Super Finding App

Chapter 1174: Do bad things with good intentions (2)

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong.

Very wrong!

There must be something wrong with this middle-aged woman!

something wrong.

something wrong.

There must be something wrong with this middle-aged woman!

The people gathered around will be surrounded by Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona.

Cheng Yiping's face was dignified, and he seemed to be keen to see the emotions of these innocent people at this moment.

Behind this group of people, the middle-aged women protected by them are holding Sakura in pink clothes secretly trying to leave.

Something is wrong

Not right

It's really quite wrong

There must be something wrong with this middle-aged woman

"Keep off, keep off, you both keep off. We are not traffickers. We are not traffickers. This middle-aged woman has problems. This middle-aged woman has problems. Stop them, stop them."

Cheng Yiping really has some bitter smiles, and this is the most innocent thing in the world.

Knowing that this middle-aged woman has a problem, but surrounded by the middle-aged women's bewilderment, the people around them instantly surrounded themselves and Zhang Xiaona, and they were in a trafficker status all at once, no matter how they shouted, it was nothing No effect.

"Don't listen to him, don't listen to him, these two guys must be lying to us, they must be lying to us, and they want to take the opportunity to escape. Everyone calls the police, everyone calls the police, surrounds them, and arrests them. Leave it to the police and don't let them escape ... "

"Let them surround and arrest them, don't let them escape, traffickers are heartbroken, traffickers are heartbroken, and if you let them escape, I don't know which children will be abducted by them. Everyone must fence them, don't tell them to run away, don't let them run away. "

The voices of the two men suddenly came from the onlookers. The voices were unusually sharp, but with extremely provocative and bewildering voices, they instantly confused the people around them. One by one, they would become Yiping and Zhang Xiaona. It's too tight.



It's too cunning

That's it!

This middle-aged woman is definitely not alone

Do they belong to the gang?

Cheng Yiping was desperate and wanted to rush out several times, but was surrounded by the crowd.

If it weren't for considering that they were really a group of kind people, I'm afraid Cheng Yibing would really move thick, and the sound of these people scolding came from the ears.

Chen Yiping quickly searched among the crowd, and found these two men in the crowd, who constantly bewitched everyone.

Here are two people in plain clothes who look honest

An eyeball kept turning, and even twisted his head in guilty conscience.

The other showed a cruel and cruel expression.

In an instant

Cheng Yiping understood it thoroughly.

Team crime,

Gang crime

These three are definitely a group.

Although the middle-aged woman did not know how to learn the name of Sakura, she planned to abduct him.

And when someone like himself blocks them, the other two middle-aged men will encourage the unknown masses around to stop them.

What's more, they said everything with confusion and shouted the alarm, waiting for the police to deal with it.

There is no problem at all, but the problem is that once some unknown people are surrounded by equal people, the middle-aged women and the two coaxing middle-aged people will definitely escape.

Even if Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona were taken to the police station in the end, it was useless to be identified by the police as a misunderstanding.

It would be difficult to find three more people who trafficked their children.


It's really amazing

So the bad guys are very cunning these days

Unexpectedly, the traffickers are now committing crimes in groups.

Will inspire the innocent people.

It can be seen that people must keep calm at all times, and cannot be deceived by just two sentences.

Having said that, the innocent people in front of them have been deceived.

Cheng Yiping could only see the two men giving up carefully in the crowd, and more people surrounded him.


Is it really that easy?

"Since you can't speak, then use force, no wonder people say, try to avoid bb as much as you can"

Cheng Yiping shook his head and took a deep breath.

At this moment he finally knew what it was called Xiu Cai to encounter soldiers, and he couldn't reasonably explain.

If you really wait for the police to come, I am afraid these three people know where to go.

Although it is said that the super finder app you own can definitely find these three people.

But after all, there is a time gap. If Sakura really has any problems with the trafficker on the road, then she will lose more than her money.

In contrast

It's better to fix it immediately

However, this group of onlookers is after all just good people who are being used without knowing it.

It ’s not a trafficker. If it ’s too heavy, I ’m afraid there will be trouble, but it does n’t matter.

Tai Chi!

At first glance, Chengyi Binghanguang suddenly stretched out his hand, seemingly slow but extremely fast, mainly defense, mainly circular, stretched out his hand and drew a few arms around the man to draw a circle around him.

Suddenly the man in front of him felt dizzy, then fluttered and fell to the ground.

Cheng Yiping followed closely, drawing a circle with the left hand and drawing a circle with the right hand instantly knocked any nearby crowd down one by one.

The faces of the masses who fell on the ground were so aggressive that many people even stood up angrily.

As soon as he started, Cheng Yiping directly cut an fist and kicked him.

At this time, he would not even take care of this so-called innocent mass, is it really very innocent.

Perhaps for these deceived innocent people, they are really kind, but the worst thing in this world is to do bad things with good intentions

Sometimes good intentions can be more frightening and worse than doing bad things

Jeet Kune Do!

"No, no, don't come over, don't come over, what are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Come on, everyone stops him, everyone stops him, the trafficker gets angry, the trafficker starts jumping over the wall, and catches the trafficker. You must not let them run away, you must not let them run away, hand them over Give the police and give them to the police. "

"Don't come here, don't come here, tell you, you just know the law and break the law, the police will come here, you will be unlucky, the police will come here, you will be caught"

Shouting the most powerful middle-aged man with a panic look on his face.

He really did not expect that the person under siege in front of him dared to take the shot, and the most important thing was that he would easily bring down the people in front of him.

Came in front of him in an instant.

The arrogant man who had bewildered the people had not spoken yet, and a huge force instantly attacked his belly, causing all his words to be swallowed, and he stooped down like a shrimp.

Just looking up, I saw a dark shadow strike, and a slap appeared on his face, shooting him out ...

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