Super Finding App

Chapter 1027: Trouble (2)

As the manager of the Explore Club, Manager Bai is naturally not a woman with **** and brains. She quickly noticed the change in the attitude of the prince of Sadie Kingdom.

But the more the worries and the ominousness in my heart became more serious, the sigh was sighed. If my idea is correct, the task of finding the oil field this time may involve the civil unrest of CCID, if so That's really more than worth it.

It seems that no matter how you have to find an oil field, even if it is the smallest one, you must leave CCID early.

Don't say it is Manager Bai. Anyone knows very well that if power struggles are involved, it will definitely be your death without a trace of humanity.

Inside the Presidential Suite at the National Hotel

"No, Manager Bai, are you kidding me, you have to find an oil field?"

Feng Jie, a man in a suit and leather shoes, was stunned. The second-level members of the Explore Club in the entire presidential suite were sitting together, without the expression of self-confidence at first, but with fear and anxiety.


According to the description of Manager Bai, they knew the demands of the Grand Prince of Saidi, and they had to find an oil field, otherwise they would sink to the high seas?

The youngest Zhou Hao shuddered in shock, raised his eyes and looked at the charming and charming Manager Bai, saying with a pleading voice.

"Manager Bai, manager Bai, are you telling the truth? If we can't find an oil field, will Prince Cedi really sink us into the high seas to feed fish?"

Zhou Jie's eyes looked expectant, staring directly at the manager, hoping to get a negative answer from her mouth.

"This was personally stated by the Grand Prince Saidi, and it appears that this time we are involved in the power struggle of the Grand Prince Saidy.

For the prince of the country of Sadie, if we want to leave this country safely, we must find an oil field, even the smallest one. "

Bai Jingjing nodded deeply, and his exquisite and helpless face also looked worried.

As for escaping, she never thought about it. She can be sure that they must have personnel arranged by the Prince of the Kingdom of Saidi, saying that it is protection, but in fact it is surveillance.

"Impossible, impossible, killing. This is the life of the grass. Can it be said that there is no king law in Sadie?"

The second-level member of the Discovery Club shuddered, and some said unconvinced

"Mr. Bai, let's leave now, isn't it just for the task? The task has failed, and we have to pay for it, so I don't believe it. Does this great prince of the country of Sadie really dare to take us to the high seas to feed sharks? "

"how can that be!"

"Yes, we don't need to be scared by him. Even if he is a great prince now, he is a legal society. Everything speaks of law."

"I'll post on WeChat now, and even write a suicide note. Once we die, hum, let the prince of Sadie Kingdom give us his life. There is a way to kill people and pay their debts."

"Calm down, calm down? Can you say such things, you may not believe it."

Feng Jie, a man in a suit, yelled loudly, his face became even lower.

"You do n’t want to think about where we are now. It ’s in the country of Sadie. Do n’t say what laws are. Each country ’s laws are not the same. If the prince of Sadie wants to kill us, I feel completely Are not a problem "

"Finally breaking the law, what kind of law? Will he find a death row and kill us one by one? As long as the money is given, I believe there are many people who are willing to do it. If it does not work, it will cause a few traffic accidents. Do you think Prince Cedi lacks money? "

It is very difficult to kill people. It is also easy for rich people to kill people. Perhaps the great prince of the country of Cedi does not need him to do it by himself.

Along with Feng Jie's words, the second members of the Exploration Club in the entire presidential suite were silent, and the cold sweat on the forehead that thought of the terror constantly flowed down.

"Manager Bai, Manager Bai, what do you think we should do now? You also know that it is not that we don't want to find the oil field, but that we can't find the oil field at all, and even the Super Hidden Object app has no effect."

"There is no other way, what should we do now?"

"Yes, yes, if the faith points of the Super Hidden App can be traded with each other, maybe we can still make up 10,000 points of faith, but the faith points of the Super Hidden App cannot be traded at all, and we have no Any way to use the super finder app, I don't know what to do at all. "

"Manager Bai, Manager Bai, you think of a way, what should we do now?"

"Manager Bai, you know a lot of people, otherwise you can find someone to see if you can talk to the great prince of Sadie Kingdom and let him leave us. We are really heartless and weak, not us We do n’t want to help the great prince of CCID to find oil fields, but we really ca n’t find it. "

"It's Manager Bai, Manager Bai. Are you talking to us and seeing what to do before you can leave here?"

"If I knew it would be so dangerous, I would definitely not participate in this visit to the Youlu Club"

"Enough, enough, what's the use of saying these now? Who could have thought that the king of the country of Sedi was so unreasonable that we couldn't find an oil field and killed us, it was just too ridiculous."

"Enough, who made him the great prince of the country of Sadie. Compared with him, we have no use at all. What else can we do except accept it?"

"Nothing can be done"

The second-level member of the Discovery Club, you say a word to me, emotional, more and more angry, but they know that no matter how angry, in the end it is simply useless.

It is impossible to escape in the country of Sadie.

The charming and charming manager Bai looked at the many second-level members with a hint of loss.

After all, the second-level member is a second-level member. If it is a first-level member, I am afraid that even if there is a glimmer of hope, they will make every effort to find it.

and many more……


Manager Bai's eyes suddenly flashed. He thought of someone and raised his eyes.

"Wait, I have a way. We can't find the oil field, but this does not mean that we are exploring. No one in the club can find the oil field."

The remaining second-level members of the Discovery Club wrinkled and frowned, and Feng Jie, wearing a suit and leather shoes, brightened his eyes, and raised his eyes or said eagerly.

"Mr. Bai, what do you mean?"

Manager Bai nodded his head heavily, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his charming red lips showed a charming look.

"Don't forget, there are still people who can complete the top ten impossible tasks in the Discovery Club."

"Sheng Yiping!"

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