Super Finding App

Chapter 1550: Amazing Super Hidden Object

How is this going?

How is this going?

What exactly is going on?

"How could anyone see us and how would anyone know where we were hiding? This is impossible, this is impossible, this is simply impossible."

Anthony had some aggressiveness, and he couldn't believe what was happening right now.

This is far beyond his imagination.

How could anyone know that he was hiding in the deepest part of this warship?

How could anyone know that it was hidden in the pipeline of the warship's power system?

how can that be!

"Anthony, what about Anthony? What should I do? What the **** is this? What the **** is this? Why would anyone find us?"

"Why would anyone find us, wouldn't you say that we would never be found if we hid here? Didn't you tell me that we would never be found by anyone if we hid here? It is safe here Is it? "

John Jones said madly.

At this moment he had thrown all the pots on Anthony's body, with some almost hysterical sorrow.

"Don't ask me, don't ask me, I don't know, I don't know, you ask me how do I know, you ask me how do I know what's going on?"

Some of Antoni was completely crazy, raised his head, bit his teeth, and did not emerge from the inside of the mechanical steam pipe, but said carefully.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

"No matter who we are, can you come out and have a good talk together, you should know that if I'm really dissatisfied with you, I'm afraid I won't talk to you as politely as I do now, directly It's completely possible to get you out. "

"And now I just want to talk to you well, I don't know if you can come out, and I have people you know here."

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

What does it mean that there are people here who we know?

What exactly does this mean?

Anthony and John Jones face each other, hesitant and stunned.

"Anthony, what should we do now?"

John Poor said with his teeth

Although he was more intelligent than the original inhabitants in the shipyard cemetery, in the final analysis, he was only a little clever. At this moment, he has completely panicked, and set his sights on Anthony, with some overwhelming. .

Anthony gritted his teeth, how could he not believe that his hiding place would be found, which is impossible at all, but the reality was already in front of his eyes, and he could not help but believe it, biting his teeth and saying

"Don't be afraid. What are you afraid of? Don't forget that there are still testaments on us. As long as the testament is in our hands, they will never dare to mess around. This old man will never dare to mess around."

"Think about why they would talk to us politely if they really knew our hiding place?"

"To put it bluntly, they have concerns. What are their concerns? There can only be one point, that is, the testament we have. In other words, he is worried about the testament we have. He is afraid to use us hard and is afraid. We broke or destroyed the testament "

"So don't be afraid. Don't be afraid, we still have the opportunity, we still have the opportunity, we also have the conditions and qualifications to negotiate with them,"

John Jones, who had been trembling, was so scared that he was trembling with light in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, that is, how do I forget this, we still have testament, we still have testament, as long as the testament is in hand, you are not afraid of Yang disobedience, unless he really Do n’t have any testament, unless he can really abandon it, but it ’s impossible, it ’s absolutely impossible ”

"Yes, yes, that ’s exactly right, so we do n’t need any fear at all. Even if we are scared, it is Yang Lao who is afraid, and we are old-fashioned and sincere. We have nothing to fear. We have the opportunity. So let ’s go out now and see who it is, what ’s the matter, and what dare he say to us? ”

The more Anthony thought, the more he felt right, with a surprised look on his face, saying word by word

John Jones on the side nodded heavily, the two looked at each other, then came out slowly, and planted out from the huge machine's air pipe.

The first thing I saw was a man they didn't know, with a faint smile. This was a man they had never seen before.

Behind him was a group of people. What surprised them most was the pale Yang Yang and Zheng Yingying who was supporting her behind him.

"You, how did you know that I was here? How did you know that I and John Jones were here, how did you find us?"

John Jones and Anthony were a little stunned, with dignified looks on their faces.

You should know that they stole Yang Lao's testament within the ship's cemetery, and they were sure that they had not been found by anyone.

But if that's the case, what's going on?

What exactly is going on?

Why can this group of people find themselves?

How can this group of people find themselves? What exactly is going on?

What exactly is going on?

This is where Anthony and John Joan are extremely depressed and puzzled.

This is too strange for them, why is this happening?

Compared to the doubts of Anthony and John Jones, Yang Lao and Zheng Yingying were more shocked, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

In particular, Zheng Yingying twisted her head carefully and looked at Yang Lao one by one.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang is real, it is true, all this turned out to be true, this person really found Anthony and John Jones here"

"How could he actually find Anthony and John Jones?"

"This suicide note was really stolen by Anthony and John Jones. Is this super finder app so amazing?"

Zheng Yingying's eyes were wide open. She has lived in the steamer cemetery for nearly 20 years, and it is not clear to her that there will be such a magical thing as Super Finding App in the world.

In other words, for her, the touch-screen smart phone is just like a celestial thing. How could she not imagine that this small smart phone is only used a little by herself, and there can be so many in it? thing.

It's so shocking, it's too much.

How could there be so many amazing things in a small smartphone?

This is what she didn't think about. This little mobile phone seemed to him more similar to some myth stories told by Yang Lao when she was a child.

The artifact inside is really surprising.

No one can imagine the existence of such amazing things as Super Find All ...

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