Super Finding App

Chapter 1565: Guess (2)

"You're called Li Xiaoxuan, do you think you made a mistake?"

Cheng Yiping couldn't help but take a few steps back because of the recoil of the gun. He lowered his head and looked at the hand with a slight trembling and shook his head, and quickly threw the gun to the soldier.

It seems that all the TV series are fake guns. The recoil power of this thing is quite large. It is impossible to shoot a gun and not even recoil.

"What do you mean by that?"

Li Xiaoxuan's face became more and more gloomy and ugly.

He managed to confuse one after another with the reinforcements of the mob tribe. At first sight, he was about to fall apart with the rescue team of the international luxury cruise ship Shuiyue, but he did not expect another person to emerge now.

Who is he?

"I don't mean anything. I just want to tell you one fact. First, whether you want to leave this ship cemetery does not make any sense to us. The promise to lead you away from the ship cemetery is entirely to Yang. In the old face, in other words, if it wasn't for Yang Lao's request to take you out of the ship's cemetery, to be honest, whether you want to stay here or not here, or that your life or death is completely absent for us. Any meaning "

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes while talking, raised his eyes, and looked at Li Xiaoxuan of the thug tribe coldly with a bright smile.

"That is to say, although you, human beings, have spent a lot of time in this ship's cemetery, it is indeed relatively pitiful, but a poor person must have hate, and now the opportunity to leave the ship's cemetery has been released. In front of you, but you do n’t believe it, then it ’s very simple, then turn around and leave, as long as you leave this warship and continue to return to the residence of the thug tribe of your ship cemetery, I promise not to If anyone comes to your trouble, we can leave this ship cemetery with peace of mind, you see, this is good. "

Are you kidding me?

Cheng Yiping's only thought now is to leave the ship's cemetery as soon as possible. After all, he misses Zhang Xiaona in the city. I don't know how:

But now Li Xiaoxuan is bewildering that the original inhabitants of the mob tribe have rioted. God knows whether this incident will affect the three warships leaving the ship's cemetery.

As long as there is any danger, it must be strangled in the bud.

Since Li Xiaoxuan and the original inhabitants of the mob tribe did not believe in the rescue team, they could just give up.

"You said to give up on us?"

Li Xiaoxuan was immediately aggressive, he thought a lot, maybe he hasn't really thought it is possible now.

He just wanted to stir up the disputes between the mob tribe and the international luxury cruise ship rescue team on the Shuiyue, and now it has basically been picked up, but the word that this person said immediately brought everything back to its original point.

"Yes, what I said was to abandon you. Since you are unwilling to take the warship, since you suspect that this is a trap, it is very simple. You can leave. Please be assured that it only takes three days. Once we arrive in three days, we will Will leave the ship's cemetery. At that time, all the sites and supplies of the ship's cemetery will be yours, but you will not be able to leave the ship's cemetery again, so consider it a bit. This may be your life. Last and best is the chance to leave the ship's cemetery. "

With Cheng Yiping's words, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe talked wistfully, with an uneasy look on their faces.

They were just a little bit excited by what Li Xiaoxuan said just now, and they started to struggle again at this moment.

"Do you say whether this person is true or false? If he is telling the truth, haven't we really missed the opportunity to leave the ship's cemetery?"

"No, I must leave this ship's cemetery. Even if it is the most remote opportunity, I will leave. I don't want to stay in this ship's cemetery."

"I want to meet my loved ones. I haven't seen them for 5 years."

"That's right, that's right. I think that's right. As long as there is any way to leave the ship's cemetery, I will leave the ship's cemetery. I definitely don't want to be here. Stay again "

"No, no, if it is a liar, we might be killed by the rescue team. Do you want to die?"

"Dead to death, I'm afraid of nothing. I'd rather be killed by the rescue team's gun than death in this ship's cemetery. At least, I die very peacefully, without any pain."

"Yes, yes, yes, I think we can still try it out. Anyway, in this ship cemetery we are waiting to die alive, but if what the rescue team is saying is true, we have a half chance. Can leave this ship cemetery "

"The probability of 50% is much greater than the probability of 10,000. I think it is totally possible to try."

"Yes, yes, yes, I think it's okay. As long as I can leave this ship's cemetery, even if there is only a 10,000 chance, I can never give up."

Between words.

The reinforcements of the mob tribe began to shake again, and the words were still full of suspicion and were tangled up at the moment.

After all, the most important thing for them is to leave the ship's cemetery. As long as they can leave the ship's cemetery, they think it is worthwhile.

Li Xiaoxuan's face became more cold and ugly, and he gritted his teeth and looked coldly at the front.

If his eyes could kill people, he could not wait to be called Yiping to kill them, turned his head and looked at the discussions, and it was obvious that the original inhabitants of the loose thug tribe had hissed and shouted loudly.

"Shut up for me. Shut up for me. What the **** do you think?"

"I am the leader of this thug tribe, you all have to listen to me, you all have to listen to me!"

"Can I still harm you? These people are simply scammers. He just wants to trick us all into warships and kill them! There is no such thing as a way to leave the ship's cemetery. You are all deceived. You are all deceived. "

Facing Li Xiaoxuan who was almost hysterical, one of the original residents of the thug tribe opened his mouth and said,

"But if this is true, if this is true, we can really leave this ship cemetery!"

"Nothing happens, nothing happens, as long as I am the leader of the mob tribe, you have to listen to me, I will never harm you, all of this is for us to survive!"

"There is no way to leave in this round of cemeteries. This group of people is a liar. I am the leader. You must listen to me."

Li Xiaoxuan scolded loudly, constantly emphasized that he was the leader of the mob tribe, and suppressed the original inhabitants of the thug tribe with the power and reputation.

Everyone's face was at a loss with confusion and a tangled look.

Li Xiaoxuan panted heavily, looking at the original inhabitants of the thug tribe who was quiet in front of him, a little thankful that he was still very prestigious, raised his head, and was ready to continue speaking, a faint voice came to his ears.

"Interesting, Li Xiaoxuan, if you say that, because you are the leader of the thug tribe, do the original inhabitants of the thug tribe have to listen to you?"

"" If so, how about you, the leader of the thug tribe, let me take it? "

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