Super Finding App

Chapter 1556: Confusion (1)

"Li Xiaoxuan is absolutely right, we believe in Brother Li, we believe in Brother Li"

"Li Xiaoxuan is absolutely right. I believe that Li Xiaoxuan can lead our thug tribe to prosper in the ship cemetery, and can definitely take down the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, get food and women for us, and food and women for us "

"We believe in Brother Li, we believe in Li Xiaoxuan, we believe in Li Xiaoxuan"

Youdao is a guy with 4 gangs. Similarly, Li Xiaoxuan naturally has his own helper, that is, the minions he concentrated on collecting.

When these minions heard Comrade Li Xiaoxuan's declaration, they immediately shouted aloud, raised their hands, and under the effect of the herd, they quickly made a noise.

And once people have determined Li Xiaoxuan's ruling power from the heart, then Li Xiaoxuan can be regarded as a real foothold in the runaway tribe.

Li Xiaoxuan watched the thugs raise their hands, cheering for a bright smile on his name and grinning.

He felt that life had reached its peak.

He has become the leader of the mob tribe. Next, he will definitely defeat the survivor tribe in the ship cemetery, and then find a way to **** all the food and women on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship.

And he will build a huge empire in the ship cemetery, he will become the founding emperor of the ship cemetery.

When thinking of this wonderful place, Li Xiaoxuan couldn't help laughing and proud.

He felt his bright life was approaching him.

It took him a long time to lurk beside Carter for so long, and he had to shoot horses for a few years, and now it was finally his turn.

It's finally his turn to step on the stage!


Just as Li Xiaoxuan was thinking about his wonderful life in the future, there was a shout from the chaotic people at the periphery of the thug tribe.

The crowd gathered their eyes instantly,

Looking up, I saw the thugs slowly separated, and several men came over.

Li Xiaoxuan's pupils shrank sharply.

He clearly saw that the leader was an indigenous inhabitant of the survivor's tribe, but this was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that behind this indigenous inhabitant, there were five men wearing combat clothes and holding guns

how can that be?

How is this possible?

How could there be a combat suit and a pistol?

They are soldiers!

When the five men holding the soldiers were seen, the original inhabitants of the runaway tribe instantly came up with the words soldiers in their heads, staring dumbfounded.

It was absolutely impossible for her to survive in the ship's cemetery.

What exactly is going on?

"Look, you see, these people have guns in their hands."

"These people are soldiers, and the clothes they wear are completely different from ours. Who are they?"

"Retaliation, is it revenge, is it the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship to retaliate?"

"Impossible, impossible, if it was revenge, how could there be only so many people coming over"

"That is, that is, and they only have five people. What are we afraid of? Don't be afraid at all, so many of us can completely solve them."

"If you don't go up first, they can get rid of you with a bullet in their hands. I'll watch it for you later."

"Fart, why do you call me up? Are you afraid I'm not afraid of death?"

"Calm down, calm down, I think they should not be the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Don't forget that when we attacked the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, we did not find any people wearing these combat suits. Not at all "

"No, just kidding. If they weren't the soldiers on the Year International luxury cruise ship, then who are they? Is it the reinforcements we saw when we retreated?"

"Reinforcement, how could there be reinforcements? If there is reinforcements, wouldn't it mean that a new ship came to our ship cemetery in our ship cemetery, what is going on?"

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe talked wildly.

Don't look at their cruel personality, but it is definitely not a fool.

In the face of the soldiers holding the firearms, everyone shuddered. After all, even if they knew the number of the other party was relatively small, who would like to eat a gun? I am afraid no one was willing.

Li Xiaoxuan's face became abnormally solemn and ugly. I didn't know what was happening, and an unknown feeling flashed in my mind.

Raising his eyes, he saw that the original inhabitants of the mob tribe were looking at him one by one.

Li Xiaoxuan took a deep breath. He knew that he was now the leader of the thug tribe. At this time, others could counsel, he absolutely could not counsel, and said coldly.

"What kind of people are you and what do you want to do when you come to my thug tribe? Although the number of my thug tribe is small, if you think that five people can scare our thug tribe, let us submit impossible things."

have to say

Li Xiaoxuan was quite clever. In a short sentence, the original inhabitants of the thug tribe and his own chariot and the soldiers who suddenly appeared in front of them became hostile.

Whatever the soldier wants to do to the mob tribe, in the minds of the mob's original inhabitants, they will be considered to be against them.

But beyond Li Xiaoxuan's surprise, the five soldiers did not speak, but were armed with vigilant vigilance.

The leading man raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoxuan, then looked around at the original inhabitants of the mob tribe and said

"Original inhabitants of the mob tribe, don't have any misunderstanding. I'm not here to trouble you. On the contrary, I represent Yang Lao of the survivor tribe to provide you with a message."

"Is that what you want to leave this ship cemetery?"

Do you want to leave this ship cemetery?

A short sentence exploded in the minds of the original inhabitants of the thug tribe like a thunderbolt. They were stunned and their mouths grew large.

Do you want to leave the ship cemetery?

Just kidding, is this a problem?

Isn't this a problem at all?

Throughout the ship's cemetery, whether it is a mob tribe or a survivor tribe who does not want to leave the ship cemetery.

But who can ship a cemetery?

Can't leave at all, okay?

Li Xiaoxuan opened his mouth and asked.

"What do you mean by saying this? It is ridiculous to leave this ship's cemetery. Who wouldn't want to leave the ship's cemetery, but if we could leave this ship's cemetery, we would have already left, would we stay here? ? "

"Do you use this to humiliate us?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I'm here to convey Yang Yang's suggestion and a message that the rescue fleet of the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship has landed in this ship's cemetery. There are a total of three warships."

"And Yang has already negotiated with them. Anyone who is willing can log on to the warship and leave the ship's cemetery."

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