Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 959: Limited wine


With the green light shining, people all over the world are relieved, and those who have economic minds to find business opportunities are excited to grab their hands. What does this mean?

This means that the food industry is likely to usher in an incredible big change!

"Well? This is not scientific..."

Krofer looked at the result with a puzzled look. Then he arranged everyone to take a thing and put it into the detector. After a flash of yellow light, it showed red. After several trials, Kolver finally believed this. The machine is still normal.

"So, then let's take a look at the innovators in our food industry, from the chefs of Magic China, the entries of Ye Chen!"

As a Chinese, Li Hao suddenly had a sense of pride in the announcement of this sentence. In this world's people's attention, the sudden surprise of Ye Chen has pushed China's status to the highest position.

A deep pride came from the heart, so when Li Hao introduced this sentence, he hardened the strength of his body, and even the voice was a little trembling.

"Hey, what's the use of good looks, and finally it depends on the taste. The chef's job is to make delicious ingredients into delicious food, and then everyone will eat it! I don't believe in my two and a half hours of food. The field will lose in taste."

Krofer’s heart was not convinced, and everyone started the same thing on the spot. But after he spent more than two hours of energy irrigation, the food itself pulled these people several streets, even if an ordinary chef used his This kind of food is also absolutely delicious.

Not to mention that he learned cooking from an early age and has always regarded cooking as his own life.

"Well? This smell!"

Although several judges can't bear to destroy the delicious food like this art, but the competition is the competition, and their duty is to taste the food and judge the champion tonight!

Out of respect and admiration for Ye Chen's food, they actually sipped their mouths before eating, which is not treated by other chefs.

Only this point, Krofer's face was a lot darker, he felt that he was underestimated, but before the final result did not come out, he still resisted his anger, this group of ants...

The last moment of saying a thousand and ten thousand is still coming. When the judges put a piece of Dongpo meat into the mouth from the melon book page, several people stayed, and as the teeth chew, the layers The deliciousness of the first layer continually exploded in the mouth.

good to eat!

Great food!

Every judge who ate the food felt that the delicious moment on the tip of the tongue melted like the soft Dongpo meat. The original judges who kept the figure and paid attention to the image were actually softer.

The feeling of Q bomb!

Gently pick up a pastry, and gently clip it on any part of the duck. Several foreign-styled tender chickens were picked up, and the sauce was rolled into the cake with a few whites. Onion segments.

"I can't describe the perfection of this delicious food in my own language. The world is infinite, and it is still a mountain and a mountain high. Just now Mr. Korver's food has made me forget myself, now..."

"Yeah, I can't tell the difference between the two." This is the most difficult time in my life's judges' career."

"Go and try the next dish, there is still, I can't wait..."

A group of judges, like those who discovered the New World, Ye Chen and Kloof's cuisine has simply subverted their careers. They have experienced countless contests in their lives, and they have been messed up after eating countless delicious foods.

Hard to choose!

Too hard to choose!

The next three cannons made by glutinous rice, each chewing in the mouth is like eating QQ sugar, flexible and chewy, opening a different food door for the judges.

There is also a golden bean curd fried egg, and a light scoop is just like scooping up a spoonful of gold.



Now everyone has no words, every dish can bring different feelings and freshness to everyone. A group of knowledgeable and knowledgeable judges have all put down their bodies at this time, just like a group of children. Move, that tastes.

The last is the same!

驴油火烧 with boring!


With the opening of the wine cover, the entire hall is full of rich wine, especially the few judges who have been closest to it. The light in this eye is getting brighter and brighter. The people who can be judges are definitely good wines. man of.

"Sweet! This is definitely the most fragrant wine I have ever smelled, but it is intoxicating when I smell it."

"I can't stand it anymore, try it?"

Just when everyone wanted to taste this wine first, a big hand suddenly caught the bottle.

"Master Ye, is this?"

Now the judges of the public judges have unified the name of Ye Chen, Master Ye!

Ye Chen in the food industry is definitely a well-deserved master!

"This wine is too strong, two or two per person, more will be drunk."

"What? Two or two will be drunk? Master Ye, don't make a joke, even if it is alcohol, it won't make me drunk."

A taller judge's face leaked a bit of dissatisfaction. This is a joke. Who in the food industry doesn't know how much he drinks?

Even if this bottle lets him drink it is definitely not a problem.

"Yes, Cole's drink didn't have to be said. I don't believe that the two wines can get him drunk. In our group, he is definitely the Dionysian level."

"Master Ye, this wine smells incense is not too precious, you should not be stingy."

"Yes, take a few more bottles, and this bottle is too stingy. We are all people who love wine."

This wine is two pounds, and there is still one person and two. Looking at this little wine in front of him, everyone thinks that Ye Chen is reluctant to come up with more.


Just as everyone’s voice just fell, Ye Chen bent over and took out a bottle of boring from the table, and everyone shut up.

"There is wine, that is, you really don't drink much."

There is no expression on Ye Chen’s face. It’s not that he is stingy, but these ordinary people are really two or two.

On the side of Kloof, there was some movement on his face. He smelled the aroma from the nose. He felt that the red wine he had brought out was weak. With his character and system, he did not drink alcohol.

This time, I brought the best red wine I brewed to match my own dishes.

"I still don't believe it."

The tall judge named Cole stepped forward and poured wine into the glass. This is so ugly, he just wants to prove himself in front of everyone.

"Three two!"

Ye Chen extended three fingers to Cole, meaning that the goods can drink up to three or two.

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