Super Finding App

Chapter 1543: family

this is!

Yang Zi froze instantly, and a tear of wow flowed from the corner of her eyes like a burst of water.

Her eyes clearly saw that these more than 20 wooden puppets were very rough, but even these rough figures can still see Yang Zi.

The increase from her 8 or 9 years old year to year is similar to her.

Each of these puppets contains his father Yang Kaiyun's thoughts about himself.

For 20 years, the father had never forgotten her for 20 years.

My father had never forgotten her birthday, and Yang Zi cried in tears.

"What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Is it that these puppets don't look good? If you don't like it, don't watch it, or I'll throw it away for you, or I'll throw it away for you."

Zheng Yingying watched Yang Ziyu crying and panicked, her eyes were faint, and some tears appeared in her eyes.

The reason why she brought Yang Zi here was to please Yang Zi's thoughts.

Zheng Yingying is very clear that he only has Yang Lao's relatives in this survivor tribe. Although they are not related by blood, in the mind of Zheng Yingying, Yang Lao has long been regarded as his father.

Even after leaving the ship cemetery, she hoped to be with Yang Lao.

In front of Yang Zi, however, is Yang's biological daughter. Even if it hasn't been seen for 20 years, the blood relationship between father and daughter will always flow in the blood.

In other words, if Yang Zi disagrees, it is likely that she will be separated from Yang Lao. When thinking of this possibility, Zheng Yingying's face was panic-stricken and panicked.

The only thing she can think of is to please Yang Zi, who treats her as a sister. Perhaps she can still be with Yang Lao after leaving the ship cemetery.

For Zheng Yingying, Mr. Yang is his only relative.

Except Yang Lao, she has no reliance

Now Yang Zi burst into tears and suddenly made Zheng Yingying's hands a little messy, and she didn't know what to do.

Just ready to disrupt the more than 20 puppets, Yang Zi quickly said

"No, no, I'm not sad, I'm happy, I'm really happy, I want to take these people away, they are my most precious treasure"

"Mr. His Royal Highness Tang Xuanyu, the second princess, has been escorted by the escort, and I have also talked with Secretary Wang. Of the three warships, two will arrange for us, and the other warship will arrange for ships. The original inhabitants of the cemetery, of course, will also arrange some sailors and security personnel on this warship. If there is a problem, it will only be one warship and it will definitely not affect the other two warships. "

"But the situation of the original inhabitants in the survivor's camp is very obedient and obedient, and there should be no problems. After all, they also want to leave this ship cemetery, unless they do not want to leave here."

The cool Tan Xueqing arranged things and came to Cheng Yiping, raised his eyes, and watched the original inhabitants of the survivor's camp pack up things in his own home, obediently arranged neatly to the direction under this command. The warship went away and said.

"It's true. The environment of this ship's cemetery is so bad. As long as they want to leave the ship's cemetery, they will never mess up. In contrast, I am a bit worried about the mob tribe. This mob tribe knows by name A group of wicked people, if they do n’t believe it or have some other ideas, I ’m afraid it will be more troublesome, then it ’s up to you, Tan Xueqing, I want to report the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship attacked by the people of the mob tribe. After that, there were only fifty or sixty people. It should not be a problem. "

Cheng Yiping considered things very clearly, he wanted to solve all dangers and problems at the beginning.

"Rest assured, there are no problems at all, and you also know how much attention is paid to the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship this time. The military personnel on these three warships have reached hundreds of people, unless this thug tribe's People obediently surrender like the aborigines in the survivor camp. We can take them out of the ship cemetery together. If they really want to use strong, they will let them know that modern people are hot and cold. What's the difference? "

Yingzi said coolly, Tan Xueqing said.

Although there are not many words, Cheng Yiping already understands what it means

"I see, I understand, but then again, now it ’s really unfair to think about it. Like Yang, I have stayed here for a full 20 years, but when did the country send such a big one? The emergence of a large-scale rescue team to rescue them, on the contrary, the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship were in trouble. The entire nation of Blue Star was almost used, even Tan Xueqing's Ministry of National Security had already dispatched. Honestly, who said People are fair. How could anyone be fair now? "

"Fair? Cheng Yiping, do you have some jokes? How can there be absolute fairness in this world, only relative fairness, we should be very clear this time when the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship dispatched from Tang Dynasty, except for Tang Xuanyu The most important thing is that there are many dignitaries on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, and they may affect international relations. "

Tan Xueqing shook her head gently and explained

"Okay, okay, don't buckle any big hats, although I understand international relations, international and non-international relations, but I always have some uncomfortable feelings, but I hope that in the future, if any one of the people in Tiantang Kingdom has problems I am missing, I hope that by then I can safely wait for the rescue, instead of waiting here for 20 years like Yang Lao, it is conceivable that without our arrival, it is estimated that he would die in this ship cemetery in."

Cheng Yiping shook his head lightly and sighed quietly.

Although this is a bit cruel, it really is like Yang Lao. Who would remember Yang Lao except his daughter Yang Zi?

Will it be 20 years old to keep looking for Mr. Yang? Even if it is posted on the Internet, it has caused a lot of heated discussion, but the netizens are forgetful, and the people are also forgetful. After a while, they will be covered by other news and leave this thing behind.

Except for the relatives of the person concerned, who will look for 20 years apart from the family, it is simply impossible.

"This is why, after using the Super Find App to find people and find things, there is only the value of finding the loved ones, or the belief points are the most."

For many people, others are just others after all, and only family talents are the lasting existence for themselves.

When Yi Ping was thinking wildly, he looked up and saw Yang Zi stumbled over and ran over with a worried expression on his face, grabbed Cheng Yiping's hand and said

"Chen Xian, Mr. Chen is not good. Please go and see my father. Please go and see my father. He is not going, he is not willing to leave here."

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