Super Finding App

Chapter 1172: Gone (2)

"I know, I know, do n’t underestimate Sakura, Sakura, but I am very smart. This elder sister looks so beautiful and very temperament. This temperament is similar to my mother. It must not be a bad person. If it is If you do, give it to me, I won't eat it yet. "

Anyway, the little girl in pink said milkily and milkily, she scooped her eyes and flattened her mouth.

Here you are, do you still eat?

Am I really wronged against you?

Children now

Are they all so precocious?

Cheng Yiping couldn't help rolling his eyes, he didn't expect that he would be turned against by a seven or eight year old girl.

If you want to get angry, it seems that you are too cheap.

Don't get mad, and you're upset, it really makes you feel bad.

Beside him, Zhang Xiaona touched her mouth and smiled slightly.

"Okay, okay, let me leave this part of my sister, let's do it, my sister sent you to see your father and mother, you left alone, but it is very dangerous.

Zhang Xiaona laughed lightly. As a wanderer, she knew how dangerous it would be for a child to walk alone on the street if she was really lost.

Once you meet a bad person, you can't regret it.


The little girl in a pink suit nodded weakly and held Zhang Xiaona's hand.

Chen Yiping shrugged and wore his shoulders, followed closely, and came to the doll machine in a while, but at the moment, the doll machine was empty.

"Dad, where are you, father and father ..."

The little girl in the pink clothes suddenly panicked, and the original spooky eyes were full of tears and burst into tears.

"Dad, where are you? Dad, where are you? ..."

Heaven and earth conscience

The little girl in pink was originally looking at the doll in black gothic costume that Dad grabbed her in front of the doll machine.

But watching Dad's failures again and again and again and again, it's really boring.

Even the little girl pulled the sleeves of her father.

But Dad didn't seem to care about her at all.

This boredom makes the little girl in pink feel really bored.

So in the face of Zhoulin City snack street, many snacks were attracted by this fried food and left the doll.

Even so, his father, who was concentrating on the baby, was still unaware.

She didn't care in pink, she knew her dad was here.

I came back after a stroll, but Dad was no longer here.

The little girl in pink was so terrified and anxious that she burst into tears, and a feeling of abandonment, loneliness and panic came into her heart.

After all, she's just a kid

"Don't cry, don't cry, calm down, calm down. Since you said your dad was here, but he's not here now, then he must have come to you. Do you remember your father and mother's phone number?"

Zhang Xiaona's squatting body comforted the little pink girl softly, and her face was full of doting.

She had known as a wandering orphan how nervous, fearful and disturbed the little girl was at the moment.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, do you remember your father and mother's mobile phone number? Or where is your home? We can send you home now, if you are not assured of us, we can also send you Sent to the police station, I believe the police will find your home ... "

Zhang Xiaona whispered, after all, looking at the crying child, some onlookers around also came around.

Cheng Yiping touched his cheek, and was a little embarrassed. He was treated as a trafficker by passing by with good intentions, but he couldn't laugh or cry.

In contrast, it is safest to send the child to the police station.

"Dad ... Dad, Daddy ..."

The little girl in a pink dress burst into tears and burst into tears. She was so flustered that she was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

Obviously, she was frightened by the panic situation now, and was at a loss.

"What can I do? It seems this little girl is completely frightened"

"If it doesn't work, just call the police. I believe it's safest to have a police come over to handle it ..."

"It's true that the alarm ..."

Zhang Xiaona nodded, although he wanted to send the little girl to find his parents, but hesitated to see the crowd around him, and even some people pointed and hesitated.

"Sakura, you are here, you are here, how did you come here at noon? I'm really worried about killing me ..."


Just as Yiping was talking with Zhang Xiaona, and was about to reach out and dial 110.

I saw a middle-aged woman in the crowd rushing over, hugging Sakura, her face full of worry.

"Xiaoying, why are you running around? Do you know that your parents are really worried right now? Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise, if something goes wrong, what should your parents do? "

The middle-aged woman hugged Sakura, hugged her, and looked at Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona, with a grateful expression on her face.

"Thank you very much, thank you so much. If you are not kind people, if this child is lost, it will be too much trouble ..."

"Let me go, let me go, I don't know you, I don't know you, you let go of me quickly, you let me go, I don't know you, I don't know you"

The pink Sakura, who was held in her arms by the middle-aged woman, shouted loudly, tears streaming down.

Her hands were waving constantly, her expression was very reluctant

How is this going?

The little girl said she didn't know her

Does it mean that the middle-aged woman and the little girl don't even know each other?

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona were startled, watching the middle-aged woman holding Sakura stop her

"Wait, who the **** are you? This little girl said she didn't know you at all. Who the **** are you? Can you let the little girl down? ..."

"Yes, hurry down the little girl. Who the **** are you?"

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona's eyes revealed the color of vigilance.

Once the situation is wrong, the two of them will definitely take the shot and hold the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman was obviously frightened by the momentum of Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona and swallowed the drool

"I'm the little girl's nanny. If you don't believe it, you can ask her if she is called Sakura, and her name is Sakura ..."

The middle-aged woman was obviously frightened by Cheng Yiping's and Zhang Xiaona's actions, and said with a chaotic look


Is this girl called Sakura?

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona looked around and asked the crying little girl in pink

"What's your name?"

"Sakura, my name is Sakura, I really don't know her, I really don't know her"

Crying little girl in pink clothes held by middle-aged woman in her arms

Her name is really Sakura.

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