Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 954: The work of Coloff

"It's here! It's over! So excited, look at what level of the opponent that Ye boss is so valued."

With the excitement of the crowd, the judges finally came to the Italian player Korver. The front nine chefs have opened their eyes, but I don’t know why, they just want to see Kloof and Ye Chen. The contest between.

“The Kloof player from the country of Italian cuisine, this is the first time I heard about this name in the food industry, but Korver’s cooking has deeply shocked me before, and finally knows the ancestors’ sentence. There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside."

Li Hao introduced Cologne's name to let everyone remember him more clearly. While deliberately pulling away the topic and saying something, the panelists actually looked at other places as if they were negotiating.

Various programs generally have to insert an advertisement or sell a **** when they are about to solve the puzzle. They will let go of everyone after hanging the appetite of the audience.

This is not without purpose. One is the sponsor's advertising fee. The other is that everyone can remember this program. Of course, you can remember the person who sells the game, whether it is love or hate. Remember. it is good.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry."

Who knows that this time for the audience to solve the problem is Kolver himself, the original nine people have already made him a little impatient, I did not expect this ants actually said that the sale of that off.

If it wasn't for Clover who lived in the gladiator's environment from a young age, he would rather obey the ink.

"Hey ~ Kloof is really an acute player. Let's take a look at the strength of the 10th Kitchen King in this kitchen king competition."

Li Hao's face was awkward. This was the first time that he was not given a face in the host program. However, he did not lose money as a moderator. He immediately shifted the topic and started the process according to Kloof's request.

The system is now: Li Hao and these people have turned around at the gate of the ghost. What do you think of the host?

"Hey~ What can I think? Scared the baby."

Ye Chen saw sweat on his forehead. It was really for the Li Hao and those pretending judges who pinched the cold sweat. In front of them, they were the superpowers of the third-order ancient demon level. This group of ordinary people still have the mood to play people. ?

It’s really a mouse to be a best man to the cat. Don’t kill it.


With the opening of the first stainless steel insulation cover, suddenly a thick chicken scented, and everyone who smelled it closed their eyes and enjoyed the delicious aroma.

Roman Devil Chicken!

Devil chicken is fried with olive oil. It is complemented by Kloof's secret ingredients and spices. Under the irrigation of the food field, it is definitely the most delicious and delicious food!

This newly-deviled devil chicken is brightly colored in golden color and decorated with verdant lettuce. The color is enticing. Although the audience can't smell the aroma, they look at the collective enjoyment of the judges who have not had much expression before. I know how fragrant it is.

"Oh ~ Scorpio, is this really the devil chicken I have eaten before? It is so fragrant, everyone look at our scene, all the staff are smelling this fragrance, it is incredible."

Li Hao's eloquence is definitely not covered. The original food show has a major drawback, that is, it is impossible for the audience to taste the taste of this food, and then these food hosts have developed an exaggerated expression. But at this time, you don't need too much rhetoric to see everyone's expression.

And there are a few small glasses of red wine next to the Roman devil chicken. This is the top Italian wine made by Kloof. The flavor of chicken and the mellowness of red wine complement each other.

"Well, delicious! It's so delicious, the skin is crisp and tender, the chicken is fresh and refreshing, the taste is fine, the lips are sweet, and the red wine is delicious."

After a sip of a judge, he couldn't help but scream, and he said that he dared to say that he had eaten the best food in his life!

Even the chef's oily prawns are not good!

“This wine is definitely the top wine, it’s better than the 82-year-old Lafite. How is this possible?”

Kloof's red wine is indeed better than the 82-year-old Lafite, because he spent a lot of energy to infuse it. In order to defeat Ye Chen in the food to make himself go further, Kloof has exhausted his full strength!

Listening to the words of the judges, and sniffing the scent of the air in the air, even the other nine kitchen kings have been watching, is this Kloof's cooking skill already strong enough?


Another insulative hood was opened. This time in front of everyone was the Angus N. burdock. When I saw this burdock, everyone calmed down.

This marble-like grilled sirloin has its own fleshy texture, and it is perfected with the simmering soup of Kloof's own soup.

The origin of Angus cattle is Aberdeen Angus cattle in Aberdeen, Kincardine and Angus County in northern Scotland.

The cow's appearance is characterized by a black body with no horns, a low body and a compact body.

Young cows drink milk and grow tender corn. The muscles of Angus cattle are marbled, the meat is tender and tender, rich in high-quality protein and amino acids, and the fat content is much lower than that of ordinary beef.

The palate is natural, tender, plump, juicy and slightly sweet. It is recognized as the top beef variety in the world. It has the reputation of “king of meat” and has been favored in the international market. It has become the first choice for high-end western food industry.

At this time, it was upgraded by Korver's food field. Just look at it. It is perfect. Who can think of a piece of burdock that can be done so perfectly?

There is also a round omelet on the side of the steak. This egg is especially delicious. The egg yolk and egg white are distinctly yellow, and some vegetables are coveted.

“It’s delicious, seven mature? The original flavor of this burdock is full of the value and taste of the beef itself, so delicious.”

"This should be taken into account that the East likes to eat cooked food, otherwise the burdock 50% or six mature is the characteristics of Italy, then drink a good red wine, oh..."

"I am looking forward to picking up a few dishes, I don't know what surprises will be brought to us."

Listening to the comments of the judges, Kloof flashed a sarcasm in his eyes, a group of earthen buns.

"Kid, this time you lost."

A trace of voice with Kolfer's contemptuous eyes passed to Ye Chen, showing how confident Kolver is, this time he did his best to spur the food field for two and a half hours, not too tired.

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