Super Finding App

Chapter 1590: Finding things with super-faith belief (1)

[Super Finding App is open]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding is Opening ...]

[Super Finding App is super sensibility, Yang Xun opens by mistake.

[Please ask the seeker to select the target in the mind.]

[Selecting Objects ... How to leave the Ship Cemetery]

[Super Finding App is connecting ...]

next moment

The bright and rotating starry sky emerged in Cheng Yiping's mind, and the deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

The golden light emanating from the one pupil shrouded Cheng Yiping's mind.

What Cheng Yiping had in mind was how to leave the ship's cemetery safely.

The page of the super-hunting app in the phone in his hand is accompanied by the synchronized update of the screen in his mind.

next moment

The soul in Cheng Yiping's mind appeared at the edge of the universe. A dark and bright starry sky, looking down, it was a blue planet.

next moment

The huge suction from this planet instantly attracted Cheng Yiping's soul into it, crossing the sea of ​​clouds, falling into the world, and a bang will place Cheng Yiping in the mid-air of the ship cemetery.

Look up

You can clearly see the condition of the entire ship cemetery.

The sky was dim, and lightning flashes and thunders appeared from time to time. Tornado storms all around the sky, vortexes and rocks on the sea sealed all roads.

next moment

Seng Yiping, who is the soul, raised his head, and he could clearly feel the changes in the whole ship's cemetery.

A tornado storm rose into the sky, and there was a heavy rain in the sky. A steamer appeared in the steamer's cemetery and marched on the sea.

The waves constantly hit the ship. As if hitting a leafy lone boat, as the owner of the waves went up and down, the vortex continued to pull the ship, the reef, stranded the ship seems to be firmly locked in the ship's cemetery.

After a while

I saw the tornado storm constantly rising into the sky, the tornado storm torn everything into pieces, pushing the ship forward.

Then suddenly a huge vortex appeared over the entire sea.

This vortex is like a funnel that continuously fills the surrounding seawater.

The powerful vortex force makes the ship unable to stop at all, just like the drum after the washing machine is turned on, continuously rolling in.

The ship, like the same leaf lone boat, was constantly engulfed and submerged into the depths of the vortex.

After a while

With a deafening roar, a water column rose into the sky.

The vortex incarnation became a water column, flying everything in the vortex into the sky, and the huge current even broke through the dark clouds in the sky.

In this huge current, the steamer broke out of the sky like a lonely boat.

next moment.

Flying in the sky like a parabola, penetrating the thick sea of ​​clouds, and even being able to see the beautiful scenery that is absolutely invisible on land, and then banged heavily into the clouds and fell from the sky , Across the sea of ​​clouds, banged on the blue water surface, setting off a monstrous splash.

Looking up, the sky is blue.

next moment.

The image of the ship slowly became smaller, smaller and smaller, getting smaller and smaller, getting smaller and smaller, borders appeared around it, and then lived and shrank to become a mobile phone.

And the owner of this phone is Cheng Yiping

"See, see, is this the way to leave the ship's cemetery? Is this the way to leave the ship's cemetery? It is really amazing, why do we not use the Super Finding App like now , It will look like a real scene like a movie, which is really amazing. "

"Shouldn't it be the same as before, just with a red sign and line?"

Ying Xue's bright Tan Xueqing's eyes bled, and she grabbed the cell phone in Cheng Yiping's hand, watching carefully.

At this moment, the ship with the red light inside the mobile phone was standing quietly above the sea. If it had not been seen with your own eyes, I would not have believed that they had told them how to leave the ship's cemetery like a movie.

This is really amazing.

"Yes, what's going on here? What's going on with Cheng Yiping? Why is this super-allowed app all marked with red marks and lines when we use it? It won't look like what happens in your phone. It ’s like playing a movie. Is n’t it easy to find the target? ”

Secretary Wang came over and took the mobile phone in Tan Xueqing's hand, Zai carefully watched, turned his head to look at Cheng Yiping, and was puzzled, this is really strange.

"It's true, Cheng Yiping. What's going on? What on earth did you do? This super finder app, our Ministry of National Security, has also conducted a very detailed study, and it has never happened to you. What happened? "

"What did you do? Why hasn't this happened before?"

That's for sure, you certainly don't.

Cheng Yiping moved in his heart, raised his head, showed a bright smile, shrugged his shoulders and said,

"Of course you do n’t know, this is the super-sense belief to find things"

"In this super finder app, there are actually three ways to find things. The first one is to find things by faith. It is also the easiest to use faith points. The second type is to find things religiously. No need for faith points, but they do The advent of the God of Finding Objects requires us to pray, and when the God of Finding Objects can come, this may not be the simplest, but it is also the most difficult method. "

"The third type is ultra-sensational object finding. It is a higher level of faith-seeking than belief-seeking. It requires abnormally many points. It can be said that it completely tells us what will happen on the road to find things. "

"The best way to show you how to believe in finding things and find what you are looking for."

Cheng Yiping said with a bright smile.

"Is it supernatural to find things? I still have this. Why haven't we discovered it?"

"No, no, wait, can super-sense belief seekers be possessed only by advanced believers? Can it be said that this super-seeker app also has hierarchical restrictions?"

Tanzi Qing, who was very cheerful and frowned, said with a frown.

Cheng Yiping's heart quickly turned off the topic.

"I don't think this is the time to discuss this issue. We used the Super Finder app to find the success of Super Sense Faith. He has already told us how to leave the ship cemetery. I do n’t think you need me next. What did you do? "

"I just want to remind you that although this method of super-belief belief finds things, it is not 100% complete, such as entering a vortex and rising into the sky, and then flew out of the ship. Cemeteries are self-evident if the hull is not strong enough, or if something happens in the middle. "

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