Super Finding App

Chapter 1208: Weird look

Compared with the long-bearded man in the long-distance bus, his face was pale and disheartened.

Middle-aged women are most concerned about whether the Super Hidden App can actually find his son's address?

"Of course you can. The Super Hidden App will have different beliefs depending on the item you are looking for. Big sister, what you are looking for is your son's home address. It should not be of much value. I think it can be found. Is there a picture of your son in the eldest sister or something? "

Cheng Yiping nodded and said to the elder sister

"Yes, yes, of course I have a picture of my son ..."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman's older sister nodded hurriedly and carefully took out her wallet from her arms.

There is a picture of his son in the wallet. This is a teenager who looks exceptionally fresh and has some sunshine.

"Look, this is my son. He looks handsome. I tell you that my son was very cute when he was a kid. When he grew up, he reached a height of 1.75 meters. It's very sunny. Many people in our family are rushing to introduce the object to my son. If my son hadn't found the object smartly, I would have helped him at home ... "

Middle-aged woman raised her eyes when she mentioned her son

"Really handsome ..."

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said

"You also think my son is very handsome, this is for sure. My neighbors in my neighborhood want to help my son introduce them to a lot of good girls, but I refused. Do you know why? It ’s because of me. My son has helped me find my daughter-in-law. My future daughter-in-law is quite beautiful. I have seen the pictures. It is really as beautiful as a movie star. "

"And my son said that the girlfriend he was looking for was very good to him and would not cry or make trouble, nor would he have too many demands on him. It can be said that he got into the hall and got into the kitchen ... "

Good guy.

The middle-aged woman talked about her son and her future daughter-in-law as if they had opened the gates, a lot of crickets, but they jumped up with a flat eyebrow.

Is there anything wrong?

Can't cry or make trouble?

Don't ask to buy?

Go to the hall, go to the kitchen?

Damn it!

Is there such a good girl now?

Cheng Yiping's mouth widened, and he really didn't believe it.

For example, the rapid development of Tang Dynasty today, coupled with the one-child policy, have made the status of women in Tiantang Kingdom rapidly rising.

Going to the hall, getting to the kitchen is a rare species!

Are there really such good-quality beauties these days?

That is really a rare breed!

"Really, sister, then your son really found a very good girlfriend ..."

"That's why, so, this time I came here for a surprise attack. I want to see my future daughter-in-law ..."

"But can this super finder app really help me find my son's address?"

After the middle-aged woman brags about her son and future daughter-in-law, she finally remembers the importance of things and asks

"Relax, absolutely no problem"

Cheng Yiping nodded and patted his chest.


If it is someone else's words, using the Super Hidden App will still fail.

But Cheng Yiping has a real Super Hidden App. If he can still fail, he will simply take a piece of tofu and knock it to death.

[Super Finding App Connecting]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding ...]

[Please ask the seeker to specify the target ...]


I almost forgot, what's the name of the eldest son?

Cheng Yiping's mind immediately opened the Super Hidden Object App, only to find out that he didn't even know the name of the elder sister's son.

Raising his eyes, he asked the elder sister who looked nervous.

"Yes, sister, what's your son's name?"

"He Jiakang, my son's name is He Jiakang ..."

Sister said quickly

"Is He Jiakang? This name really is very good. The family grows up healthy."

Cheng Yiping nodded, and instantly pretended to open the Super Hidden Object app in his mobile phone while clicking the Super Hidden Object app in his mind.

[Please ask the seeker to specify the search target: He Jiakang's home address]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

next moment.

Cheng Yiping's mind suddenly appeared colorful channels.

The soul seemed to be divided into two.

Under the state of soul, Cheng Yiping's soul instantly shuttled through the colorful channels, and a cry appeared outside the blue sky of the entire blue star.

Standing as a soul avatar outside the universe, Cheng Yiping reflected the entire blue planet into his eyes, and then a huge suction attracted Cheng Yiping under the soul avatar state, and instantly fell down, banging through the sea of ​​clouds Fell into a room

found it!

After a while

Cheng Yiping, who was sitting on the coach, opened his eyes, with a weird look on his face, and turned to look at the elder sister with a tense expression in his eyes, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

"How, how, did you find it? Did you find it? Is this super finder app really useful?"

"If it doesn't work, tell me in advance. I can understand it, big sister. Think about how there might be such a magical thing in this world. If everything can be found with the Super Hidden Object app, this world No one is left behind. "


Cheng Yiping's weird expression fell into the eyes of the elder sister and it must have not been found.

She sighed for a moment, shook her head, raised her eyes to look at Yiping, comforted

"Boy, thank you very much, even if I didn't find you can help me very much ..."

"No, no, elder sister, you are wrong. I have found the home address of your son He Jiakang."

Cheng Yiping seemed to be awake from his thoughts, and looked at the elder sister strangely.

"Really, really? You really found my son's address?"

The elder sister said excitedly:

If you really know where your son's address is.

Then she takes a lot less detours.

Although she is now retired and does not want to go to work.

But five-hour long-distance coaches are not affordable for ordinary people, and they are very tired.

"Yes, the Super Hidden App has told me the address, indeed it has been found just ..."

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said with a hint of hesitation in his tone.

"It's great, it's great, where is it, where is it, please tell me where exactly is it? ..."

Obviously, the middle-aged woman elder sister did not hear the hesitation in Cheng Yiping's tone, and said excitedly.

For her, the main thing now is to know where her son's home address is.

She really missed her son He Jiakang and the future daughter-in-law who got to the hall and got to the kitchen.

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