Super Finding App

Chapter 1237: Persuade

"Hahaha, arrogant, arrogant, is really arrogant, lad, I don't know where you have such courage, but have you seen too many martial arts films, group fights, singled out? You have to be single Picking more than 20 of us is simply ridiculous, do you really think you are a superman? "

Jade helped the boss for a moment, and then laughed with his right hand touching his head, his expression seemed abnormally wild. To him, it was a huge joke.

"Young man, having courage is a good thing, but people are confused in society. It is useless to rely on one person alone. It is useless to rely on courage alone. If it was when my jade gang was just established, you said I still believe it a bit, but it's ridiculous now, don't say we bully you, then give you a chance, as long as you do business with us obediently and give us the raw ore, then I can still Don't blame it before, otherwise I will let you know what life is better than death! "

The boss of the jade gang smirked, thinking that when the jade gang was established, it could unify the jade streets of the whole Nanyu city, and even allowed the ore owners to sell them only to the jade gang.

After all, facing the huge profits of jade, there are many cows, ghosts, and snake gods who want to share a cup.

In addition to finding the patron who can cover them on the bright side, the boss of the Jade Gang is also indispensable. After all, the benefits of Jade are too great!

It can be said that the boss of the Jade Gang can also be regarded as a character who broke out from the sea of ​​blood and sword.

Scared of everything else, never afraid of fighting.

Raising his eyes, he looked at the smirking expression of Chen Fan in front of him.

Actually rushing in front of Ma Ma, it was just trying to die!

Go crazy.

Go crazy.

Is this young guy completely crazy?

Is there anything wrong?

Want to do something with the Jade Gang?

Doesn't he know that he is sweating and doesn't suffer from immediate loss? This jade-like person seems to be large in number, reaching at least 20 or 30 people. How can you hit it alone?

This is simply death!

The bosses all around looked at each other, stunned, although they were persecuted and threatened by the jade gang, they were also very angry and annoyed.

However, they are very rational. As they go north to south, they know very well that there is a strong dragon that does not suppress the snake.

In today's circumstances, at most, it can only be used to break the fortunes and disasters. First, to save their lives, everything else is easy to say. Otherwise, once a person dies, everything is false.

"Lady, let me say what you say blindly, calm down, don't be young and vigorous, I know that although you are young, you go out to do business, and pay attention to being rich and healthy, and you cannot be young and vigorous, otherwise, the bad luck will eventually It's just you, you have to think about it. "

The owner, wearing a suit and a briefcase, opened his mouth wide. Don't look at him shouting the best at the jade gang, but he is also the fastest one.

Watching Cheng Yiping said quickly

"Lady, calm down, calm down. Even if you sell the jade mine to them, you will lose it at most. It ’s better than being beaten and killed. It ’s better to have no life. You look like them. Such a jade gang dare to block the truck transportation on the mountain road blatantly, and we can see that they are powerful people. Now there are more than twenty people. Do you know how many people are behind them? "

"You can't beat anyone by yourself. In the end, you still suffer from flesh. You want to open, you want to open, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive."

"There is an impulse, a devil"

The boss wearing a suit with a briefcase at this point is very clear.

They also used to be very upset. When they first entered the society, they had run into business, had argued with others, and had been hit by blood.

Then the experience is that people can keep a low profile when they are low-key. Sometimes it is a blessing to lose money.

"Calm down, calm down, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, hey, this big brother, this big brother, he's just young. After all, he's too impulsive. His jade ore sells, and his raw ore sells like us."

The pot-bellied boss is a good person.

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and turned to look at the boss with a big belly in a suit with a briefcase in front of him. At this moment, with a humble smile on his face, he tried hard to lie.

In the surroundings, the other bosses stopped and watched, and there were quite a few things that didn't concern themselves.

It can be seen that the big-bellied boss with a briefcase can also be regarded as a good person. At least he can stand up in such a situation and come out to the round, not a bad person.

"Sell just fine. I said that our jade gang is a fair trade. This is a voluntary principle. If it is forced, then don't say we are forced to buy and sell!"

Jade helped the boss sneer, his eyes fell on Cheng Yiping, and the haze in his eyes flashed.

"No, no, we volunteered, we volunteered ..."

The boss, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase with a big belly, nodded and said,

"Well, it seems that you are so knowledgeable about affairs, I don't care about him, boy, I don't know who you are, but you have to remember, you will have bright eyes when you go out to do business. One thing, do n’t be able to offend anything, you ca n’t offend some people! ”

Jade helped the boss sneer and then waved to his buddies

"Go get it for him. His price is 0.5 points lower than those of other bosses!"

The boss of the Jade Gang can be regarded as waiting for the pin and said, looking sneerly into a flat.

He doesn't care if Cheng Yiping dares to resist at all. If he resists, it would be better. As the boss of the jade gang, he has a way to let the other party spit out all the jade mine, even without giving a penny!

"Okay, boss, I understand!"

As soon as Jade helped the boss's hand, the light flashed in his eyes, watching the boss's admiration.

The boss is indeed the boss.

In this sentence, the price has been cut by 0.5 points!

Do not underestimate these 0.5 points, at least it can reach tens of thousands.

Thinking of this, Yushi helped the boss's men lick their tongues, Yaowu Yangwei walked to Cheng Yiping's face, and his straight toes said with a straight nose.

"Fortunately, you are lucky today, our boss has spoken, and he will not blame you. Just sell the jade to us at this price, and get out of the way ... you should thank our boss for his graciousness, otherwise, he will The words you just said, without interrupting the ribs in your body, the name of our jade gang will be written upside down ... "

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