Super Finding App

Chapter 1615: Losing money?

Zhao Qian used the city to find things

And because of this devotion to find things, Zhao Qian's light of faith has become a beam of faith, so I will agree with devotion to find things.

It can be said that as long as the piety-seeking is successful, then I will be able to obtain worthless faith points.

And all of this must have a possibility, that is, Zhao Qian must leave the place where he was trapped alive and complete his religious search.

But now it seems that if Zhao Qian continues to stay here, I am afraid that the final result will be self-evident:

Zhao Qian will die, or will not be able to escape.

Then the pious consciousness of my Super Hidden App this time will end with failure. If this is the case, it will be quite without any faith points, which means that the pious prologue of my Super Hidden App is completely failed. And the ending.



This is absolutely not possible!

If it really ends in failure, I will lose money.

In other words, we must ensure that Zhao Qian leaves safely. This is the most important thing.

So what exactly should be done?

Cheng Yiping frowned slightly, feeling a bit tricky. After all, he was in a place thousands of miles away from the so-called Yuzishan, and there was no way to support him.

To put it bluntly, the Super Hidden Object App is just a guide for people, and it is not possible to provide help in person:

This is absolutely impossible.

On the high-speed rail, he squinted and squinted, thinking deeply, took a deep breath, and said

"It seems. So the only thing I can do now is to help Zhao Qian by all means, at least he must rescue Zhao Qian"

"Only after saving Zhao Qian, can I guarantee the piety-seeking success of my finder app, otherwise this time it will be a real loss-making business, but if it is true, then I will What should I do. "

Cheng Yiping pondered for a long time, his eyes suddenly lighted up, his fingers slightly tapped on his thigh a few times.

"I did think of a way, but if I can succeed, I have to try it."

next moment

Cheng Yiping closed his eyes and instantly pushed the soul in his head.

The soul who originally stood quietly in the gap of the mountain raised his head, turned around, his body passed directly through the wall, and then slowly floated up. In the sky with Zishan, the seven-week scene can be seen in the eyes. It is clear.

Then he looked around slightly, and walked towards the town not far away. The whole body made a rapid leap towards the town.

The soul avatar instantly freezes at a place not far from the mountain just a few meters away, as if a transparent barrier appears in the space. No matter how the soul avatar advances, it cannot move half a step.

"Sure enough, it seems that I have taken something for granted. I thought I could borrow the soul avatar and leave with Zishan to find someone else to help. Now it seems that this soul avatar is in the state of the soul, but it has a distance. The restriction cannot be too far away from the seeker, otherwise the soul clone can be used as a spy, which is too powerful. "

On the high-speed rail, he sighed quietly, opened his eyes slightly, and had some irritability. He originally wanted to be able to find other people for help through the soul clone, but found that the soul clone was far away from the object. The distance of the person cannot be too far, and there seems to be a limit on the distance.

However, it is completely understandable when you think about it. The soul avatar can see everything around you, and even allow time to flow backwards. You can play back the time and scene of the item the seeker is looking for. It can be said that the function is quite inverse. day!

If coupled with the ability to shuttle without distance, wouldn't it mean that the soul clone can enter any place in the world?

Can you even see images of the past?

That's too bad!

After all, the Super Hidden Object App is to help people find things.

Whether it is super-sensational searching or the so-called current soul avatar is only a form of searching for things, in other words, whether it is a super-seeking APP or a super-seeking belief belief, everything is for finding things. Services are not used for other purposes.

"If that's the case, it's a bit troublesome. What should I do next?"

Super Finding App can only find things to help the finders. Now Zhao Qian gave his mobile phone to Liu Wei and others. In other words, unless waiting for the rescue team, Zhao Qian is absolutely impossible. Out of difficulty.

This can be tricky.

Since you can't leave this and Zishan, look here and see if there is any other way.

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, rubbing his temples with a headache, did not expect that I would help people to find things devotionally, or would I have to control the soul to find a way?

My God, who seeks things, really does it himself.

next moment

The soul distant in the horizon received Bing Yiping's thinking and turned around, looking straight for Yuzishan

The astounding discovery, along with the blasting and the collapse of Zishan by more than half, the original road had already collapsed long ago and turned into a hidden gap.

In these gaps, in addition to Zhao Qian and others, many migrant workers met here desperately yelling, looking for an exit, and on the verge of despair.

And there are some dead bodies under the rocks.

The tragic situation was extremely tragic.

Human greed is indeed endless.

Observing all this through the soul's avatar, Cheng Yiping sighed sighily, and looked up. Suddenly I saw a group of people at the foot of Mount Zishan hurried over.

The soul avatar flashed his eyes and moved forward.

"It happened, something happened, something really happened, something really happened, I really didn't expect that this and Zishan suddenly collapsed. This is too dangerous, this is too dangerous."

"What is the collapse of Yuzishan itself? It is simply the impact of the blast caused by the boss wanting to go up the mountain to find the so-called mine. What should we do now?"

"Hurry to save people, hurry to save people"

"Yes, yes, hurry up and prepare people to save people, hurry up and prepare to save people"

"Just kidding, there aren't many people in this mountain usually. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen, but don't kill someone, it will be troublesome."

The blast of the explosion with Zishan and the collapse of half of the mountain has long awakened the surrounding residents.

These people watched the black smoke rising from the sky and the tumbling collapse of Yoshiyama trembled, and immediately went to the government police station for help.

After a while, a large group of people have already arrived at the foot of the mountain.

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