Super Finding App

Chapter 1584: Finding Success

"He said that Anthony was really quite cunning. I said it was no wonder that we couldn't find where the testament was placed. It turned out that he kept the testament on himself and hid it. In the clothes "

Yang Zi picked up the testament that had fallen to the ground, and at the same time picked up the clothes that Anthony was wearing, which was unusually heavy in her hands, raised her head and said

"Generally speaking, if you place your will on your own body, it will definitely be accumulated. As long as you are touched, you will be able to see it clearly, but the security force is acting in the opposite direction. He uses this ship cemetery The inner clothes are quite thick, and these suicide notes are pasted on the inside of the clothes one by one, instead of being superimposed. Therefore, ordinary people do not feel the existence of the suicide at all, only the thick surface of the clothes is touched. Anthony is really very smart with the special fillings. If there is not a super-finding app, I am afraid that it is really smart, and the testament has always been in Anthony's clothes. "

Feng Zifan opened his mouth and said with a look of admiration. He lowered his head and stared at the Super Find App in his mobile phone.

At the moment, the page of the Super Hidden Object APP shows the sign of the success of the Hidden Object, showing an ecstatic look.

"Successful, successful, Super Finding App really succeeded. So, I can marry Yang Zi, I can marry Yang Zi"

Obviously for Feng Zhifan, he didn't care if he could find the suicide note. What he cared most was being able to marry Yang Zi, and his eyes were shining.

At this moment, Anthony fell into a weakness on his bed, with a look of horror on his face.

"This is impossible, this is impossible. Why do you know such a thing, why do you know that I hid my testament in my clothes, this is simply impossible, this is simply impossible"

Anthony's head was shaking like a rattle, which was something he couldn't believe.

My testament is hidden in heavy clothes stuffing, it is impossible to be found, and I have never taken it out to see it since I put it in my clothes.

How could anyone know?

What exactly is going on?

Yang Zi looked up and looked at some of the hysterical Anthony who shook her head gently and said

"Anthony, you have been in this ship cemetery for too long, don't you know there is something called Super Finding App?"

Super Finding App?

What the **** is this?

Anthony and John Jones were completely stunned. For them, in this rotating cemetery, it is already very hard and hard to work every day, not to mention that there is no mobile phone or technology in this ship cemetery. presence.

Who knows what the **** of this super finder app?

Of course, at this moment John Jones has no idea what these super finder apps are.

He considered more things, raised his head, looked with anticipation on his face and looked at Yang Lao, worried, and said

"Old Lao, Old Lao, all this is Anthony's attention, all this is Anthony's attention, it has nothing to do with me, you will not drive me off the warship, you will not drive me off the warship , I really want to leave this ship cemetery, but I really want to leave this ship cemetery "

John Jones spoke

Instantly put all the responsibilities on Anthony, with a look of anticipation on his face, he couldn't help but ask for forgiveness.

This is a completely understandable thing. After all, if there is this old testament of Yang Lao, they can have no fear. With the help of Yang Lao, they can threaten the rescue team of this international luxury cruise ship, even if it cannot threaten at least You can also get a life-saving hole card.

Now that the testament has been obtained by the other party, they have no cards at all. If Yang Yang drove him off the warship at this time, neither of them would cry to death.

Compared to both being thrown off the warship, John Jones felt that it was safest to blame all right and wrong on Anthony.

"John Jones!"

Anthony raised his head and grunted his teeth, his face ugly.

After all, the two of them are not so much a companion as a community of interests, but now that interest has completely disappeared, the two will naturally fall apart.

Mr. Yang looked at Anthony and John Jones with a complex look and took a deep breath.

"Enough, John Jones, Anthony. Do n’t worry about either of you. I took this testament back, but I promise you that I will agree. You just have to obediently talk to the original inhabitants of the survivor tribe Staying in this warship will take you out of the ship cemetery together. "

Yang Lao turned and left after speaking, Yang Zi bit his teeth and left the room together with Feng Zhifan and the staff of the three Ministry of National Security.

Suddenly, Anthony and John Jones were left in the small room, the two facing each other. His face was a bit ugly and the atmosphere was depressed.

"Father, you are really kind. If it were me, the two of them would deal with me like this. After I get the testament, I will surely drive these two people out of the warship and make them regret it."

Yang Zi bit her teeth and said that he thought his father would drive them out of the warship and made them regret.

"It ’s nothing. It ’s good to be good and to be good. The main thing is that Anthony and John Jones are, after all, just poor people. They only want to get a suicide note to leave the ship cemetery safely. They just do n’t believe it. That's it "

Yang Lao shook his head gently and said, with a worried and complicated look on his face.

He knew very well that everyone in the ship's cemetery wanted to be able to leave the ship's cemetery.


There was a sound of broadcasting from the entire warship, and the sound was clear.

Exciting news came from the warship's broadcast

"Notify all members, notify all members that the warship has been completely repaired and the warship has been completely repaired"

"After three days, after three days, please ask all members to return between their posts and rooms. We will leave the ship cemetery, and we are about to leave the ship cemetery."

"What? The warship has been repaired and we can leave the ship cemetery."

"The warship has been repaired, we have left the ship's cemetery!"

With this announcement, these three warships are like all people, whether they are noble officials or sailors, service personnel, or even the original inhabitants of the survivor tribe are excited, with a very excited look on their faces.

They knew that the warship had been restored and they could leave the ship's cemetery after three days. When everyone was so excited and excited about the news, he opened his eyes gently and had a surprise day on his face, but his surprise was not because the ship was repaired.

It's the faith-seeking page of the super-seeking app in your hand.

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