Super Finding App

Chapter 1657: Cheng Yiping's decision (2)

"But, Zhang Xiaona, this way you will be very dangerous. Although Police Officer Zheng just said that the two people who died were members of the same group of students, what kind of similarities and similarities are members, but there is no guarantee that the people who died below will be involved. It ’s too dangerous for us, even our own. After all, we really do n’t know whether these two people committed suicide or homicide, or were killed by ghosts. ”

Cheng Yiping's head shaking and rattle generally exhorted again.

What responded to him was Zhang Xiaona, with a stubborn look on her face, exuding an intellectual atmosphere, saying word by word

"Cheng Yiping, I know you care about me, but this is my job, and I will never flinch."

Cheng Yiping opened her mouth and looked at Zhang Xiaona in front of her, and found that she seemed to say that there is no use at all

Zhang Xiaona was able to become a well-known host of Jiangzhen City TV Station from an orphan, and now she is also the person in charge of the show. It is impossible to say that she has no dissatisfaction.

God knows exactly what she has endured, or for Zhang Xiaona to record the apartment in Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, is her job and a task she must complete.

Especially after the death case, Zhang Xiaona's confidence to continue filming and recording the program has been strengthened.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he scratched his head in annoyance. He didn't want to force Zhang Xiaona. After all, it was Zhang Xiaona's own charm. At first, she was attracted by Zhang Xiaona's unconvincing personality and the intellectual atmosphere on her body.

Thinking of here, he sighed quietly

"If you don't get it right, some of you will die in the week."

"Be assured, there is no ghost in Cheng Yiping, let alone the police have arrived. I believe there is an investigation by the police, even if it is impossible to find out the cause, even if it is finally determined to be suicide, there is no problem in protecting us. , Unless it is really the so-called ghost who dares to kill in front of the police. "

Zhang Zhaona's beautiful pupils looked at Cheng Yiping, and the words spoken were decisive.

But there was a look of joy in each pair of pupils.

No girl does not want to be able to find support when she is in danger.

Similarly, although Zhang Xiaona is very independent, she is still a girl after all. When she is in danger, she also hopes to find help.

Although Cheng Yiping in front of her can't be her 100% relying on her, speaking out of words hopes to be able to explore away from danger, which has made Zhang Xiaona very happy.

Only Zhang Xiaona knew that it was impossible for her to leave. This was her responsibility. The investigator, Fuzhou's first fierce house, whether there was a ghost in Xinglong Apartment, was her task of making a TV show on Jiangzhen City this time.

Until the recording is complete, Zhang Xiaona will never leave.

What's more, the death case adds a strange and terrifying atmosphere to Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

The more weird and horrible things are, the better it is for Zhang Xiaona. A program produced with good materials will definitely have this rating?

Although this is relatively cold-blooded, what television stations are after is ratings.

"Relax, rest assured, Mr. Cheng, Sister Zhang will definitely be fine. Don't underestimate Sister Zhang. When Sister Zhang gets angry, even ghosts will be afraid. I believe that there will be nothing wrong with Sister Zhang"

"And Sister Zhang is right. There is no ghost in this world. Two consecutive deaths in this Xinglong apartment are simply the best news for us. Although this is not fair, it is For the news media, this is indeed a focus. We are even more unable to leave. Instead, we need to investigate this matter clearly. It may be exclusive. "

Zhou Hui, wearing two ponytails, came over and looked at Zhang Xiaona's gaze with worship.

exclusive news

exclusive news

"I see, I see"

A flat and fierce patted his head and sighed quietly.

He certainly knows that as the news media, the first pursuit is ratings, and the second is exclusive news.

Think about the murder case in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, and the deceased still threw himself in the toilet and died. This gimmick alone can cause ratings:

As a professional journalist, how could Zhang Xiaona let go of such news?

Don't say that Zhang Xiaona took the personnel of Jiangzhen City TV Station to record the program this time. Even if it is not for the recorded program, such news will be collected and reported. This is exclusive.

"It's just that this exclusive has anything to do with me. I don't care about the exclusive but Zhang Xiaona."

Cheng Yiping patted his head quietly and sighed. He did not object to Zhang Xiaona for work, but if there is danger to life, then it is absolutely not allowed:

Thinking that Cheng Yiping raised his head and looked around, the similarities and differences between the lobby on the first floor of Xinglong Apartment and not far away, Liu Kexin, Li Yingjie, and Lu Weiliang were now pale and questioned by Police Officer Zheng Guoqiang.

Cheng Yiping's face became more and more cold, although I don't know if there is a ghost in this Xinglong apartment?

If there are no ghosts, should these two be accidents or commit suicide?

But if it was n’t suicide, accident was homicide, and someone killed someone in some way, it would be enough to show that there was a murderer hidden in Xinglong Apartment, the first murder house in Fuzhou.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he suddenly took a breath, and his teeth were snoring.

Although he knew it was just a conjecture of himself, no one knew if it would become a reality.

If there is really a murderer, maybe his target is a student of similar and similar spirits, but who can guarantee that he will kill without discrimination?

If other people become victims, Cheng Yiping can still say with conscience, they are out of luck.

But what about Zhang Xiaona?

Thinking of this may burst into a flat cold hair, his teeth are snoring. Take a deep breath and raise your head to look around.

"It's nothing, no matter what's going on inside, no matter if the two dead victims really died accidentally or were killed or haunted, the truth will be revealed if you find out the truth."

"Don't forget that I thought of it with a super finder app"

Cheng Yiping carefully hid his body in the dark, came to the corner, closed his eyes, and clicked the super-hunting app in his mind.

next moment

The bright and gorgeous starry sky is infinitely deep and far away.

A piece of text emerged in my mind

[Super Finding App Faith Seeking Starts ...]

[Faith for Finding Objects-Promoting Murderers]

[Super Finder App Super Feeling Faith Finder Connection ...]

[120 points lost in faith ...]

[Super Find Object APP Faith Finding Super Feeling Faith Finding Connection ...]

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