Super Finding App

Chapter 1610: Internal concubine (1)

The soul is on the edge of the blue planet in the vast universe.

next moment

From the azure planet, a suction force sent it through the sea of ​​clouds and fell into the world.

Countless clouds mixed with the descending wind passed through the body of the soul.

There are countless stupid and wonderful scenery between the sea of ​​clouds.

next moment

The soul slammed and fell to the front of a mountain.

Look up

This is a mountain that almost collapsed in half.

And this mountain, the landslide broke, the mountain was broken ...

The soul stepped in a virtual step, and easily passed through the rocks and gravels. The human-shaped symbol representing the object-hunting target in the eyes emitted a red light soaring into the sky.

It can be found even from a distance.

The soul clone didn't stay at all, striding through the rocks and walking towards the red mark

Just before I walked in front of people, I found out that this mountain peak seemed to have been exploded, and most of it collapsed, and even some people were able to see the sound of pain and sorrow.

Some corpses, which were crushed by stones under the mountain, heard the sound of terror in their ears.

"Zhao Qian, Zhao Qian are all your fault. It's all your fault. All of this is your fault. Wouldn't it have happened if you hadn't brought us to this so-called Yuzishan?"

"It won't happen at all, it's all your fault. If I die, even if I become a ghost, I will never forgive you."

"Liu Wei, is it interesting to say something? There is no meaning whatsoever, and Zhao Qian wants this to happen, not to mention, you even throw Zhao Lu down and steal it yourself, are you still not a man, are you Still not a man? "

"I didn't. It was because I was physically weak. It was really that I was physically weak."

"Enough, Liu Wei, I don't want to talk to you. I really don't want to talk to you. I don't know if you are really physically weak or you want to run away by yourself, but I really don't want to talk to you now. "

The sound from the soul avatar's eyes passed straight through the wall. For a soul avatar without a physical body, the wall had no effect on him.

Look up

I saw two men and two women acres shrunk in a broken cave.

The four men and women each obviously had injuries. Either arms or legs, and his face was pale.

Obviously these four people's environment is quite bad now.

"All of this is Zhao Qian's fault. All of this is Zhao Qian's fault. Why do you blame me? Think about it. If Zhao Qian hadn't brought us to this place, we would never have encountered such a thing, The two of us will not quarrel, this is all Zhao Qian's fault. "

Zhao Lu's face became abnormally dignified and ugly, and almost some hysterical Liu Wei growled.

"Enough. Enough. Just give me a break, give me a break. Zhao Wei, you did something wrong but you're embarrassed to say it? I didn't say you, but what do you mean now?"

"Yes, you are physically exhausted, and finally put me down, I can understand, but Zhao Qian immediately jumped out of the crack money to save me when he knew that I had fallen into the crack. Where are you?"

"You run away when you turn your head, you run away. You still have to say that it is Zhao Qian's right? If not to save me, Zhao Qian and Wang Yueshi will definitely not jump into this gap and will never be affected. The worst injury. "

Zhao Lu raised his head and shouted loudly. Zhao Qian, who was pale next to him, climbed up, fell and fell to the ground, his right foot was completely broken, and shook his head.

"Do n’t make any more noise, do n’t make any more noise, this time it's all my fault, it's all my fault. If someone can find out in advance that someone will blast with you on Zishan, I will never let us It's all my fault to come up the mountain, it's all my fault "

"What we are thinking now is to leave here a little bit faster and get rescued. If no one comes to our rescue, I am afraid we will not be able to support it for a few days."

With Zhao Qian's words, the atmosphere of the four people suddenly solidified.

Wang Yueshi leaned on the cold wall, her right arm had been broken, and she felt the pain in the bone.

"Zhao Qian, I think there was such a big explosion in this mountain. If someone should come to check it out, there should be a rescue team at that time. As long as we persist, there will be a rescue team."

"Yes, yes, Wang Yueshi is right, Wang Yueshi is right, there must be a rescue team, there must be a rescue team."

Liu Wei must have nodded like a rattle, his face pale and bloodless. Obviously, he really wanted a rescue team to come over.

if there is not

The consequences are simply unthinkable.

Zhao Lu's face was unusually pale, standing beside Zhao Qian, and carefully supporting.

Disgusted with his boyfriend Liu Wei

"Then what should we do now? Zhao Qian, you are the most experienced, what should we do now?"

Zhao Qian struggled to support his body

"What we have to do now is to save our strength, to see if we have any food and water, all of them are collected, and then we are waiting for rescue. I believe that if a rescue team comes, we will definitely come to rescue us and we will Come to our rescue

"In the case of being trapped, the most important thing is to ensure water and food. As long as we can live, everything will have hope.

As Zhao Qian said, he raised his head and coughed for two channels.

"What's more, let's not forget that there is also a super finder app, and a super finder app. I believe that if you use the super finder app, maybe you can find your way out of here.

"Super Finding App, I know I heard that people who rescued Tianruohai's Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Ship and Ship Branch Factory just used the Super Finding App. It is too powerful, but this Super Finding App is really Is it useful? "

"I have it in my phone, but I don't have faith points."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi said, she quickly took out her cell phone, and found that her cell phone was completely out of signal here.

Clicking on the Super Find App APP Faith Points Saying hello has no effect at all, cannot be used, and a crying face is suddenly revealed

"None of mine is useful, neither of mine is useful. I have never used the Super Hidden App. If I knew this already, I should also use the Super Hidden App to get a little more faith points."

Zhao Lu, with long hair like a lady, looked up, took out her phone, and showed a bitter smile.

"Don't look at me, don't look at me, you know that the Super Finding App has always been regarded as rogue software, I have never used it at all"

Liu Wei looked at the crowd and said immediately.

"Is this super finder app useful? Ghosts know if it's true"

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