Super Finding App

Chapter 1568: Duel (1)

Li Xiaoxuan took a deep breath and thought, the haze in his eyes flashed, and he looked coldly at the level that suddenly appeared.

If his gaze can kill, he will surely flatten his eyes to eight pieces, but he knows that he has no choice but to accept.

Li Xiaoxuan is very clear that he has just become the leader of the original inhabitants of this thug tribe, and has not enough prestige. The main thing is that even if he has thought through things, whether the duel with Cheng Yiping is the victory or the defeat They will definitely board the warship and leave the ship's cemetery.

And if you want to destroy on this warship, all you have to do is to defeat Cheng Yiping in front of you and win this bet.

As long as he can win a contract victory, as long as he can win a duel, he can place the original inhabitants of the thug tribe and the noble officers on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship on the same warship.

As long as he was on the same warship, Li Xiaoxuan had a way to use conspiracies and tricks, and eventually the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship fell apart, leaving the mob tribe to stay in the ship's cemetery.

The main thing is that he must also win.

Li Xiaoxuan is very clear that the leader in the thug tribe must be the most powerful, which is what people call the national customs:

For so many years in the shipyard cemetery, the mob tribe has long formed a method of selecting their own leaders. In addition to being hereditary, the main thing is that the leader must be the most powerful

Li Xiaoxuan just boarded the leader of this thug tribe. If he fails in a duel with He Yiping, it will undoubtedly be the greatest blow to his prestige. Even then, he will be able to board this warship. It is quite troublesome to think of some conspiracy and trickery to confuse people in the mob tribe.

The prestige thing is invisible and intangible, but it is very important. Having prestige can make others listen to yourself, but once you lose your prestige, it is more difficult to build it.

Especially now that Li Xiaoxuan has just landed on the indigenous leader of this thug tribe, and the foundation is unstable.

In other words, Li Xiaoxuan's duel this time must be successful, must he win?

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxuan raised his head and looked at Cheng Yiping gritted his teeth coldly.

"Very well, I bet this bet, but can you speak up? As long as I can win, you can let the original inhabitants of my thug tribe and the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship live in the same warship. On the other hand, don't play tricks or turn back when you do. "

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and looked slightly surprised at Li Xiaoxuan.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaoxuan still changes quite fast, does the brain turn quite flexible?

Turned his head and looked at Tan Xueqing, whose face was cold.

Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security nodded slightly and said

"What Mr. Cheng said was what we said. As long as you can really defeat Mr. Cheng and win, even if you live in the same warship with the reinforcements of the mob tribe and the noble officials on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship It's OK. "

"Okay, so let's get started. Don't think that you are someone from the outside world who can defeat me Li Xiaoxuan. I have lived in this ship cemetery for more than ten years, but I am one of the best masters among the thug tribe. There is no such thing as a rule here. Do n’t blame me for being fierce when you are dead. "

Li Xiaoxuan suddenly said coldly.

Fighting against each other in this ship's cemetery is quite fierce, and sometimes you can die for the resources and materials for living.

So there is no such thing as a so-called rule in reality, what is called a taboo.

Buttonholes, crotches, keyholes, etc. are all permitted in this ship cemetery category.

In other words, this is completely an unrestricted fighting, there is no referee at all,

"Rest assured, is there any problem, unlimited fighting? This is absolutely no problem."

Cheng Yiping got a little excited. Since learning Tai Chi and Jeet Kune Do in the help of finding objects, he hasn't really used it too much.

This time facing Li Xiaoxuan, the leader of the mob tribe, in the shipyard cemetery, you can try it.

"Duel duel, duel ... duel"

"Duel, duel ... oh oh"

In an instant

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe shouted in an instant, surrounded Cheng and Li Xiaoxuan, raised their fists and screamed like a beast, full of wildness and backwardness. At this moment, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe As if becoming an incarnation into a beast.

"Sure enough, people are a kind of group creature. Under what kind of circumstances, what kind of living group will be derived. Although the original inhabitants of the ship cemetery are modern people in the outside world, they are entering. After arriving at the ship cemetery, in order to adapt to the living environment of the ship cemetery, in order to survive, he became a tribe, and gradually tended to beasts, at least not in reality. In the face of the duel, he was inexplicably excited and roared. sound."

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently, raised his eyes, and looked at Li Xiaoxuan's fists in front of him in a fighting posture.

Li Xiaojuan sneered and moved her body. The coldness and cruel expression in her eyes rushed up.

Jeet Kune Do!

Cheng Yiping instantly twisted his waist and kicked out three times with the help of his power legs.

Li Xiaoxuan didn't have any evasion at all. He covered his chin with his fists, lowered his head, and withstood the three-legged attack with his own body, and then slammed into the muddy ground like a beast. on.

His hands and feet were locked into a flat hand in the form of a cross, pressing him to the ground, his face cruel and crazy.

"Stupid, it's really stupid, don't you really watch too much TV series and martial arts novels? Do you think that the fight between the two sides is your punch and kick? The real fight is brutal and cruel, As long as you are held down here and locked up, you will never have any chance of resistance. The duel has never been beautiful, but is extremely barbaric. "

What Li Xiaoxuan used was to break through the army with a single force. Regardless of whether Cheng Yiping used fists or legs, he did nothing.

Used to physically resist the enemy's attack, and then throw him to the ground. Fight fierce ground battles!

Ground war is the worst

But it is also the most difficult one to crack. Obviously, the ground is a leveling weakness.

Li Xiaoxuan pressed Cheng Yiping flatly on the soil, his hands and feet were constantly changing, his eyes revealed a crazy look

"Sure enough, really, this person in front of me has no experience in ground warfare at all!"

"He's not my opponent at all!"

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