Super Finding App

Chapter 1232: Crisis (2)

Bid down?

Why did my bid fail?

How is this possible?

Does anyone offer a higher price than me?

What the **** is going on?

Is it too weird that I will fail to bid?

What exactly is going on?

Boss in a suit with a briefcase stunned and dumbfounded


"Totally impossible"

"I have said that people here are very clear. They value the others separately. Even if I choose the same No. 3 raw ore heap, the price should belong to me. Why? Will it fail? How is this possible? What the **** is going on? "

"It's earned, it's earned, hey, I bid successfully, I bid successfully, hey, if this is shipped back, it will be quite profitable, and it is indeed better than that in the Yushi Street wholesale market in Nanyu City. Jade is even cheaper "

"Isn't it? If I had known this already, we would be here next time."

"Yes, yes, it's a good thing to be able to receive cheap ore. Who would buy the original jade embryos with high prices, but they need to be disassembled after returning home, hoping to unlock a large number of good goods. , It will make more money then "

Many bosses in the ore area smiled as the owners of the ore area announced the bid.

Basically everyone throws a pile of two rough stones.

Although some of the favorite ones have not been won, as long as they can win the bid, they will make some money.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since that's the case, we also have a special transportation service here. You can transport all of your raw ore in a while and transport it to the place you need by truck. Of course, if you do not want to transport it by yourself, It depends on the individual.

"Boss, what do you say? Of course I let you transport them by truck. You are in the mountains. Let's find a car. It is quite troublesome. The transporter will let you pack it. We will pay for it at most. You just have a little freight "

Cheng Yiping smiled, and went straight to the ore heap of No. 3, his eyes flashed.

This ore is the most valuable of the rough ore.

After thinking about it, it ’s better for the owner of the mining area to transport it out by truck like other bosses

After all, if Cheng Yiping was looking for a freight car by himself, he would have to return to Nanyu from here, and it would be a waste of time to return from Nanyu.

For the owner of the raw ore mine that he bought, paying the shipping cost by himself is nothing more than a dime.

I bought all the raw ore piles. Do you still care about the freight?

"Okay, everyone, everyone, please take a break, we will load it for you now"

The owner of the mining area grinned, and the problem that puzzled himself for a long time was finally solved.

After selling these batches of goods, not only for the first time, but even afterwards, maybe they can get rid of the entanglement of the jade gang.

Not much to say, the workers in the ore district started to live up, with smiles on their faces.

After all, they also need to eat. After hard mining for a long time, jade ore cannot be sold. What do they eat and drink?

Is it necessary to drink the northwest wind one by one?

Now that this jade mine has been sold, it proves that they have a profit, with their wages, they can support their families, and they are working very hard one by one.

Soon, four or five trucks were already full, and each ore was sorted into a different number and transported out.

"Yes, yes, we are not losing this time. Although the road is relatively bumpy, as long as we sell this batch of goods, we can make a lot of money. We must not be afraid of hard work if we make money."

"Isn't it? I didn't expect that the price of the original mine this time was even cheaper than that in the Yushi Street in Nanyu City. This time it was really profitable. Next time, you can consider continuing to buy here."

"Yes, yes, if I come back next time, count me as one"

"Even if I am one of us, we all come together"

Cheng Yiping and many bosses were bumping in the van, and in front of them were several large trucks full of cargo.

If it comes to the bumps one by one feels very uncomfortable, but the return journey is full of joy.

What they are carrying in these trucks is their money, and their benefits will make a fortune after returning to Nanyu City with a small change of hands.

boom! ...


There was a sound of roar in front, and several trucks carrying raw ore clicked to a halt, and the van immediately braked suddenly, turning the car into an equal person.

"What's going on, what's going on, is it going to be dead? Why did you stop and what happened?"

"What's going on? What's going on? Not hurry, I have to rush to Nanyu City before dark"

"Why did you stop suddenly, why did you stop suddenly? ..."

Cheng Yiping frowned, flashing an ominous feeling in his heart, and got out of the van.

Four or five vans stopped one after the other behind the van, and the boss inside scolded and scolded the van and frowned.

"No, can it be said that the truck in front is broken? If so, it will be troublesome."

"Probably not. What happened? Why stop?"

"That's what happened, why stop?"

Cheng Yiping frowned and walked forward

I saw twenty or thirty mules standing squatting in the middle of the road on the road ahead, smoking cigarettes.

The sweat on Xiao Zhou's forehead full of sweat was flowing

"I said what the **** are you doing blocking the road, get out of here?"

"Why are you blocking the road?"

"What the **** are you doing?"

The owner, wearing a suit and a briefcase, suddenly became embarrassed and angry. He didn't get the No. 3 rough quarry he valued, which made him dissatisfied, and now there are still a few confusing to stop?

This is almost death.

Step forward and yell loudly

"Is the road yours? If it was n’t your home, what are we here to do with you, and if you have to go, just go and leave for me, anyway, I ’m sorry that we ’re using jade today. Now, if you want to leave, you might as well drive a car and go around, maybe you can go back a few times, right? "

Come is not good, good is not come

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed, and the group in front of me knew that it wasn't a mess.

It looks like I squatted here intentionally.

Can it be said that there is trouble?

"What the **** do you want to do? What do you mean by saying these things? What the **** are you? ..."

As soon as the rumbling voice fell, many bosses looked at each other, and instantly understood that they had met rumbling.

It seems that those who come are not good, and those who are good do not come.

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