Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 923: Fried Shrimps

In the face of everyone's argument, Ye Chen was indifferent, and Lu Yingying, who was below the stage, cast a reassuring look, and Ye Chen finally moved.

If so many people want to eat a shrimp, then Ye Chen can't use the god-level ingredients on the farm. Don't look at this one hundred pounds of shrimp, but it is not a small amount.

Let's say that these people don't pay for it, the second is not the judges, the third is not the state leader, and it is not qualified enough for Ye Chen to take it seriously.

“What I have to do is a simple, time-saving dish, oily prawns.”

As he said, Ye Chen brought the pot of prawns over, and he reached out and found a large empty pot from other places.

"Oil prawns? He took this simple and simple dish for everyone to eat? The table is a joke, and this kind of dish will not do well."

A chef with local dialects was disappointed after hearing the dishes that Ye Chen had to do. The original generals thought that the sacred generals of the leaves would have different performances. I didn't expect it to be just a prawn.

"Oyster prawns? What kind of dish is this? Is it a special dish of China? Is it a super difficult one? I have never heard of it?"

A foreign chef who is more concerned about dressing and pays more attention to his appearance at first glance asks questions. He knows a lot about the more famous dishes that are more difficult for China.

But this oily prawns is the first time he heard that this general has to enlarge the move?

“Special dishes? Super hard to do? Don’t be too simple, it’s a layman.”

"The large prawns in the Bohai Bay before Qingming used in this oily prawns are a kind of Lu cuisine. The unique oil-stained technique of Lulu is a famous dish with a long history. The four flavors of fresh, sweet and salty complement each other. Infinity, this dish sounds like a long history, but it is too simple, everyone in China will!"

A Chinese chef sneered after hearing the foreign embarrassing question. This kind of dish, his friends who are not chefs will do it, do you need to introduce it?

"Too simple? No wonder I haven't heard of it."

After knowing the origin of this dish, the buddy leaked a look of ignorance. He had research on the more famous and difficult dishes in China. In his opinion, the more complicated the cooking, the more difficult it is to make the dishes. These dishes are the dishes. It is possible to take out the hand to play.

But who knows that in the face of the world, the sacred general of the sacred **** is actually doing a dish for everyone in China.

It’s not just the two of them talking in a whisper. Other foreign chefs have also revealed the expression of surprise and surprise after knowing the difficulty of this dish. Is it necessary for people on the stage to play with the simplest dishes?

To know that they played their best in the preliminaries, playing with the most difficult cooking and the most precious ingredients, the result is a defeat!

"Yingying sauce, is Mr. Ye’s choice too simple and casual?”

The two sisters, Chenxi and Chenling, of course knew this dish. After the first thing they heard about Yechen’s dishes, they also asked Lu Yingying with a look of surprise. Now it seems that only Lu Yingying is qualified to change Ye Chen’s thoughts.

“Is it simple? Have you not eaten the egg fried rice made by Chen Ge?”

Hum~ Lu Yingying’s words made Chenxi’s two sisters squat in the spot, thinking about the wonderful taste of Ye Chen’s simple egg fried rice at that time. The taste, they put down their hearts.

Ye Chen is a person who has become a magical person!

"Interesting, let me see what Mr. Ye, who is highly recommended by Father Li and the sisters of the morning, has any tricks."

Lin Tao flashed a trace of surprise and surprise after knowing what to do, but he only heard about Ye Chen’s cooking after all, and he didn’t know how to do it.

Today, I just tried Ye Chen’s cooking. After all, tomorrow’s finals are very eye-catching. Li Laozi and several other internationally famous Taishan Beidou and the mayor have come to the scene, in case his recommendation appears to be leaking. Not only is he shameful, but there is no light on China.

"This prawn is very fresh, it can be a single head, and the material is fine."

Ye Chen grabbed a few prawn and squeezed it by hand, then put it under the nose and smelled it. Finally, he looked at the shrimp itself against the light.

This shrimp shell is hard to say that the nutrition of the shrimp itself is good, and the place of production should be good.

As for the smell under the nose, it is also to see how fresh this is. After all, these shrimps are not alive. If there is any smell or not, then it will not be edible.

As for the light, look at Ye Chen is confirming the position of the shrimp line. After randomly reading a few shrimps of different shapes, Ye Chen has already generally known the position of the shrimp line of each shape.


A very slight whistle sounded on the head of the hands around Ye Chen, and I saw Ye Chen's hands quickly grabbing the prawns in the pot and then throwing the shrimps into the empty bowl again with a pair of shrimp heads.

Broken shrimp gun!

This shrimp gun is the pointed horn and shrimp whisker on the head of the shrimp. Many restaurants or home cooking oil prawn ignore this point, often when the whole shrimp is eaten at the end, this shrimp gun and Shrimp whiskers will be tied to people or bored by guests.

Some people are even punctured by these shrimp guns or shrimp whiskers to break their lips or tongue, thereby affecting appetite or causing oral ulcers.

"God, how hard is this man's hand, this shrimp is a fresh prawns, and the shrimp gun can definitely be tied as a needle, and even a finger is squeezed and flattened?"

Several Chinese chefs certainly know the most easily overlooked step of this step. Usually they cut the shrimp gun and the shrimp whiskers with scissors. How can they pick up one hand like Ye Chen and then press it one by one? ?

No wonder they said that it is a matter of time. Ye Chen has to deal with it carefully for several hours, because the preparation of any dish is the most cumbersome and wasteful time and the most tiring!

"Fast! Too **** is fast, this is going to happen soon, my god!"

The chefs on the field gradually closed their mouths. When they saw the speed of Ye Chen’s fast-moving, the large potted shrimps continued to decrease, and the other pots had an increasing number of shrimp pots. The judges stood up. Some were shocked.

Although there are many first-order in the preliminaries, the second-order people have exposed unusual cooking or knife, but compared with Ye Chen, the speed is still a lot worse.

five minutes!

With more than a thousand shrimps, Ye Chen actually used all the shrimp guns and shrimp whiskers to clean them in just five minutes. I saw a shrimp gun like a needle on the table. Put a bunch, it is still very neat!

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