Super Finding App

Chapter 1288: Lightness of life (1)

"This is over. Sure enough, opening a jade shop in Jade Street in Jiangzhen City is indeed a right choice. It is said that it will not open for three years, and it will be open for three years. The zodiac signs and more than 20 Buddha statues have already sold three or four today, which is enough to cover the rent for several months. In this case, as long as you find a reliable employee to look at the shop, I basically have half a year. Come in once, but there is no problem at all "

"After all, not everyone is willing to spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a jade carving work ..."

The sunset in the sky slowly came down, and the originally busy street in Yushi Street of Jiangzhen City gradually became scarce.

Cheng Yiping's newly opened store naturally also has a large number of people in and out, but the ordinary jade in Cheng Yiping's store is something like ordinary jade pendants.

It can basically be bought anywhere in the market, so it can be said that there are more people watching and fewer people buying.

On the contrary, the zodiac signs and more than 20 buddha jade carvings carved by myself on a flat mahogany shelf are well liked by people. After all, even ordinary characters can see at a glance that this carved work definitely belongs to Boutique.

It is fascinating to see and linger, but the same price makes everyone feel extremely expensive.

After all, not everyone who visits the jade street in Jiangzhen City is a wealthy man, so-called jade lovers.

Some people do seem to like it very much, but they haven't reached the point where they want to buy everything.

However, a lot were sold on this day, so after returning for a few months, let Cheng Yiping know how big this jade carving work is.

At the same time, I am sure once again that doing such a business is a really good choice, at least to relieve myself from the stress of life.

"No wonder, in this world, it ’s no wonder that some people say that now is the world of rich people. The richer the richer the richer, the poorer the poorer. Now that ’s what I want to do. It ’s just that resources are always concentrated in the hands of a few "

Cheng Yiping held a cup of freshly brewed tea in his hand and took a sip of light, revealing a bitter smile.

How can I now think of myself as a security guard at a five-star hotel a few months ago, I only go to work from 9 to 5 a month, 12-hour shifts, holding just a few thousand dollars, Misery.

Now, not only has he become a user of the super-finding app, but he also owns this jade shop. Not only that, he also opened a search studio in Zhenjiang. It can be said that the money is full.

It is with the money that I can open this store in Yushi Street, Jiangzhen City. I want to open it, and I do n’t need to consider the zero rent and electricity.

And I also learned Yuxi's top-level engraving technology through the Super Finding App. Even without thinking about the technology, doing business is a sea change.

It can be seen that human opportunities are sometimes the lack of this opportunity, the lack of this starting point of change

Even if you work harder and harder than others, if you lose this opportunity, it will be the same.

As people say on the Internet, a person's success is 99% sweat plus 1% inspiration, but this world's 1% inspiration is more important than 99% sweat.

If the world can succeed through hard work alone, there will be no poor people in this world and no losers.

Cheng Yiping yawned and stretched a long waist. Although he knew that his change today is definitely from the Super Find App, Cheng Yiping would never hand over the Super Ask App stupidly.

At present, the super-hunting app on the market is only a backup system after all, and only those who can control all the super-hunting apps will be in the hands of Cheng Yiping.

Cheng Yiping will never disclose it to anyone.

"The time of the day has passed, and I always feel that I have some decadence."

Cheng Yiping yawned, raised his eyes and watched the sunset fall, and shook his head funnyly. He really belonged to the kind of person who got cheap and betrayal. He got the Super Find App, changed his destiny, but became sentimental It ’s funny

Cheng Yiping shook his wild thoughts and yawned

Since today's day is over, then close it as soon as possible, anyway, this shop is level, and when and when to open it is up to your own interest.

Cheng Yiping is also very clear. It is easy to keep a business and difficult to open a store. It is not easy to open a store and stick to it.

"If you can find the right person to come and help me look at the store, then, otherwise, if I let myself stay at home every day, wouldn't that mean I'm stuck here again?"

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and thought

After a while,

Cheng Yiping pulled down the shutter door, yawned, and turned around. At this moment, the popularity of Yushi Street in Jiangzhen City has gradually become scarce. A large number of people in the scattered stalls have gradually returned, only There are few people who can come and go


As Yiping turned and was about to leave, I saw a little boy farting up and running over, panting, with an anxious look on his face.

Plop. He fell to the ground, climbed up, and hurried toward Cheng Yiping, not even taking into account the injuries on his body.

"Uncle Cheng, Uncle Cheng, please help me, please help me"

"It's you, Qian Gongming, how did you become like this? What the **** did you do to me?"

Cheng Yiping looked at Qian Hongguang running slightly in front of his eyes, and opened his mouth:

He really didn't expect that it would be Qian Hongming who would run over and helped him up.

"Brother, brother, my brother is missing, my brother is missing, Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng, please help me find my brother, help me find my brother"

"That's it. Is your brother missing? But how do you know I can help you find your brother?"

Cheng Yiping froze for a moment, then immediately came over, but felt a little strange and confused, even if he owns a super finder app, he can help people find things.

So how did this little boy know?

In an instant

Be a vigilant mind, just listen to the little boy intermittently

"It's the boss of the money, it was the boss of the money that told me, the boss said that Brother Chen, you can help people to ask, you can help me find my brother, Cheng Brother, you help me help me

Mr. Qian ...

Cheng Yiping froze, he really didn't expect that it would be the business that boss Qian introduced to him. In his mind, he couldn't help thinking of the ex-boss's belly-feeling, shook his head and looked at the expression of worry and despair in front of him. Qian Hongming

"Well, I see. If that's the case, then help you. What's your brother's name? By the way, do you have a picture of him?

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