Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 919: It turned out to be him!

Among them, there is one of the eight people who are familiar with each other. At this time, when they don’t know who is going to be cut in, they are also protesting loudly. If Ye Chen is here, he will be surprised.

This beautiful blonde is very beautiful, and it is actually the joint man Helena when he performs the task at Mei Jianli!

I did not expect that the other party actually participated in this kitchen king competition!

"Mr. Lin, this..."

Several judges looked at each other and looked at Lin Tao. Some people who recommended Mr. Lin Tao were definitely not the same. This cooking is absolutely unique.

But if the other party has a skill in cooking, why not sign up for the competition?

Why do you want to stay at this last critical moment?

"I think everyone knows that as the host and the honorary chairman of the big country food industry, it is qualified to nominate a person to enter the finals directly. This is also known in our food industry. Now, as the honorary chairman of the Chinese food industry, I officially nominated Ye Chen. Go directly to the finals, can you have comments?"


Lin Tao is not tall, and he is chubby with some flesh and blood. He is very happy at the moment, but he is extremely majestic and serious at this moment. The name of the honorary chairman came out and he was quiet.

Until now, this rule, which has been forgotten by everyone, suddenly flashed into everyone’s minds. That said, Mr. Lin Tao’s request is reasonable and in line with the regulations!

"Wait, Ye Chen?"

Helena, who was protesting on the stage, had a bright look. She had already found the contestant many times in the preliminaries of this kitchen king. It was to find Ye Chen, but she was extremely disappointed that Ye Chen did not come.

But think about it too. People are now internationally reconciled. How can I have time to participate in this competition? Although the US military has already withdrawn from Ike, this peacekeeping force will continue to be stationed in Ike for some time.

Until the Ike government resumes normal operation, the people's lives will be evacuated if they are protected and protected by law.

Therefore, many people still believe that the commander of the peacekeeping force, Ye Chen, is still in Ike's order and does not think he will leave Ike.

Until then, I heard Ye Chen’s surprise, and Helena’s protest from the previous one became an exciting jump. It was a surprise.

“Ye Chen? Is it the same person?”

Another person who noticed the name instead of paying attention to Lin Tao’s rules is the muscular old man Kloof!

This old man who has been very calm and very eye-catching from the competition has finally had a slight emotional fluctuation, because in addition to the first in the food industry, the next target mission is also called Ye Chen!

His first goal was to promote the cuisine of their country, Italy, and make it the undisputed first food in the world.

The second goal is a Chinese man named Ye Chen. Listening to the meaning passed down, the man seems to have mastered a very valuable artifact and let him bring it back.

Because this game didn't take much time, and this China's Ye Chen couldn't run anymore, so he actually came to the competition first.

"What kind of person is this Ye Chen? How do you listen so familiar?"

"Yes, I am familiar with this, Ye Chen? Ye Chen? Recently, the non-human Huaxia strongman in international peacekeeping!" "I am going to go, this Mr. Lin recommended is not our General Ye Chenye of China? If this is true, my mother is going crazy!"

The people who reacted from the rules seemed to feel that they had missed something. After carefully pondering it, they responded to the name of the person they said.

In particular, there are many Chinese chefs present at the scene. Unlike foreigners who are so insensitive to Chinese names, they find out the problem at a glance.

"Ye General? Peacekeeping? I don't care what general is the general. Where is Ye Chen? I want to cook, this is the kitchen king competition, it is not the battlefield!"

"Yes, I don't accept it. I can't be famous. We have to meet this Ye Chen, we are only cooking!"

"We will fight our temper and admire the strength of General Ye, but the strength does not mean cooking, we have to cook."

There are still many people who don't know Ye Chenwei's name have said that they don't understand, and these people say Ye Chen, they know, but what is the food that Ye Chen will do?

It is not difficult to see from the video of Ike War that these hungry people are very hungry. If they change their appearance at this time and also give food to the hungry people, the absolute effect will be more exaggerated.

Each of them is full of confidence in their cooking skills, so the news on TV they feel is the effect of exaggeration, how good cooking can a person with a war?

After all, these foreigners only recognize some of the international documents and certificates, and Ye Chen is never interested in these documents and certificates.

"Call, finally caught up."

When the two sisters took Ye Chengang to the hall and heard Mr. Lin Tao’s words, there were still many opposing voices, and Chen Hao quickly raised his hand and waved his hand against Lin Tao on the stage.

"Then let us have Mr. Ye come up to meet with you."

Without the opportunity to discuss with Ye Chen, Lin Tao directly waved to Ye Chen. He did not expect Ye Chen to come so late, and there were so many voices against the audience.

System word: detected a third-order life body, warning! caveat!

"Who is the third-order? Who is it?"

While walking to the side of Lin Tao on the stage, Ye Chen’s spiritual power was sprinkled throughout the audience, and this observation was really shocking Ye Chen.

The first-order, second-order number is really not a small number. It seems that the increase in the aura between the heavens and the earth does increase the physical fitness of many people.

As for the third-order induction, Ye Chen did not feel it, but he had already had a goal, one of the eight players standing on the stage.

Muscular old man with gray curly hair, Kloof!

When the man came in from Ye Chen, he stared at Ye Chen, and Ye Chen actually felt a faint threat when he was confronted with it. However, since he did not reach the third order, he could not sense it. The realm of the other party.

"Hey! Ye Chen! Do you remember me?"

Just as Ye Chen was about to walk to the side of the ring, Helena, one of the eight candidates in the ring, greeted Ye Chen with enthusiasm.


While taking the morning leaves, she took off her hat and mask, and as he gradually leaked out, the whole scene gradually fell into silence.

"It's really him! My mother, it's really him, it's General Ye!"

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