Super Finding App

Chapter 1198: Weird Death (4)

"I see, I see, but if that's the case, it should be in Binka on Beizhou Road, and two police officers, such as Zhao Weiqian and Qian Sen, came to our town of Jiangzhen, did they say this? Does it have anything to do with Jiangzhen City? "

Nodded calmly.

He is well aware that there are police officers in charge of cases in each area.

Now that this case happened in Binka City on Beizhou Road, Jiangzhen City will never be involved.

Now, two police officers, Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen from Dobinkas, Beizhou, have already arrived in Jiangzhen City.

In other words, this case definitely involves Jiangzhen City.

as expected.

Wang Yuting continued to say

"These two cases are indeed very weird. According to the investigations of two police officers, Zhao Weiquan and Sister Qian, we learned that a good friend named Wei Fang who is good with these two dead girls is Weifang who came to our river three days ago Town and city, according to our investigation of Wei Fang, I originally hoped to find the cause of the death of these two young girls, but now there are hot things. "

"Why is it that Wei Fang is dead?"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said, a sudden flash of aura in his mind



This is not true at all.

Just when I was on the aisle of Group 6 of the heavy case, when hearing the discussion inside it seemed that it was not Wei Fang who died, but Wei Fang's big money.

Is it ...

"It wasn't Wei Fang who died, but Wei Fang came to Jiangzhen City. According to our investigation, she made a big money here, so she left Beizhou Dobinka City and came to our town. city."

"When we investigated them, we learned that the big money with Wei Fang from the hospital came back and died of a sudden heart attack last night ..."

"We suspect that this case has something to do with Wei Fang ..."

Isn't it

Isn't it?

Are you kidding me?

Could it be that Wei Fang is dead?

Cheng Yiping's mouth opened wide, and some suddenly understood it.

It's totally understandable when you think about it.

While on Beizhou Road, one of Wei Fang's two girlfriends died of burning with the visceral flames, and one died of visceral ice freezing.

And now, in the town of Jiangzhen, Wei Fang's large sum of money has relapsed and died of heart disease, all of which are related to Wei Fang.

In other words, this Weifang is extremely suspected of committing crimes. If he is not a **** of death, it is his luck, which is too stupid.

So that's the problem ...

Is Wei Fang intentional or unintentional?

Is it deliberately murder or death?

Or was she too ill-fated?

This is indeed a problem ...

"So what do you mean?"

Cheng Yiping frowned, his eyes suddenly flashed, there seemed to be some reasons why Wang Yuting would call himself in the middle of the night.

I'm afraid it's really to find the murderer in this case using the Super Find App.

"Cheng Yiping, we know that you have a lot of beliefs in the Super Hidden Object app, this time we also hope that you can help us find the killer!"

Wang Yuting nodded and said righteously

"Consultant, hello, we also know that it is impossible to use the Super Hidden App as evidence. If we can, we do not want to use the Super Hidden App, but there is something that Captain Wang said is absolutely true. As our police, most The important thing is to be able to catch the killer, not the so-called self-esteem. Since the Super Find App can really help us catch the killer, we will not object, of course, we will investigate and collect enough evidence, so if you really You can use the super finder app to help us, then we really appreciate it ... "

If you change to a police officer with great self-esteem, you will never do it even if the case cannot be broken.

But for Zhao Weiquan, who is in Binca City, Beizhou, the key is to solve the case.

Catch the killer is crucial

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll try it. I don't necessarily guarantee that I can find it."

After Cheng Yiping thought for a moment, he pulled out his mobile phone from his arms and clicked on the Super Hidden Object app.

If you are looking for other Chen Yi, maybe you will quit, but since it is related to human life.

Cheng Yipingjue refused to let himself be his duty. If he didn't have the ability, he would naturally have to crack the case and make a contribution to catch the murderer.

What's more, Cheng Yiping really felt weird about this case. How could a person's body suddenly burn and freeze to death.

However, there are many explanations for the sudden death of a large amount of cardiac arrest on science. It may be a real heart disease, or it may be too excited.

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and opened the super-hunting app on the phone.

Group 6 and Wang Yuting and others stared at Cheng Yiping with their eyes staring brightly.

Before Cheng Yiping came, they must have used the Super Hidden App to find the killer, and the final result was just a slap in the bucket, failing with a lack of faith.

[Super Finding App is open]

[Super Finding App connecting ...]

[Faith Finder Link]

[Faith Finder opens ...]

In an instant.

In Chen Yiping's head, the colorful fog channel reappeared, and an inexplicable beam of light passed through Cheng Yiping's pupils, and instantly connected to Wang Yuting's mind.

Wang Yuting is really just a simple believer.

Even his beliefs are not considered by such a simple believer.

When the beam of light in his mind hit Wang Yuting instantly.

It can be clearly felt that the line of faith about Wang Yuting is abnormally dim and thin in his mind.

It can be seen that Wang Yujing is a positive and independent person who does not believe in the **** of finding things. Perhaps for Wang Yuting, even if she has a faith, she is a police officer, a law of faith, and a country of faith, not an ethereal search God of things.

[Road to Faith]

[Required Item: Zhang Daqian's Murderer]

In an instant,

The soul avatar in Cheng Yiping's mind was once again detached.

The next moment seemed to be in the space outside the entire Aqua Blue Star, and then the entire body was pulled by the inexplicable suction to the blue Aqua Blue Star.

Crossing the sea of ​​clouds, a boom came to a room in the earth.

here is…

The status of the soul's avatar looks around, this is a huge villa.

The villas are brilliantly decorated, with a variety of luxury goods and dresses hanging on the surrounding walls. The leather sofas are expensive.

This is a villa, a villa with a pretty decoration

Click ...


With the sound of the door opening, the door was gradually pushed open, and Zhang Dayun, who was bald with a big belly, walked in with the help of the young girl.

The levelling complexion in the state of soul became extremely weird.

Because he recognized that the so-called Zhang Dajian and the wonderful young girl Wei Fang turned out to be the two people he had met in the jewelry store ...

This world is really too small ...

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