, and Far country.”

"This Kolver is from Italy and can give the vines the feeling that the cooking is definitely not normal. I will pay attention to this person."

Ye Chen said that this is the case. Now people all over the world have made a ranking and voting for the country of food. This first place is actually not China but Italy, which is the second in China and the third in France.

Of course, there are still seven countries behind, but Ye Chen does not pay attention, because China is only the first, he does not care about the ranking.

"Oh, of course, there is a shameless country. They actually claim that their kimchi is the first food. What Italy, China has to stand back, feeling that the earth can no longer stop their shameless."

Ye Chen finally added another sentence. This news is still from his mobile phone. Recently, because the world-class kitchen king has begun to fight for it, the food lovers all over the world actually launched a vote, which many Chinese people did not think of. Yes, they believe that the Chinese cuisine, which ranks first in the world, has become the second place.

There is also a stickman who came out at the end, and actually boasted of his own kimchi on the website. Even the top countries that didn’t have the top ten actually said that they were the first...

"Leaf team, what attracted my attention is not only the cooking of this Kloof, but also his strong body and danger. It may be that I have been staring for a long time. This Kloof is actually cooking. I took a look at it, that feeling..."

When it comes to the words of Tengchun, it has come down again. This makes the Xu team rushing to scratch their heads. What happened to this Tengchun today?

Talking is always vomiting.

"The feeling is just like when you were fighting with the Dragons. It is suffocating and frightening. It seems that there is not a person standing in front of you, but a beast from ancient times!"

Ancient beast?

Ye Chen and Long Aotian looked at each other and looked at the dignity in the other's eyes.

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