Super Finding App

Chapter 1631: Depressed Robber (2)

Ruan Xintong hid carefully in the corner of the rotten tailgate, staring directly at the personal flat map of the rotten tailgate of the super-hunting app in the mobile phone.

It can be clearly seen that the white silhouettes marking the two robbers Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang have left the rotten tailgate, hidden in the entrance of the rotten tailgate, and stood quietly.

They actually left the rotten tail floor.

In this case, I will escape from the back, then I will escape from the back!

Ruan Xintong just prepared to escape from the rotten tail floor and stopped, looking at the personal flat map of the Super Hidden Object App on the mobile phone, with anxiety.

If the map of this Super Hidden App does not show where the two robbers are, he will really escape immediately from the main entrance, and the two robbers Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang will definitely be treated by the two robbers. .

Now that you know that the other party is waiting for him to fall into the trap, isn't he trying to die after falling into it again?

Ruan Xintong's eyes brightened. As soon as I turned around, I ran to the back door of the rotten tailgate. Since the other party was at the front door, I ran away from the back door. As long as we can escape the rotten tailgate, we can leave the two robbers Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang as far as possible.

If you escape to a place where there is a cell phone signal, you will be able to report to the police, and you will be able to turn danger into safety!

If it was the usual time, Ruan Xintong had no such confidence at all, but now it is different. The Super Find App in her hand gave her the greatest confidence.

At the same time, among the six major cases of Jiangzhen City, many police officers are intensively investigating the robbery of gun-carrying money trucks in Jiangzhen City, which is definitely a major case.

From the top to the bottom, it can be said that there is considerable tension and attention, and a lot of energy and material resources have been invested. In addition, hostages have been kidnapped. This is definitely a bad case.

"It has been 12 hours since the case occurred, and the hostages have been tied for 12 hours. So far there has been no news. The families of the victims' hostages have not received any mobile phone or other means of contact. See The kidnappers here are not trying to kidnap tickets and extortion. They are really just taking you hostage. This is the most dangerous. "

Wang Yuting, Group Six, raised his head. Her face became abnormally dignified, she knew that the faster the rescue time, the better, and the longer the time, the greater the danger to the hostages.

Raising her head, frowning at the map of Jiangzhen City, she was thinking about where these robbers would be hidden.

"Head, now a lot of police forces and manpower have been invested in the public security bureau to start the investigation. If I guess conservatively, I am afraid that these robbers will not stay in the downtown, but will stand in remote places. Those places will not be found in a short while, I am afraid it will take some time. "

Yang Tie, fiddled with his laptop, looked at the map of Jiangzhen City, and spoke about the entire search.

"Of course we know this, but the longer the delay, the more dangerous it is for the hostages. I hope that these robbers can be found earlier and the hostages can be rescued."

Wang Yuting said seriously


The phone's ringtone rang, she pulled out her phone, and her eyes narrowed instantly.

This was a phone number that she was both familiar and unfamiliar with, and he hesitated for a moment and then connected.

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng is really a rare customer. I didn't expect you to call me again. What's wrong? Is the holiday already over? Are you ready to come to work?"

"Oh, head, forget it, forget it, I'm just a police adviser, there is no need to go to work, this time I call you, I think you should know why "

"You know exactly where these robbers are?"

"It's worthy to be your head. I didn't expect that you would really hit it once you guessed it. There would be no surprise in this case."

"This is not a hard place to guess. You are a police adviser and you also have a super-hunting app. Although all people now have a super-hunting app, belief points are a huge problem. You I ’m sure you have enough faith points, and now you must be calling using the Super Hidden App to find the location of the robbers and even the hostages. If so, please tell me immediately ”

"Okay, okay, to be honest, you are really scared like this. You can guess everything clearly. It will be very difficult to be your boyfriend if you talk about the subject in the future. I ca n’t give you a surprise. "

A flat, lightweight sound came from the phone

"Gossip less"

"Hey, I already know where the robbers and the hostages are. I will use positioning to send them to you in a while, and give you a piece of advice. If you want to save the hostages, hurry up. I'm afraid I won't be late.

Wang Yuting looked that she had hung up the phone, her face became a little dignified, and Yang Tie hurriedly came over and said urgently

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Is it Mr. Cheng's call?"

"Mr. Cheng has used Super Finding App to know the location of the robber and the hostage?"

"If that's the case, that would be great. Rescue is urgent."

Wang Yuting nodded.

"Although I remain skeptical of the Super Hidden Object App, it is undeniable that this Super Hidden App does have a hand in finding people and objects, and it can indeed save a lot of time. Yang Tie immediately prepared the team members. , Once Cheng Yiping sent the location of the robbers, we set off immediately and told the team at the same time! "

After Wang Yuting thought for a moment, she began to speak.

She is very clear that although she can also take the team members to arrest the robbers, this incident will already have a very bad impact. From the top to the bottom, a special task force has been set up. It is no longer Wang Yuting alone. Act arbitrarily.

"Ok, no problem"

Yang Tie's head was just like a rattle. A few seconds later, Wang Yuting's cell phone heard a ding-dong sound, and he quickly turned on the cell phone, which was a well-located location.

"Yang Tie went to check immediately, and immediately went to find out where the location was. At the same time, he told the team about the news. We will now go to rescue the hostages and arrest the robbers."

Wang Yuting didn't hesitate at all, raised her head, her face flushed slightly. Excited said:

It is definitely a great achievement to be able to catch the robbers who took the gun to rob the bank and also kidnapped the hostages.

On the other side, the dim moonlight shone on this rotten tail building, looking more dilapidated and unbearable. Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang hiding in the bushes anxiously waited.

"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, this hostage hasn't come out so far. What's going on? She won't have run away?"

Waiting quietly among the dim bushes requires great patience.

Under such circumstances, people's sense of time will become abnormally long.

Although only a few minutes passed, it seemed as if half an hour had passed for those who waited, as long as an hour.

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