Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 992: Burning vein

"The law of the realm?"

Perhaps the efficacy of medicinal herbs has decreased. Looking at Ye Chen’s response, he did not respond much to the difference between the third and second orders.

"Yes, the law of the realm can also be said to be a kind of damage reduction. The third-order person compares the second-order person like a creature in a multi-dimensional space to a plane-space creature, which is more advanced and more solid, and is also protected by laws. For example, both sides A hundred points of damage is dealt, and the second-order hit on the third-order body will result in damage reduction, which is only about 50% effective."

"But if the third-order attack hits the second-order body, there will be damage bonus. Of course, the low-order of multiple attributes is an alternative. Each additional attribute damage reduction will increase or decrease by 10%. The level is also a decisive factor in the final injury."

When I heard the Yellow Emperor, Ye Chen’s eyes leaked a faint color.

"The meaning of the master is that if a single attribute second-order battle single attribute is third-order, the second-order hit damage on the third-order body is 50%, and the opponent's defense may have no harm, if it is double If the second-order attribute is played on the third-order single-attribute, then it will be reduced by 40%, and the fourth-order second-order hit will be reduced by 20%.

Ye Chen listened to the words of the Yellow Emperor and immediately listed a formula in his head, and said the meaning of his understanding.

"It can be said, but this is only the conclusion that the teacher and Yandi have summarized over the years. There will be exceptions for everything, such as you are an exception!"


"Yes, when you are fighting with the third-order, your power attribute has exploded the opponent's strength. Although it has been reduced by 20% of the damage, plus the opponent's defense reduction, it is completely beyond the other's. Tolerate the range, so you won."

"Now if you break through to the third order, the law of the realm will not work for you, and in the same order, the multi-attribute has the same effect on the single attribute, then you will have a big advantage in the third order. ”

The second order of the Yellow Emperor can't beat the third order. It is normal, the third-order attribute is much higher than the second order, plus the law reduction and damage bonus, and the binocular condensate in addition to the field, and then This is the reason why many second orders cannot leave the third order.

"You still don't feel anything?"

After talking for a long time, Ye Chen and Huang Di, who had eaten the medicinal herbs, chatted about the day and almost forgot about the business.

Is this remedy invalid?

Ye Chen, who was talking, suddenly felt that there was a slow flow of heat in Dantian. This warm flow flowed through Ye Chen’s limbs and warmth. It was very comfortable. Ye Chen actually had the feeling of being in the hot spring.

"There is a feeling, there is a warm and comfortable feeling..."

Ye Chen’s face leaked a fascinating expression, and the whole body relaxed with the warming of the meridians.

"Warm? Is this breakthrough Dan not heard that it is very violent?"

There is a trace of doubt in the face of Huang Di. Is it that this loss of efficacy has no effect?

Who knows that the voice of the Yellow Emperor just fell, Ye Chen's original lazy body is as tight as the one that is tightened, and the look on his face is no longer the same comfortable color.

"My second time! It's hot! It's so hot!!!"

The airflow that originally warmed up at Dantian has become extremely hot, and all the meridians of Yechen have a feeling of being burned by the hot sun and being grilled by the hot sun.

Ye Chen’s face was first white, then quickly turned red, and the large sweat of the beans continued to roll off his forehead.

"Persevere, now breakthrough Dan is burning impurities in your body, only the excretion of all impurities will make your meridians widened, this process will be very long but you have to come over."

There was a hint of excitement and dignity in the eyes of Huang Di. The excitement was that this breakthrough Dan had a lot of effects after the lapse of so many medicines, and Ye Chen’s breakthrough was no problem.

As for the dignity, it is because the drug has gone too far. The process of burning the impurities in the body has become more long because of the lack of medicine. I really don't know if Ye Chen can stick to it.

Fortunately, with the help of the farm system, Ye Chen not only cultivated Xuanqi’s blast, but also the increase in attributes is equal to the high-quality physique of physical training.

In fact, the reason why the Chinese warriors are dominant in the battle with foreign forces is because of the uncertainty of the infuriating, the outside strong is generally physical repair,

Which of the same attributes is high, and which one of the attributes is low is fixed.

However, the Chinese military is different, the true gas is enough, whether it is physical strength or strength, or speed, which part of the body is infuriated, which attributes will be super-enhanced, absolutely in the battle.

The system is now: 叮~ Congratulations on the host, intelligence +1.

Just as Ye Chen insisted on his teeth, a hint of the system made him feel relieved, and this burning-like torment finally had an effect.

The system is now: 叮~ Congratulations on the host, intelligence +1.

After a lapse of half an hour, the prompt of a system rang, and the big sweat on the forehead of Ye Chen had already wet the ground, but this refining body is not over yet!

"Persevere, only remove the impurities in your body, and the drug's medicinal properties are absorbed by you and then make a breakthrough. You will be the first four attributes in history to break through to the third order. people."

"Even if I and Yan Emperor deliberately learn from each other, they will improve their attributes and insist on it!"

Huang Di did not think that this breakthrough Dan Juran drug effect is so slow, and this is the first time that the third-order breakthrough to the fourth-order Dan Medicinal in the second-order breakthrough third-order.

The system is now: 叮~ Congratulations on the host, agile +1.


With the agility of this +1, Ye Chen, in addition to the intelligence is still a few points, the others have reached the point of 299, if the breakthrough is now, then Ye Chen's intelligence may be stuck on the 299 forever.

Because the system's attributes have increased to 299, it has no effect. Only this time, the drug or other opportunities can be broken. This opportunity Ye Chen does not want to waste!

The system is now word: the host has eight points of intelligence to reach the full value of 299, and the average increase of each point takes half an hour!

"I am second to the Olympics, I have to insist on this kind of pain for another 4 hours?"

Seeing the information of the system, Ye Chen almost stunned on the ground, and this kind of body burned like a fire, he actually had to endure four hours?

Years are like the year!

At this time, Ye Chen finally realized that he fully understood the meaning of this idiom.

"For the safety of my family, in order to maintain the peace of the earth, Laozi endured!"

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