Super Finding App

Chapter 1278: The breath of life (1)

"I remember that you were the first store owner we entered when we came to Yushi Street in Jiangzhen City. I remembered that the jade carving on your side is really good."

The man in a suit stopped and looked at the boss Bo Qiang, who frowned in front of his eyes, and frowned slightly, but his eyebrows stretched out quickly. He had been accustomed to this situation for a long time.

"Yes, yes, this is a handsome guy, that's exactly right. Since you left, I know that the jealous jade in my shop can't get the three eyes, so I deliberately made me The town shop treasure in the store brought me here. It ’s better for three people to go to my store to see. I believe my town shop treasure can meet the requirements of the three people. ”

"It's not that I play as the boss. Even in the street of Jiangzhen City, even if it is within the scope of Jiangzhen City, there is no jade carving work on par with the treasures of my town shop. , To ensure that they will meet the wishes of the three. "

Boss Qian said with a lowered eyebrow, raising his eyes, his eyes glowing with treacherous eyes.

There is no treacherous business, this sentence is completely applicable to the boss of money.

And it can survive within a street in Yushi, Jiangzhen City. Although it is not open for one year and eaten for three years, how can it make a fortune if it is really honest?

Therefore, the boss of Qian is very clear and wants to take the initiative to attack. Now that I know that these three people belong to the owner who is not short of money, of course, I want to keep these three people for you and earn him a fortune.

As for the treasures of the town shop, this does exist. This trick has been used many times by the boss of money.

"Rich people are rich people. Rich people will always only buy expensive things. They do n’t buy the right ones, as long as they agree with them, even if the price is high, there is no problem at all. Bao, of course, is an absolute boutique, but the price is, of course, extremely high, which is far beyond the range that ordinary rich people can afford. "

"Basically, as long as the price is offered, no rich person is willing to spend a large amount of money to buy it, but as long as the rich person is reintroduced into the jade shop, they will buy it even if they cannot afford the treasure of the town shop. Some other jade, this is because the rich people are very good-looking "

"Originally I wanted to buy the treasures of the town shop, but I found that my economic conditions were not enough to buy the treasures of the town shop. Such a loss of face is simply a shame to the rich, so in order to earn back the money, these rich people More or less, I will buy some other jade or antiques, calligraphy and painting in the store, but no matter which one is, for me, it is a stable and profitable business. "

Boss Qian has tried this method many times. Boss Qian uses the idea that rich people have good faces.

Mr. Qian believes that as long as the three rich people go to his shop to see the treasure of the town shop, and the price of the treasure of the town shop far exceeds the range of these three people, the three people Will definitely buy other antique calligraphy and painting and even jade in the shop.

"Treasures of the town shop? No, your treasures of the town shop are still left to you, it is not useful to us at all, I have found what I want"

The man in the suit shook his head with a chuckle and refused. He lowered his head and looked at the bag, his eyes shining.

No need?

Already found your favorite jade?

How is this possible?

There are some jade carvings in the jade street in Jiangzhen City that are better than those in my store. This is simply impossible.

Boss Qian was stunned, dumbfounded, his mouth wide open, and watched the man in a suit and leather shoes leave, ready to turn to ask the other two young girls.

Seeing the expressions of the two young girls Wang Zihan and Deng Qian showing politeness but rejecting people thousands of miles away, they left an aggressive money boss.

Boss Qian's mouth widened. The original surprised complexion instantly solidified. He gritted his teeth and looked up at Cheng Yiping's newly opened jade store.

Although the boss is very clear, although jade carving is said to be the first in the entire jade street in Jiangzhen City, but the owner of any jade store in the jade street in Jiangzhen City will say the same thing.

And jade carvings, like antique calligraphy and painting, look at people very much. Some people see it right and buy it when they like it. Some people sniff it if they don't like it or don't like it.

But Mr. Qian is very confident. The jade works in his home are absolutely fine in the jade street of Jiangzhen City. Will the newly opened jade shop be more exquisite than his own jade?

how can that be?

I really want to see the works in this newly opened jade shop. Is this not so exquisite?

Boss Qian walked in with his teeth. There is a companion who is an enemy. Blocking people ’s wealth is like killing parents. Boss really wants to see it and is interested to know what has happened to this newly opened jade shop. Human place.

This is a slightly elegantly decorated jade shop, which sells jade and a variety of jade pendants. In addition, there are no antique calligraphy and paintings sold.

Boss Qian could not help but sip it. With a mouth open, actually a jade shop actually opened in the street of Jade in Jiangzhen City?

It's really a treasure.

Mr. Qian smiled sarcastically and went in.

The first entry is a large counter. There are various kinds of jade on the counter. Mr. Qian took a casual look and found that this is just a very popular jade. The price is at most middle-class. And it ’s not too distinctive

With this kind of jade, you can also grab my money for business?

how is this possible?

"Hello, what are you doing? ..."

Just as the boss Qian sneered, while at the same time madly resisting, Cheng Yiping came over, raised his eyes, and looked at him in Chinese clothes. The boss asked Qian.

He knew this was the boss Qian, and he was the neighbor of the store next door.

Is it for military investigation?

"Hello, hello, this is your new store, so just come and check it out and introduce yourself. I'm the owner of Qian, and the Qian Baozhai next door is mine."

Although Boss Qian was full of resistance in his heart, he did a good job on the surface and showed a bright smile.

"It turned out to be the boss of money.

Cheng Yiping said insincerely

"Where? Just now I saw three guests going out from you and they all bought things. Congratulations to the boss. It will be able to open on the first day of opening today."

Boss Qian said with a smile on his skin, looking up and down to a level, this is just a very ordinary person, and it looks nothing special.

Why was it possible for those three rich people to buy jade in his shop?

Could it be said that there are no secrets in this shop?

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