Super Finding App

Chapter 1662: accident? Premeditated?

With the help of the soul avatar of the Super Hidden App, Cheng Yiping has gradually figured out some of the things.

The cases that occurred in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, are undoubtedly related to the people of Jinglan University, who are also similar to Wang Jun.

Although Cheng Yiping does not know what role Wang Jun plays in this, so far, Cheng Yiping knows that Wang Jun may be the trigger of all events.

Cheng Yiping half squinted his eyes and touched his chin, his brain was turning quickly, while thinking about how things should be handled, in his mind the soul quietly followed Zhou Qiming and Lu Weiliang to the first murderous house in Fuzhou. The bathroom on the first floor of the apartment.

The surrounding scenes are constantly changing, and the soul drew straight through the wall and into the bathroom.

I saw Lu Weiliang simply went to a lady, and then waited at the door.

In contrast, Zhou Qiming ran into the innermost bathroom for convenience.

The soul clone walked straight. Through the door of the closed bathroom, Zhou Qiming came in and took off his pants in preparation for a big solution.


The lights around him made the sound of PASSASS, one dark one and one bright, one dark and one light flashing.

"what 's wrong?"

"It seems that the atmosphere of the first fierce house ghost in Fuzhou is really quite good. The toilet is the place where ghosts appear most often. I did not expect that the atmosphere in the toilet was so good. I have to say this Fuzhou The details of Xinglong Apartment, the city's first murder house, are really quite good. "

Zhou Qiming's trousers were half off, and he looked up at the lights on the ceiling above his head constantly blinking.

Obviously for him, he didn't believe in ghosts.

For the flash of light now, in Zhou Qiming's opinion, it is definitely the hands and feet of the owner of this Xinglong apartment, but it is just some gadgets, it is simply a worthless thing.

Obviously for Zhou Qiming, he did not believe that there would be ghosts in this toilet.

He also did not believe that weird things would happen here.

Even if Zhao Xiaotian died in the bathroom in front of him.

For Zhou Qiming, this was just an accident.

"That Zhao Xiaotian is really true. You said that he would take a bath and take a bath, and he would faint in the bathroom. Not only that, but the hair dryer would fall into the bathroom, and he would be electrocuted. An unexpected thing, but everyone else seems to regard it as a ghost event, it is simply ignorance to the extreme. "

"Although this is the Xinglong apartment in Fuzhou, how can there be ghosts to kill, even if there are ghosts to kill, how can they come to us? This is simply impossible."

Zhou Qiming shook his head while talking, and his pants were half off. Looked up


I saw the ceiling light dimmed, and then suddenly turned on, in front of his eyes there appeared a **** ghost full of blood.

The female ghost that went out suddenly scared Zhou Qiming's screaming sound, and her body fell backwards, looking up to see that the female ghost like a spider on the ceiling would keep climbing, and then swooped down to scare Zhou Qiming. Plopped and fell to the ground.

I just got ready to get up, but didn't notice that his pants had been taken off to half of his pants, hindering his movements. He fell Zhou Qiming directly, then turned around and thumped, and hit his head directly on the cistern on the toilet. Fainted.

The whole body slipped down, thumped, and smashed straight into the toilet lid, only to see that the water in the toilet drowned Zhou Qiming's nose, and issued a gurgling foam, after a moment there was no sound.

The surrounding lights flashed on and off, and the ghosts or smoke that had originally appeared disappeared instantly, and a loud knocking sound came from the door of the bathroom.

"Zhou Qiming, Zhou Qiming, are you all right? What happened to Zhou Qiming, are you all right? Are you all right?"

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out to be the case.

This is a coincidence too, right?

This is a coincidence too, right?

The soul stood silently, passing everything he saw through his mind into a leveling mind in reality, watching Cheng Yiping's mouth widened, and then holding his own temple, said weakly.

"No, it ’s a coincidence. Zhao Xiaotian can be said to be fainted by a ghost, and then the hair dryer fell into the bathroom and was electrocuted and died. Zhou Qiming also fainted because of the ghost. It ’s a coincidence that Qiao planted the toilet and was drowned by the living toilet water. What the **** is going on? ”

Cheng Yiping frowned. He always felt that things were too small and coincidental.

Liu Kexin's method of committing the crime is also too random. After all, neither Zhao Xiaotian nor Zhou Qiming died unexpectedly after being frightened, rather than an absolute 100% death.

There are too many uncertainties in it.

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping had more doubts, raised his head, and looked at Liu Kexin, who was being questioned by Police Officer Zheng, and frowned.

He felt very strange, but the soul avatar had told everything about Yiping, whether it was a coincidence or an accident. It is undeniable that Zhou Qiming and Zhao Xiaotian did indeed die because of this.

You can say he was accidental, but ghosts play a decisive role in this

If no ghost suddenly appears, then nothing will happen later.

Why does Liu Kexin do this?

Cheng Yiping is really very strange and confused.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping raised his head and looked at Liu Kexin again, and at this moment in his mind, his soul stood silently, as when Yiping looked at Liu Kexin.

Suddenly, the avatar's body disappeared like smoke.

A series of words emerged in a flat mind

[Super Object Search APP Super Sensation Belief Object Search Successfully Gained 3 Faith Points]

"Loss, loss, it really is a loss of business. The super-finding app ’s super-faith belief in finding things is based on the level of joy and devotion of the seeker to find the object."

"Now that I am the owner of this Super Hidden App, my devotion to this Super Hidden App is naturally the lowest. Similarly, I cannot have this belief in myself, so he can only get 3 points of faith. Compared to the 120 points spent, it is a loss. "

"But then again, it is worthwhile to be able to find the murderer of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. There is no ghost in this world. If there is a ghost, it can only be a human heart."

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