Super Finding App

Chapter 1570: Object-hunting helps consciousness space (1)

[Super Finding App Finding Items Helps Complete Payment]

In the space of consciousness assistance, there is a bubble that is gently tapped by Cheng Yiping's finger. The faithfulness of hunger assistance in the mind quickly lost 500 points, and the painful Cheng Yiping almost cried.

It should be known that the acquisition of faith points today is not the same as finding value, and you can get hundreds of points at every turn. If you are looking for loved ones, you can get thousands of points.

Today's faith points can be said to be quite small. Even the faith points given by zealots can only reach 70 or 80 points at most, and it can be considered very rare to reach 100 points.

After all, what the Super Finder App believes that the finder is looking for is a joy of the finder to find the items, and the degree of belief for the Super Finder APP.

The level of happiness is still very clear, just like the search for the help of the Super Finder app at the beginning, but if it is a level of belief, it feels very strange and strange.

Because the thing of faith is really invisible and intangible.

However, in combination with the previous Super Find App, it seems that this belief point may be the most important thing of this Super Find App, and it may be able to achieve the so-called new god.

Cheng Yiping has no hope of being able to achieve the so-called new god, which is too far away for Cheng Yiping.

And now the most important thing for him is to leave the ship's cemetery.

With the explosion of this cannon. A consciousness was instantly transmitted to Cheng Yiping's mind

[Looking for help to find things ...]

[Undercovering consciousness space is open ...]

[Wish the seeker a smooth path. 】

next moment.

Cheng Yiping finds himself in an underground ring, all of his ears are filled with passion and blood, and his fist is waving, with a frantic look on his face.

I looked up and saw a round contest platform. The battle platform was stained with blood, and I saw two people fighting barefoot. They were fighting the fiercest ground battle. It looked as if two people were twisting each other. It is not too much.

But if you look closely, you will find that two people are playing against each other with very delicate joints. The swing and twist of each arm and each leg are extremely particular.

Both men are fighting for their strongest advantage to lock each other up.

Accompanied by the exquisite movement of one of the men, he clicked to complete the so-called death cross buckle. The brawny man who was caught by death was desperately struggling, but his face became more and more painful, more and more red, and he yelled, then fluttered. With a sound, his right hand was violently slamming on the ground.

This is admitting defeat.

But the man in front of him didn't stop at all. His hands and feet were accompanied by a clicking sound, and the man made a mournful wailing sound.

next moment.

The surrounding scene disappeared like smoke.

Cheng Yiping found himself in the competition field, and in front of him was an instructor wearing a silver mask.

"Would you like to learn ground warfare?"

Cheng Yiping heard the instructor's faint voice, just standing, Cheng Yiping can still feel the Xiao Xiao breath from the instructor in front of him, this is the creepy breath that has experienced the battle of life and death And the exuberance of qi and blood.

"Of course study, of course study"

If it wasn't for learning, how could it cost 500 points to find things? That's a full 500 points.

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"I do."

"Very good, seekers, since that's the case, let me see how much you know about the ground first."

The instructor with the silver mask slightly raised his head and said, then the speed came galloping like a tiger, and he would hit the ground in an instant.

this moment.

There was an ominous feeling in Cheng Yiping's heart.

and many more.

and many more.

How is this going?

How is this going?

I remember it!

I remember it!

In the past, when I was learning about object-finding help, I would personally see the power of this object-finding help every time.

Could it be that this ground ...

I want to ...

Thinking of this kind of horror idea, Cheng Yiping's hair burst and he was about to open his mouth. I saw that the instructor in front of him had thrown him to the ground, and his hands, feet and even his neck were strangled.

Cheng Yiping couldn't do anything at all, and sadly found that the Taiji and Jeet Kune Do that he had learned had no effect at all when the ground was deducted.

Compared to the ground warfare performed by the instructor, the ground warfare performed by Li Xiaoxuan is just like a child. It is not a level at all.

Cheng Yiping was struggling desperately, but it had no effect. A horrible and creepy choking sensation came from his arms and limbs. He opened his mouth, and just wanted to speak with the sound of bones cracking through the sky. Cheng Yiping sent a tragic mourning.

The arm was broken instantly, and the neck was snapped and twisted, just like a kite with a broken thread twisted aside.

next moment

Cheng Yiping's resurrection came over again, panting vigorously, raising his head, reaching out, touching his limbs and neck, and he was frightened. At that moment, he could feel himself as if he were being pinched. Like the ant in his hand, there is no room for resistance at all.

No matter what the resistance is, it has no effect at all.

This sense of absolute weakness is even suffocating.

It's like he is a bug entangled in a spider's web, and can only be allowed to be constantly destroyed by the enemy.

He looked up at the ground war instructor's face with a look of panic and confusion.

It can be imagined that this time he is only in the consciousness space. If he meets this instructor in reality, unless he can directly fight without ground fighting with him, he can be defeated by Jeet Kune Do.

Otherwise, once he falls to the ground and fights on the ground, Cheng Yiping believes that he will be pinned to death in minutes.

The ground warfare instructor wearing a silver-white mask was naturally unclear about the thoughts of Cheng Yiping. Even if he knew it, he didn't care about it at all.

"Looking for ground seekers is inexperienced. Do you know joint art?

A flat head shakes like a rattle.

Just kidding, if he knew ground warfare and joint surgery, would he still be beaten so badly?

Don't even have room for a backhand?

Is it ...

Sure enough.

The instructor with a silver mask in front of Cheng Yiping raised his arm gently.

next moment.

The surrounding scene changed, and a martial arts hall appeared with rows and rows of books.

"The seeker has zero theoretical knowledge of ground warfare, and starts to learn from theoretical knowledge ..."

I knew it:

I knew it would be like this!

Cheng Yiping fiercely patted his head. In reality, he can be considered to know a lot of things.

But in this space of finding objects to help consciousness, he is just as stupid as a pig.

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