Super Finding App

Chapter 1243: Lawyer (1)

The jade gang can have such a large force within the jade street of Nanyu City and even monopolized the entry and exit of the jade raw ore. It is impossible to say that no one supports and protects it on the bright side.

Even the police in the police station of Nanyu City Public Security Bureau are sometimes helpless to the people in the jade gang.

After all, the kingdom of heaven is now in a legal society, and everything that matters is evidence.

What's more, the officials do not care about the people, and the boss of the jade gang has money to find other people as scapegoats. Unless there is a killing, otherwise, even if it costs a certain amount of money to kill people, Able to get things done perfectly.

It can be said that even some policemen of the Nanyu City Police Station did not have any solution to the jumble of the jade gang without real evidence.

After all, even if the jade gang helped monopolize the entry and exit of the raw ore, it was only a commercial act. At most, it could only be determined by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau whether it was a monopoly.

Then benevolent sees benevolent sees wisdom.

But today the policemen of Nanyu City Police Station saw the scene of stunning.

"I said this is true and false, is it such a cow? Is this the man who brought down the boss of the Jade Gang, including more than 20, all to the ground?"

"Is there anything wrong? Is this a movie?"

"No, this is really witnessed by some other witnesses. Don't underestimate this kid, it's really amazing."

"Down all the jade gangs and more than 20 gangsters, but then he is in trouble. After all, fighting now is not good behavior, and even if it is not the first thing to do, he has now wounded people. If the jade gang pursues him, I'm afraid compensation is needed. "

"Non-sense, nonsense, too nonsense, compensation? How is that possible? Even if jade is rich, the court will not think so"

"There are more than twenty people in the jade gang. He only has one person. He went out, and one person made more than twenty people cry and fell to the ground. Whoever believes in such a thing will not believe it. ! "

"The boss of the Jade Gang won't tell the story, because this is a very shameful thing!"

Inside the police station, several assistant policemen wearing security clothes talked, their eyes fell to the side and they sat leisurely in the police station and didn't seem to care about the leveling of what they had done. They were stunned.

They really did not expect that the boss of the Jade Gang and more than 20 backbones would be killed by one person. I am afraid that no one believed it.

"This is not necessarily the case. The Jade Gang is not a small gang. I'm afraid he will be in trouble in the future. After all, the occurrence of such a thing and the boss of the Jade Gang can be regarded as a complete tie."

"That's not what I said, but I was very clear. I heard that he and several other bosses all went to the original mine to purchase the original mine. I didn't expect that the jade gang would block the road when they returned. , They must be sold to the Jade Gang at a low price, otherwise they will not be allowed to ship, then, if it were me, I would not be willing. "

"That's what it says, but the people in this jade gang didn't do anything drastic, they just asked to sell them to them. If they didn't sell them, they wouldn't fight or make trouble, but they would block the road. Even if the police report the most, you can only give way. You also know that the road in this mine is inherently narrow and difficult to walk. If these people make trouble, you really ca n’t take them. "

"This is true. It really is well said in the old saying. You are not afraid that hooligan will martial arts, but you will be afraid of hooligan culture. Now even if you are a gangster, you also need legal knowledge. From a legal perspective, you really take them There is no way. "

Several auxiliary policemen whispered and discussed, but looking at Cheng Yiping's eyes revealed their admiration.

Anyway, those who can do such a thing without fear of Jade Gang really give him a praise.

"Severe punishment, severe punishment, must be severely punished. What kind of situation do you say? There is no law for blatant killing or killing, or is there a law of kings, or is the law regarded as nothing, and one person injured more than 20 people Then, this kind of person is a kind of heartbroken man, of course, he must be severely punished, he must be severely punished. "

"I tell you, if your police don't punish him severely, we will sue you then!"

Between words

I saw a man in a suit and leather shoes approaching with a serious look.

Beside him was the boss of the jade gang. At this moment, his face was covered with bruises and looked pitiful, but his pupils shot gloomy eyes.

These days, the difference between the so-called hang-out and the hang-out on the side of the street is that one can use the weapon of law to make profits for himself.

On the legal level, even the police have no way to deal with him.

And the general chubby is simply a simple way to solve the problem by beating people by force, and eventually they are sent to prison.

Obviously, the boss of the jade gang has developed to the original mine that monopolized the entire jade street, protected by the people who live on it

In addition, I have a lot of money in exchange for huge profits, and know more about how to safeguard their own interests and rights than ordinary lunatics.

"I'm Zhang Youcai, a lawyer at Nanyu City Law Firm. I'm now indictment on behalf of my victim, and I must ask this lunatic person to pay for it. At the same time, you are required to put him in custody. Public safety crime! "

"My client simply searched for the mining area in the mountains. It was just because he was too tired to take a rest here. Then he negotiated with some bosses to purchase the raw ore. This is a normal business. Behavior, but the person in front of me was assaulted with brutality and inhumane force. The police must respond to this matter and must take it seriously, otherwise I will represent my client. Strong protest against you ... "

What protest?

Protest on behalf of the parties?

Do you have a face?

Several auxiliary policemen in security uniforms were stunned and looked at the righteous lawyers. If they were not sure, they really thought how righteous they were.

But the words spoken were simply laughable and generous!


There are more than 20 people in the Jade Gang, and there is only one person in front of this bottle. As a result, in your mouth, you have become a party who beat you, beat more than twenty people by yourself?

In the end, who would believe this!

And the jumble of these jade gangs has become pure in your mouth, and clever selection has become friendly negotiation.

The lawyer is indeed a tongue-in-cheek.

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